"I'm going to kill that man!"

Almost in an instant, a powerful aura erupted from the president's body, and then... the bracelet immediately became hot and dazzling.

At the same time, Ye Shenyue also felt that her wrist immediately became hot.

This is the blue Kempfah's bracelet, and the one on the president's hand is red.

The president was angry and immediately transformed.

The person wearing the two-color bracelet will become an enemy and automatically transform.

That is to say, if the president is transformed, then he will also be transformed!

Kempfa's candidates are always girls, and Yagami is a man, and it is impossible to transform, so it has become another form.That is... he will summon a girl.Let the girls fight.

It's just that this girl is Ye Shenyue's biggest love flower, an unbreakable love flower, a magician of the garden with the power of the garden.

He is the most powerful person in the world of Endless Garden.It's just that he committed suicide as such a powerful person. In order for the plot to proceed smoothly, he chose to commit suicide. If it was suicide, it would be fine. But this guy is his girlfriend, or one of his girlfriends. It's just that this girlfriend is a bit bad, accurate. The character is a bit bad, and then he was sent to this world by Alaya.

Another intruder.

Of course, now it's not a question of whether she is a rogue or a native, Ye Shenyue is more concerned about if this person with a bad personality and a strong possessiveness appears... and sees him naked now~ look like...


Definitely a scene of being dismembered.

So... Absolutely can't let the president be transformed!


Can't let love flowers appear!

"President... calm down... calm down..."

Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed the chairman's wrist.

It's a pity that the president at the moment is completely angry or there is only one thought in his mind, and that is to kill the person who insulted her!

The president has already... just as Ye Shenyue thought...


So... Ye Shenyue didn't listen to her words at all.

In other words.

President... He didn't even give him time... He directly transformed into a success!

I'm going!

Ye Shenyue hurriedly picked up her clothes that were still on the ground, and quickly put them on.At the same time, a small magic circle flashed on the soles of the feet, no matter what, let's escape from this place.

Although he himself felt that this vague expectation was too small.


As soon as her wrist was hot, the girl with long black hair like the president who appeared in the air opened her eyes, and then stretched her fingers to pull Yashin Yue out of the magic circle.

As long as she transforms into Aihua, it will appear. As a big boss, will Aihua easily shoot him?

Therefore, Ye Shenyue was once again tragically pulled out of the space by Aihua in a way that violated science.

Aihua's beautiful and clear eyes have been fully opened, and she has looked at Yashenyue, who wants to escape, and... next to the president who is obviously not in a state.

"Looks like... something interesting happened. Did you annoy my cute little girl?"

"I wanted to run when I saw me. Could it be that I did something unspeakable?"

Aihua's eyes all fell on Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue raised her head, but her head couldn't react. When Aihua was forcibly pulled out of the space, he almost cried, but Aihua...why did she scold him?

Didn't he just throw a sharp sword and dismember him?

This... seems very out of line with the nature of love flowers!

Could it be that... the sun came out from the west? Ye Shenyue raised her head, and then... her mood instantly brightened.

Because the president was still disheveled just now, but now...after his transformation...he has become...well...put on his school uniform!


And he!

When I was in a hurry, I had already put on my pants and clothes.

Aihua's raping failed!

Since both of them are well dressed, naturally...there is nothing...there is no excuse for Aihua to go mad.

Fortunately fortunately.

Ye Shenyue almost felt like she was out of the game.But for now, there is still a chance for recovery.

However, at this moment, with a "touch", the door was suddenly opened, and a young and beautiful girl entered.

This is Shacang Maple!

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