But he just lowered his head and felt his gaze, he was staring at him, was he looking at her?

"Ye... Classmate Ye Shenyue..."

The sound of her lips vibrating was so small she couldn't even hear it.

"Fengyin classmate, I didn't expect us to meet here... um... I've finished buying apple candy... I'll be leaving soon..."

Ye Shenyue wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw a little girl who wanted to buy apple candy, she immediately hid in the corner and smiled bitterly.

It seems that the name of his satyr wolf is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Blocking here also affects other people's business...

This kind of thing... actually happened to me.

"That...Yishinyue classmate...if you can, please don't call me Fengyin...call me Riwa..."

Feng Yin saw that he was about to leave and immediately gathered up the courage to call out.

"Sun... Sun and..."

Ye Shenyue's expression suddenly became very strange, because he remembered a short animation of a certain island country, which is also called Sun He, Funny Sun He Anime.

Although it is this day and the other day, it always feels weird.

"I think I'll still call you Fengyin... um... I definitely don't mean... I think Fengyin sounds better..."

Seeing the innocent girl's expression like she wanted to cry, Ye Shenyue immediately replied.


A touch of pink quietly dyed the girl's cheeks red.Feng Yin's face became very beautiful.

It's strange that time seems to stop at this moment.Ye Shenyue looked at Miss Fengyin, and felt more and more that she was pure and lovely.

It's a pity that there are countless resentful women entangled in the back.

"Hey...for you..."

Ye Shenyue turned back stiffly, and handed one of the apple candies to Nimfu, dyed it red, and then handed it to Chu Yuan. The last one was to Astraya. Destroyed that oversized marshmallow that could sell cute.


Nimf took it but snorted at him.

And the resentment behind Chu Yuan never disappeared.If it wasn't for an official girlfriend standing there, then she must have resorted to a sinful knife.

"Ah... Astraea, look... there's a lot of meat there..."

Ye Shenyue was heartbroken by Chu Yuan, and immediately grabbed Astraya's hand.

"What... meat!" In just a few seconds, the stupid angel had destroyed the brand-new apple candy, and immediately became excited when he heard Yagami's cry, and then walked in the direction he pointed.

There is a booth.

There was an uncle sitting in the booth, and at the feet of the uncle was a piece of cute yellowish-colored chickens.

I'm tired of fishing for goldfish, so now it's popular to fish for chickens?

The same net was used for catching goldfish, but the difficulty was increased.

But Astraya ran over with bright eyes, and then squatted down.

"So much meat..."

The stupid angel called out immediately, and kept the curious children away from her.

That's because the chicks are so cute and tender, but in her eyes they become food.

Such a chick... who can do it!

Not everyone is the president of the underworld who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

These two... seem to be really abnormal.

Miss Chu Yuan's vigilance suddenly rose.Especially when she watched Yagami Yue grab Astraya's hand casually.

Just now something happened.

That's when someone showed up.

Mayfield Masamikako, the president.

At this moment, the president of the guild made his debut, and it was more prominent than his debut. The flash of light that flashed from nowhere fell directly on her body.

"Welcome to the night market held by Tian Geng's house in May..."

As expected, the chairman made a high-profile appearance, "In order to give back to new and old customers, we decided to hold a special event at May Tian Geng's family, please take a look..."

The president picked up her small purple fan and pointed it to the left. There was a stall there. Although it was also a stall, there were countless pistols on display, which looked very realistic.A tall man sitting inside is a nightclub owner who has colluded with the president for a long time!

"It's called a shooting contest!"

"Don't worry, the gun is full of sedative bullets, so it doesn't matter, just shoot the gun, and whoever wins... will get a bonus of [-] million!"

Having said that, the president stopped, and looked at the restlessness below with the aura of a leader.

"Ten million bonus?"

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