Don't these stupid monsters know the atmosphere?Almost... almost Kikyo-kun just came back to his heart and made this mess!

Angry, Ye Shenyue is really angry this time.It's like having a dream come true right away and then suddenly there is a thunderbolt!

Who can accept this?

Not to mention that the girl's heart has been played with, even his boy's heart has been played with, okay!

When will these monsters not come here? If they come, that's fine. They even grabbed the red thread with one paw.

Isn't this what it is?

Ye Shenyue has never seen such a dead guy!

"Kiankyo, this is just an accident... The red thread or something... After I kill these monsters, we will continue to tie the red thread! How could the red thread of fate be cut off so easily?"

Ye Shenyue will show blood without any hesitation.

You abuse me a thousand times and I treat you like my first love.

It's definitely not the scene at the moment.

When the two idiot monsters who made trouble were cut in half by Ye Shenyue, they were still stupefied and didn't respond and were resurrected by Ye Shenyue.

Then when I realized what was going on, my body was dismembered again, and all kinds of pains pierced my body and my soul!

Repeat, repeat!

"No... no more..."

Monsters who haven't asked anyone are about to cry, if they get a chance to cry.

Left and right hand.

When the "snow flakes" in the left hand were cut off, they were divided into countless halves, and then the soul was also caught by the imminent goblin, but Ye Shenyue's right hand waved out, it was a natural tooth.

Bring them back together with the soul.Then what follows is not the joy of resurrection but the pain of being killed, and each resurrection will be divided into more parts.

Such a resurrection... No one wants it!

The monsters have regretted it. If they have the opportunity to come back, they will definitely die and not come here. It is really terrible. The jade of the four souls...even the jade of the four souls...they don't want it anymore!'s really scary!

What kind of power is this!Life is better than death!

"All right……"

However, when Yagami was still unhappy, Kikyo's hand was placed on his shoulder.Shaking his head towards him.

"Forget it... let's go somewhere else."

Kikyo had already put on the shrine maiden's clothes, and then carried her longbow and arrows that would never be lacking as long as Yagami was around.

"……All right."

Now the Kikyo is the one who needs comfort the most, Ye Shenyue nodded silently for a while.But the youkai, who was finally relieved to hear their conversation, raised his heart again.


" guys...know what to do! Eighteenth floor...or thirty-sixth floor hell to put them into different hells to know!"

The natural teeth in Ye Shenyue's hand pointed to the little ghosts who had already stood in a row after hearing the news of his tyrannical monster.

These are the messengers of the underworld, specially to collect the souls of the killed people or monsters.

But now, I have met Ye Shenyue, a monster who can even resurrect her soul, and she stood aside because of her fear. Seeing that Ye Shenyue finally settled down, she was relieved, and then... nodded desperately... if Ye Shenyue would slash them if she said the wrong word.

"……Let's go."

Ye Shenyue put away the knife and almost laughed at the pitiful appearance of these little devils, is definitely not the time to laugh.

"It's here...fortunately, fortunately..."

Ye Shenyue grabbed the red thread that was wafting in the wind, and then placed the two broken threads in the palm of his hand, one end was attached to his little finger and the other half was attached to Kikyo's little finger.

"Heaven doesn't deserve a lover. Kikyo... I will bring you a miracle. Who said that the broken red line can't be connected again? I'll show you the connection!" He was affected, but this is only an external manifestation. He has never been so nervous as he is now, repairing things or something, only his Guangdu, Guangdu is the ability obtained in the world of catgirls, which can repair and stimulate potential.


Even though it has been used so many times, Ye Shenyue is a little nervous this time.

Must... must be done!

The brilliance belonging to Guangdu flashed past, and the red line that had been broken in two actually regrew half at the break and then linked the two sides together, as if it was new.The new 5.5 stuff was born.


Although it seems to be different from the original one, but seeing the red line that has been connected disappear into the air, it means that the fate of the two people is firmly linked together, Yashenyue's heart finally let go.

Everything is back on track.

"Hey...I said...Yashinyue...Even if the red line is broken...then it's just fate..."

When Kikyo fell back into Yagami's arms, they sat down.

Kikyo heard a voice. "Maybe it's fate... just having it once is enough."

What she needs... is really very little.

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