The clogs stepped back, Kikyo looked down at Tsubaki who was lying on the ground because the shikigami bounced back, "I won't kill you this time, because it will make my hands dirty!"

Damn ^ The Black Miko was once again looked down upon... or rather, her jealousy became stronger.Women...that's the weird stuff...

"Kankyo, how are you!"

Ye Shenyue was waiting outside, and when she heard the sound, she saw Kikyo walking out, as if she was in a bad mood, and immediately went up to support her.

It's just that this kind of contact with Kikyo has been acquiesced.

"Hey... Night God Moon..."

Kikyo suddenly called his name.

"In the future... will I die unexpectedly?"

Chapter 0290 Bellflower's confusion (two more)

Died unintentionally.

Kikyo will die.In the original book, Kikyo was killed by the jealous, vindictive, possessive Naraku, and then put the blame on Inuyasha.

For Kikyo... her death... I'm afraid it's an unfortunate death.

Kikyo suddenly asked, could it be that she found something?Or... as a shrine maiden, she has foreseen her own destiny?

"You won't die horribly."

Ye Shenyue said in silence for a while, but Naraku would not die as long as he didn't do that.

Moreover, the current Inuyasha doesn't even have a shadow... and no matter how you look at the current development, he and Kikyo are developing in a hot and hot direction, so there is no love rival of Inuyasha... So as Naraku, he will not Jealousy went mad and devised a conspiracy.

"...Stop talking about that...let's go back to the village first."

Ye Shenyue nodded and squatted down as if she had become a habit.

Lying on Ye Shenyue's back, Kikyo looked forward with neither joy nor sorrow, she was recalling the curse of the Black Witch Tsubaki.She would die when she fell in love with a human man.

Human man?

Kikyo thinks about the curse of the black witch, Tsubaki... Don't you know?Your power is really too weak, you can't even see the demon power in Ye Shenyue that even Master can see. no longer purely human...

"Sister Kikyo..."

Back in the village, Kikyo had already got off Yagami's back, and stood side by side with Kikyo, and Yagami was guessing that Kikyo would act like he had nothing to do with him every time in front of his sister.

Shouldn't it be... a little faceless!

Does Kikyo also have this kind of shyness?

It's so bizarre.


Ye Shenyue saw that Kikyo's face had returned to normal, as if the sentence she asked would be fatal, but it just passed by in a flash.Just asked for a while?

instead of...

Feeling something?

Ye Shenyue was lying on top of Kikyo's house, could it be that he... really would do such a thing?This... is totally unreasonable, he has no reason to kill Kikyo.

But as a shrine maiden... Kikyo wouldn't say such things casually.

Yeah... I'm so annoying, I can't stand it!

However, at this moment, Kikyo appeared, wearing clogs and a shrine costume that would always fit so well, "Yashinyuki."

"Go to the deep mountains tomorrow."

Suizhe "Deep Mountain?"

Are there monsters in there?Or is there someone else who will ask Kikyo to get rid of the demon? ...

deep mountains.

The surroundings were quiet, as if the whole world was quiet.

"Wait here, I'll take a shower."

Another fight, Ye Shenyue and the others walked for a while and saw the river and said silently.

"Well... let me help you watch the wind."

Ye Shenyue nodded knowingly, but his lookout was definitely fake, and it was Ye Shenyue's nature to guard and steal or something.

If Kikyo bathes in the river, he will definitely be in the mountains above or in the jungle. As long as he wants, his breath can be separated by an enchantment, even Kikyo can't find it.

This time, however, it seems to have failed.

"Ye Shenyue, are you right?"

This is the sound of Kikyo.

It's impossible, he said that Kikyo didn't find it even after so many times.

"Come out...I know you're here."

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