This is absolutely an impossible task!

ps: I found that the president in the sky is actually a very cute character.

Chapter 0235

"Jump down!"

Just when a few people were shocked by the black-bellied president, the shape-defending senior who stayed on the roof had already pulled the glider with both hands and flew down from the top of the building.

It's really a shame that he has the courage to jump down, Ye Shenyue carefully stared at the defensive who was flying in the direction of the woods and has already estimated his combat value, um... It is much better than the quality of ordinary people, but night Shenyue was sure that he would be injured if he jumped like this, but he jumped anyway.

"Let's go over there to see...I don't know if the senior guard is okay..."

Ye Shenyue watched the crowd gradually disperse because of the disappearance of the people who "jumped off the building", and then saw that the president was holding Chu Yuan and talking about the benefits of insurance, the cold sweat on her back immediately took Chu Yuan, who seemed to be excited, away. .

Nonsense, because these two are different from ordinary people. Others participate in insurance to hope that the disaster will never happen. But what about these two?These two are definitely the kind who want money.

Ye Shenyue had already seen something terrifying in Miss Chu Yuan's red eyes.

"I'm just an ordinary person, so don't think about it anymore..."

Ye Shenyue looked at Chu Yuan's eager expression and immediately added, when he said this, his face was not even red, because Chu Yuan's eyes were about to turn into golden coins.

"Even though the insurance is valid but I only have one life..."

Ye Shenyue was already reminding them that if they wanted to get the insurance money, the price would be his life.If it's the president, then maybe... maybe ignore him, but if it's Chu Yuan...

As a childhood sweetheart... it shouldn't be so ruthless.

Sure enough, Chu Yuan's excited expression lowered slightly, after all, she still has a conscience.

If the money is exchanged at the cost of life...then it is spent...and it can't be spent.

" turns out to be an ordinary person..."

It's just that the president at this time sighed for a while. "The president didn't know that a man with a terrifying aura of lust and wolf all over his body would be an ordinary person... Sakurai-san, can you tell the president what an ordinary person is?"

The president covered his face with one hand and said.


Well, it's better not to speak at this time.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue has great admiration for the shape-defending senior who has already landed in the woods on a glider and was injured. He must have suffered a lot from being a childhood sweetheart with such a president. cry.

Well, cry instead of bitterness.

As the sun sets in the west, the setting sun that is about to sink emits a faint radiance of enchanting people, the elder who pulls the shadows of people walking on the road.

"You said, why does the shape-defending senior pursue the new continent so much, is there really a new continent in this world?"

Chu Yuan said and looked at the hand held by Ye Shenyue.

Although she was a childhood sweetheart, she did not take the initiative to hold her hand many times.

Sure enough, it was because of the confession in the morning...

Chu Yuan was thinking about it here, but in order to hide this, he said it casually.

"There are new continents..."

Ye Shenyue pointed to her finger, "Didn't Senior Defender also say it? There is something difficult to analyze in the upper part, maybe that is the New World."

"As for why he is so obsessed with the New World... I haven't studied it either..."

If he studies too much, he might even get some terrible nicknames, such as his hobby of studying boys, something even scarier than "The Soul of the Wolf".

"Is that so..."

Chu Yuan nodded, in fact, she was not listening at all and just answered casually.

On the other hand, there are some discussions of aunts or girls one after another.

"Look at it... That lustful wolf... actually dragged the little girl..."

"Could it be that he has already started! It's such a pity for that little girl..."

"Let's go, you will be pregnant if you are seen by Satyr Wolf..."


Ye Shenyue automatically filtered out those chattering words, but Chu Yuan didn't filter it out and still listened with pricked ears, um... It seems that maybe it's good to have the reputation of this satyr.At least the girls' eyes can be turned elsewhere.


Ye Shenyue didn't know what Chu Yuan was thinking, and she stopped in confusion as she walked down the path.

"what happened?"

Chu Yuan looked at him suspiciously, because as soon as he stopped, the arc of the hand being held became larger, even the stupidest person would feel it.

And Ye Shenyue's eyes are falling on the greenhouse on the edge of the trail. This is a greenhouse for growing vegetables. Next to the greenhouse, there are peas that are growing gratifyingly. It seems that love is very green...

"'s nothing..."

According to the plot, there should be a pure girl behind this greenhouse. Ye Shenyue remembered her, as if she was called Fengyin Rihelai.He is also a person from heaven, but he created his own avatar in the lower realm with the help of the dream device and then started a dream. Unfortunately, in the end, he was too excited to meet the protagonist and was hit by a car and finally the avatar disappeared.

Then he was transformed into an artificial angel by the Lord of the Sky and finally sacrificed in order to save the protagonist.

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