Unbelievable, unbelievable!

So... such a president would actually kiss him, actually...

Ye Shenyue has always positioned the president as a friend's wife who can't be bullied, but now...the president...you are making trouble like that, this is completely over the top!

"Sure enough, there is a little less color feeling..."

The president dragged Ye Shenyue into the hot spring, and then pulled his almost limp body to sit down, letting the warm spring water warm his body again. "Just like what Nimf said, as long as you kiss you, the cursed wolf soul will disappear little by little..."

"Ni... Muff..."

Ye Shenyue's short-circuited head seemed to see a breakthrough, so it turns out, the reason why the president kissed him was because Nimf said he must complete the task, "Thank you so much, president I didn't expect you to have this kind of heart to sacrifice yourself and save others...it's really..."

Ye Shenyue was about to burst into tears, and if he could help him, he would definitely not say that there was something wrong with the president's morality.This is already selfless dedication.

"Don't you understand?"

The president controlled Ye Shenyue's face with both hands.She got close to herself, so that Ye Shenyue's eyes could just see hers.

"The president said just now, it's not the person he likes...don't kiss..."

"Then this...that..."

Ye Shenyue's mind was short-circuited again, and he had a terrible guess in his heart, "Could it be... Could it be... President..."

"Is that the one... the president has fallen in love with you a long time ago!"

President Ye Shenyue's head soaked in the water.

Then lift it again after two seconds.

"Are you awake?"


Ye Shenyue's head emerged from the water, all wet.

"It's impossible..."

Ye Shenyue really can't think of it, and can't figure it out, "You should like the shape-defending senior... You 547 are obviously childhood sweethearts..."

"It's a childhood sweetheart, but... the chairman is not only a childhood sweetheart, Shouxing-kun, if you insist, you are also Chu Yuan... In such a small country, everyone is a childhood sweetheart."

"Um...that's right, but..."

But don't you have a crush on defensiveness?

"Shouxing-kun is a good person, a very good person, but he is just a good person anyway. As a friend, it is a good choice, but if it is a lover..."


This... this shouldn't be the legendary good person card!

Ye Shenyue put her head in her hands, he was about to be dazed by this unbelievable reality, what the hell happened!

I can't understand, I can't understand, what is the relationship between him and the president!

"Forget it, let's spare the Shouxing-kun first, the topic is back, and it's not the first time that the president has kissed you, why do you still show such an expression... It's really sad... The president is about to be killed by you. hurt badly..."


He has absolutely no memory of anything with the president, okay?

If he did it once, he would remember it as long as he passed the kiss, just like Ariel and the others, but if there was no response after the kiss, then it didn't happen and he forgot.

This... what the hell is going on.


little... little time?

Ye Shenyue looked at her suspiciously, what happened to him when he was a child?

"Hey... Yeshenyue, I just remembered that your last goal is Fengyin Rihe... To be precise, Fengyin Rihe of Heavenly People."

At this moment, a petite figure descended from the sky, and she slowly splashed down under the moonlight, and her transparent and beautiful wings seemed to be stained with the brilliance of the moonlight, making her extremely beautiful.

This is Nimf.

It was just about to fall and stop.

"Say...what are you doing?"

Nimf stood on the shore and looked at the two people in the water.

It's like someone who doesn't know anything.

| So pure.

Chapter 0266 The fourth person (one more)

so pure?

A very puzzled expression appeared on Nimf's face, as if she really didn't understand anything.

Just kidding!

Nimf is not innocent!

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