But privately it has been changing.From Sakurai to Ye-kun, and now "Dear Moon-kun?"

Where did the "Yuejun" used for excess go?

Just looking at the title makes people think, and Ye Shenyue continues to go down.

"Dear Yuejun: It suddenly snowed today, and the president held a snowball fight on a whim, but now the president regrets it. I didn't expect it to be so cold in the mountains at night, so the president wants to end the game immediately. So you surrender obediently, and then obediently dig the hot springs. If you don't soak in the hot springs on such a cold day, the president will be sorry for yourself.

In addition, I would like to remind you that if you surrender, then the president will let Nimf kiss you, otherwise... the president decides to let Nimf live for ten years. Remember, it is ten years.


Signed: Enemy General Mayfield Zara Mikako. "

President...you bull!

After reading Xinye Shenyue, I finally know how to write and read the word "ox".

He surrendered just because it was too cold and wanted to soak in the hot spring!And if you surrender, you have to help her dig a hot spring!

What would he do with such a stupid thing?

will it?will it?


Only do this!

Because of Nimf!

The president made it very clear in the letter that if he doesn't surrender, he will take Nimf away for ten years, which means he won't be able to get close to Nimf for ten years, let alone get Nimf's kiss, then His mission could not be completed in ten years!

President's move... it's absolutely amazing!

But if he surrendered, he would immediately get Nimf's kiss.And if you don't surrender, let's not say whether you can win the girls' team, and Nimf is out of the game.

The president really didn't give him a choice!

This time, I am afraid that he is not only the public enemy of girls... and then he will also be the public enemy of boys!

Well, now is not the time to rant.


Ye Shenyue slammed the table, "All members gather!"

"Why... General? Didn't you say you should rest at night? Could it be that you are going to make a surprise attack?"

The unwanted men got excited.

Because of the sneak attack, he captured the record of the prisoner, so he can still make a contribution if he makes a surprise attack!

"Let's go out together, surrender! Surrender!"


Not only the boys but also the girls looked at Ye Shenyue in amazement, why did they suddenly want to surrender?

"Huh? Ah? General? You don't have a fever, do you?"

"Fever? I don't have a fever. If you have a fever, your whole family will have a fever!"

Ye Shenyue is ready to become the public enemy of boys.

Chapter 0264 Lucky Goddess (One More)


Countless boys were forced to go up Liangshan Mountain, or more precisely because they were defeated and forced to go up the mountain to dig hot springs!

The reason for the blame is because the general of Yashenyue surrendered, which caused the boys team to lose all, and everyone was forced by the girls to dig the hot springs together.Dig hot springs in the snow-covered mountains in the icy world.

"Where did Sakurai go?"

The popular man and the unpopular man looked around, but there was really no sign of Yagami, the general.

"Could it be that you surrendered and then ran away?"

"Impossible, now the punishment is based on identity, we outsiders are just transporting snow, and the generals should be digging inside..."

"Thinking about it... it seems to be comforting..."

"...Hey...boy...what are you talking about, hurry up and work!"

Just when the boys started to talk about it, the girls overseeing them immediately threw their whips.

"But...Yuichi...This chain is too heavy, do you want me to untie it for you?" A girl who oversees her work didn't know where to get the key to unlock the boys' anklets.

"Ah...thank you so much..."

Talking Yuichi is at the forefront of the popular men survey conducted by the chairman.Belongs to the popular line.

"Ms. Yuan... do you want a cup of hot water?"

It was another girl who was talking.

"Thank you so much, my hands have been cold since just now..."

The short-cut boy called Yuanta said with a smile.This girl is his girlfriend.

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