what happened?There was dirt everywhere, as if it was under construction.

"Clap clap clap..."

The dirt flew up, but it finally fell slowly.

Chu Yuan also saw an empty space. Yes, what she saw on the second floor should be Yeshenyue's house, but now... it is only empty!

It's not empty, but the walls on the second floor are gone, the house on the second floor is gone, the house... turned into ruins!

"Could it be... an earthquake!"

Chu Yuan jumped down without thinking.Directly looking for the figure of childhood sweetheart among the ruins.

Just why is this earthquake only in such a small area?


The deepest part of the rubble suddenly made a loud noise, and then two figures were revealed.

That's Yagami and Nimf.

Nimf was completely stunned, and Ye Shenyue was also stunned.

In the end, even Chu Yuan was stunned.

Because Ye Shenyue is naked at the moment, even Nimf is the same. She uses the time and space to turn the alarm clock a thousand times. This... This dress has long since disappeared. Of course, it flew away together and this huge house.

"Hello... Chu Yuan..."

Ye Shenyue was a little excited when she saw Chu Yuan jumping down from the upstairs nervously, but as soon as she made a sound, she realized that something was wrong.

"You...you...a beast!"

Nimf immediately squatted down with her body in her arms.

She finally found that the clothes on her body disappeared.

At this moment, she and Ye Shenyue were completely naked.

Both were naked young men and women...and then the house that suddenly collapsed.

It's easy to think of something.

And see this scene.Chu Yuan had already thought of the most terrifying thing.

"Hehe...hehe...haha...It turns out..."

Chu Yuan's face darkened instantly, "Originally... I thought... I thought you were not that kind of person... Hehe..."

"It's a shame I'm still worried about you! You are a beast...you should be held down by the house!"

"Nimf...you stay at my house tonight..."

Chu Yuan's speed was so fast that she couldn't see how she took out a large sheet, and then covered Nimuf's small body, while Nimuf wrapped the sheets. Because there were footsteps around, it seemed that someone who felt the movement was running.

And... it seems that there are still a lot of people, she is not naked and showy.

Moreover, although the house collapsed, 957 seems to have a place to live.

"Hey...Chu Yuan...I'm still naked...I don't have any clothes, can I... um..."

Ye Shenyue watched Chu Yuan aggressively pull Nimuf away, and felt a little anxious. He also felt that the crowd around him was crowding. If he was seen like this... If he saw that he was completely naked...

If it's because of Miss Yuko's "Soul of Sassy and Wolf", which is widely recognized as a Sassy and Wolf, he is seen naked again.


"I think...you need to come in..."

The police uncle must have said this to him in such a "kind" way.

So, at least let him get dressed.


"Are you... calling me?"


Seeing Yue Chu Yuan turning around, Ye Shenyue saw what was behind her, that was... that was... a huge thing called a killer's knife!

to be killed!

Somehow, in front of the completely blackened Chu Yuan, Ye Shenyue, who had recovered 50% of her strength, actually felt threatened.

In fact... Chu Yuan's true identity is also a person from heaven, so... even though she is only a clone, she is also a woman with powerful power.

Chapter 0237 President's invitation (two more for subscription)

"Where is... the Sakurai family's house... it just collapsed like this..."

"It should be an earthquake... What the hell happened..."

"I don't know where the others are... what a poor child..."

Neighbors finally came, lined up in a row of onlookers.

And Ye Shenyue was shrunk in the corner, or the only place that everyone didn't notice.

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