It's just that now is not the time to put Astraea down and move her hands up and down or touch it, it's still under the eyes of Chu Yuan and Nimf on the way home.

Yagami didn't want to reveal too much of her nature before she got Nimf's reveal too much lust.

And Yashenyue felt ashamed about bullying an idiot.

So he could only try his best to focus on Nimf.

And Nimf is the same.

She was calmed down by what Ye Shenyue said, and the pudding purchase was postponed.

Because in retrospect, she really liked to eat snacks and watch the lunch theater, and her tasks were not completed.The face of the artificial angel... It seems that it has been lost in this way.

"Okay, okay... Since you said so, then I'll go there for the time being... Now you're satisfied..."

Nimf bit her lip and finally compromised.

"How can you be satisfied with this? At least you have to wear the school uniform I specially prepared for you... um... smaller than the smallest S size..."


"You are a pervert!"

Nimf finally can't bear it anymore, and Loli is not easy to bully...

Come back home.

The three-chamber tribunal should not be stared at by Chu Yuan alone, but the burning eyes of the other party made Ye Shenyue feel a terrible feeling.Because of Nimf's small play on the road, she went back to her room angrily. In fact, tonight's night theater was over.

On the other hand, Astraya was put into the room by Yagami Moon first, and now she can sleep contentedly no matter how she poses.

The only awake Ye Shenyue was facing Miss Chu Yuan who put a pile of money on the table.

Chu Yuan is still in a state of excitement, but the current state seems to have been temporarily cooled.However, those eager eyes were unprecedentedly hot.

At this moment, she was putting the money aside, and then said what "this way" is.

That is marriage!Now that you have the money to get married, you can get married!And by the way, you can also go on a honeymoon or something.

"Hey...Chu Yuan, I said this is too exaggerated...getting married now or something..."

It is not the first time for Ye Shenyue to get married or something, and she has even promised many girls to get married, but it is absolutely impossible for Chu Yuan to propose it now.

Chu Yuan is a childhood sweetheart, and he also likes her very much. She belongs to the type who has to take possession of her after kissing, not the president who already has childhood sweethearts, so Ye Shenyue can only retreat and ask her to kiss her sideways. Goodbye. type.

So it's nothing to marry Chu Yuan. After all, he has already kissed her. If Chu Yuan was a little tougher, he wouldn't have resisted.

However, marriage or something, absolutely not right now!

Once he's married, how can other girls kiss him?

Seduce a married man?

Under such a big hat, few simple girls can resist.

So to sum up, if you are married, the difficulty of the task will be at least 100 times more difficult, which is absolutely impossible!

so.Ye Shenyue refused, she could only refuse, but she couldn't be so straightforward.

"Chu Yuan, how old are we, it's too early to think about this. At least we have to graduate from high school first... and we can also use this period of time to slowly break in,"

These words are reasonable and reasonable, like the tone of the elders to the juniors who secretly tasted the forbidden fruit.

It's just that Ye Shenyue forgot one thing, that is... people who are in love are blind, and no matter how reasonable the reasons are, they will be obstacles in front of them.

"You really think I'm an idiot!"

Chu Yuan angrily bit Ye Shenyue's arm, but there was no bleeding. She didn't exert any strength, or rather was reluctant to exert herself.

This little detail made Ye Shenyue very excited. If it was the president or Lisette he met, he would not be happy without blood.

It can be seen that Chu Yuan... is actually a person who can be a wife.

"If we really have to wait until we all graduate, what if there is someone who can accept your identity as a satyr! And you want Nimf to kiss you or something... you beast..."

Chu Yuan's face instantly turned red, which was red with anger.

"Do you know that I'm so eager to get married... it's actually... it's actually..."

Chu Yuan's voice became excited, and it was difficult to speak.

"Actually, I'm afraid I don't want you, right..."

Looking at Chu Yuan like this, how can Ye Shenyue reveal her inner heart?Even though she has a killer knife that can be called a bug, she is just an ordinary girl who needs to be loved by others.

Everyone is vulnerable, and when he becomes the protagonist who can influence whether the other person can become strong and vulnerable, then this person must have fallen in love with him.

Ye Shenyue's expression softened, and she hugged the fragile girl tightly in her arms. "I won't leave you. Could it be that there are still childhood sweethearts separated?"

In the end, he could only give her a promise.If he can, he hopes that this promise can be fulfilled.

Chapter 0253 First Enrollment (two more)

the next day.

Put on a pure white shirt and a plaid skirt, and finally add pure white socks to be a standard cute schoolgirl.

"Little Nimf is so cute..."

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