At this moment, Hongyin has already confused 903.

"All right!"

However, the president's voice slowly turned cold, and then he suddenly grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand.

"It turned out to be this place...I should be not far from my home..."

"Well... it's'll have to wait and see...I'll choose a swimsuit of your favorite you like to be revealing or conservative?"

"Huh... ah?"

Hongyin on the side has been stunned, " are going too...and you still want to lure?"

"No... I'm going too!"

Hongyin's originally defeated momentum immediately rose.

"up to you."

The chairman answered bluntly.

It seems that a certain lily woman's decision to only invite a certain man has been broken.


There are three women in one play, and Shacangfeng has left, but the two girls who are left behind can also set up a play!

Ps: New Year's Eve, everyone happy in 2014.The next chapter is the swimming pool event.Kempfa's world won't be long, so everyone can ignore a certain childhood sweetheart, she doesn't have a lot of roles.

Chapter 0210 on the swimming pool incident (two more)

swimming pool.Now is the hottest time of summer, so young men and women like to use the swimming pool to cool down.The crowd is just like that.

Because it is in the center of the city and far from the coast, most people still choose this largest swimming pool.

I have to say that the population base is large and the scenery is immediately beautiful.

It is said that there is competition and then there is development. The comparison is even better when there are more girls.

"Well...the back is good...but maybe it will be more exciting to put on a red swimsuit..."

"Well... the face is good... er... this figure..."

"This seems to be good too..."

It can be said that Ye Shenyue completely appreciated it all the way.In the swimming pool, except for boys, there are girls. Of course, he followed the girls.

"Tsk tsk tsk... what's so good about these girls... they won't be hairy at all..."

However, sitting on his shoulders, the cut-bellied tiger who pretended to be playing by accident but was really a doll said with a small fist.

A pair of people who are very suspicious of Ye Shenyue's aesthetics.

“…our aesthetics are very different.”

Ye Shenyue stared at it for a while, then looked at the fluffy animal hair on it again, and in the end could only come to this conclusion.

Nonsense, the cut-bellied tiger just thinks furry is cute, so the object it likes must be plush toys.

This is a white and tender girl.

However, just like the person who is standing on the bridge watching the scenery and watching the scenery is watching you upstairs, Ye Shenyue is watching others, and others are watching him.

"Look... that white and tender boy... he actually brought a little plush tiger... so cute interest..."

"|Actually, he looks so cute... He's white and tender... His skin is better than mine..."

"It' see..."


This word has become a taboo for Ye Shenyue.

"Sure enough... I shouldn't bring you here!"

Ye Shenyue immediately regretted it. Of course, he wouldn't scold those little girls, so he vented his unhappiness on Slicing Tiger.

Poor little doll.

"Huh... No... I saw... There is also a furry... It seems to be... a companion!"

However, the belly tiger still has no self-consciousness at all.The small eyes flashed, and then immediately called out. Because of the large number of people in the swimming pool, its sound was immediately covered up by the voices of the large crowd, so it is said that the tiger can speak unscrupulously.


Could it be that there is a dear friend as weird as him who also brought furry visceral animals to the swimming pool?

Ye Shenyue's line of sight followed the raised fingers of the cutting belly tiger, this is the perfect back view, the black sexy one-piece swimsuit tightly wraps the plump buttocks and the straight double peaks, S-curve Full.

This is a beautiful side.

If the girls I saw just now were young and beautiful, then at this moment they are sexy and tall!

Men like green fruits, but this sexy and mature route is also the most unforgettable, and Yagami has no doubts even though.

Ye Shenyue's eyes were slightly strange, because he looked at this side and looked familiar, and then his eyes slowly moved back a little, it was straight and smooth like a waterfall-like beautiful long black hairぉ It has grown to the buttocks and is very beautiful.


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