He was sitting on the left with Yuko beside him, and on either side of the spacious long table was the blue-haired fairy Nimf, opposite the foolish angel Astraea, and on the other side was Miyue Chuyuan and President Mikako.

By the way... why is the president here?

It doesn't matter anymore.

Because even Miss Yuko can come here, there is no surprise.

However, even though her aura was a few steps lower at the beginning, after a period of recuperation, the president finally recovered her calmness, "Jun Yue, you haven't said who this person is?"

"Ah...this is Miss Yuko, um...temporarily my store manager...I'm currently working part-time in her store..."

Ye Shenyue scratched her head and explained the cause and effect. Anyway, everyone, even the winged Nimufs, can accept it well, so he can accept it too.However, Ye Shenyue still tried her best to beautify it, saying that he was just a simple good family boy, and then was accidentally killed by an existence like God, and then he was constantly trying to become an existence beyond her. in the effort.Practicing in various worlds.

"So that's the case... It seems that your existence seems to have a blank period..."

The president thought thoughtfully, "That is to say... in other worlds, what you have experienced is the peach blossom calamity?"


What a sharp visual touch and feeling!

Ye Shenyue looked at the president with a guilty conscience. The president's back seemed to be covered with a purple substance, a thick layer, and even the eyes that seemed pure but actually polluted their hearts were stained with strangeness. color.

This is a morally questionable president.

"Xiao Ye, is this really the case?"

Chu Yuan also said excitedly, she is a neurotic person, but it does not mean that the president has pointed it out and she still does not understand.As soon as he knew that his childhood sweetheart was such a "playing girl's emotion", Chu Yuan finally reacted.

She didn't want to believe such a fact, but... there is really a lot of the existence that Ye Shenyue should have in her memory, and the memory of her childhood... is blank.

"Yeah, yeah...is that really true?"

In the end, even Astraea helped, and she didn't know why she, who only had food in her eyes, interjected.

"It seems that you are in crisis again... It's not easy to be the master of a good harem, because if you are not careful, you will enter the Shura field."

Yuko drank another glass of warm soju and looked at him mockingly.


Although this is indeed the case, but when Ye Shenyue was thinking about how to make them settle down suddenly, the ribbon wrapped around his hand suddenly fluttered, and then flew into the void, directly. It wrapped around the hands of the president and Chu Yuan, and the end wrapped around Ye Shenyue's hand was also glowing.

Then a time-space tunnel appeared on his right...

"This is……"

, The sudden emergence of the time-space tunnel surprised Yagami. He vaguely guessed something but still wanted Yuko to confirm it.

"This is your power to travel through time and space. I once told you that when there is a mutation in each world, the rules of the world will trigger the power to amend, and the selected person wants to get these powers. Time and space are then corrected, and your ribbon, although it does not have the power to traverse at will, but once it comes into contact with the medium of existence, it can carry out traversal."

Yuko lowered her eyes slightly and stared at Ye Shenyue.

"This world doesn't have the memories of their childhood. This is a new world, so you can choose to use the power of the ribbon to travel back to their childhood, and then maybe you can avoid such an Asura field."

"Could it be that……"

Yeshenyue rang out, classmate Aihua. At Kempfa's 3.5, Yeshenyue was almost wiped out by Aihua, but when he arrived in the world of Jueyuan, he left the memory of the two of them, but Aihua was everything. Can't do it anymore.

Because with feelings, feelings are the most entangled things in this world.

In other words... when he returned to his childhood... he established a bond for the president and the others... then now...

Ye Shenyue hesitated for a moment, then jumped back suddenly and entered the tunnel.

ps: The next one is two hours. 10,12,14,16, 12, [-], [-] until [-] is out.

Chapter 0275 Inadvertently inserting willows (six more)

The so-called tunnel is very stable, like a paved road. Yagami can reach the other end by walking slowly inside it, instead of passing through Yuko's pool every time she travels through time and space and then landing wet.

at last.

in the end.

The originally dark tunnel suddenly lit up, and even though the eyes could bear it, Ye Shenyue subconsciously blocked it with her hand, and then she saw the light. It was not so much the light that the body was illuminated by the gentle sunset. People will turn into the color of the sunset.

But a scene appeared in front of him.

Three little boys were surrounding a little girl, holding the tweeter in their hands.

"What an idiot, I'm afraid even knowing it!"

"Why don't we catch Mao Mao 07 and come here? She will be scared and cry..."

"Ha ha……"

The three children are only four or five years old, but the mind of bullying girls is so young, Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, he is not the savior, but looking at these three little boys is unhappy, girls are used to love rather than bullying.

This is the exact opposite of his philosophy!

"Hey...you guys!"

Ye Shenyue stepped on the shadow of the setting sun and ran over.

Then I saw the tears left in the corner of the little girl's eyes.

Bullying a girl is wrong, but making a girl cry is even more wrong!

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