Ye Shenyue lowered her head, Kikyo grabbed his arm, but her bright and peaceful eyes slowly closed.


It was just a lip-to-lip touch, but Ye Shenyue seemed to have been electrocuted, but this little pain couldn't stop his enthusiasm, this had been lingering in his mind these days before it appeared in front of him, and finally man in his heart


"How about it?"

Ye Shenyue did not kiss deeply. As a considerate and good man, he was a little worried that Kikyo would not accept it.After all, their progress in the past few months has been very slow.So just give her a kiss and ask her how she feels.

"It's as dry and rough as I imagined, barren but... very hot." The witch's voice was serious as if she was really evaluating, using her own personal experience to evaluate.


"..." Ye Shenyue strongly ignored the words in front of her!Never before has a girl described it like that, are absolutely amazing.

Then, there were no surprises in Ye Shenyue's unexpected initiative, and yes, she took the initiative to post it.

It seems that she has been waiting for this day for a long time, a single spark can start a prairie fire, and Ye Shenyue's initiative to kiss her may have turned on one of her "kiss" switches.


Surely he was overly concerned?In fact, Mr. Kikyo... is more active than him, and likes to be kissed more than him!

It's just the Miko-sama, don't you really know that wine is the poison of love and this kiss is the prelude to lingering?

Ye Shenyue is a bad person, like all bad children, when he gets what he likes, he wants more. Human greed is endless, even though he has the power of a monster now, it can no longer be called complete. the person


But no matter what, it's impossible for him to stop him just like that.

It's never been like this before, and now it's... I can't take my eyes off.

The heart speeded up the frequency again.Then his hands, his body began sinful desecration.

Even the snow lotus will be dyed black even the small flower of the bellflower now?

Kikyo's melancholy, icy expression is the most charming, and with that traditional witch costume, it is even more attractive, but now Kikyo with a little enthusiasm and fire has already entered his heart. .

It was an undisturbed night, and it was going to be a long, long night.

This night, in the tranquil water flow among the flaming red maple leaves, Ye Shenyue looked up at the sky, it was the swirling maple leaves, this night the maple leaves were like fire, but the fire was deep and deep. heavy affection, when he

When he woke up and couldn't believe it, he only felt that he had touched the body of a delicate girl who only belonged to him.

At this moment, she has become a woman, a woman who belongs to him only.Like he once said.

Chapter 0295 Inuyasha strikes (one more)

A certain unscrupulous student council president once said that once a certain "H" switch is turned on then it's going to be horrible.

This only applies to her and the secretary who have no morals, but now it is Kikyo who is facing the Kikyo, the Kikyo who is still a powerful witch even though she has lost most of her spiritual power.

It looks clean and pure, with a little sadness and a little indifference, but this is just what she needs to do as a witch or it is reflected because of her identity as a witch.

But now, she was originally holy and noble, but like an ordinary girl, after handing over her body to the other party, she started... As an ordinary wife, she fulfilled her own obligations.

Serving Ye Shenyue.

Not to mention that because of her identity as a shrine maiden, she couldn't be completely the same as an ordinary girl, but she had this kind of heart and already moved Ye Shenyue inexplicably.You know he's the one to take care of when he's with the other girls...

From food and clothing to body and mind...

But... Kikyo or Kikyo, there are some things she would still refuse.

Like now.


Ye Shenyue was sitting on the tree with his feet hanging in the air. He already fell in love with looking at this sacred-looking witch from a high place.

Perhaps there is a sense of contempt?Despise the power of holiness?

Is this due to absorbing too much demon power to become a half-demon and then making it a little distorted and abnormal?

Ye Shenyue would not consider these factors. At this moment, he was relying on the trees to look at the witch below.

"Since you're a witch, you should also be able to dance Kagura... Why don't you dance to me?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered Xiao Zhizhi's death. This childhood sweetheart also danced a Kagura dance. That dance was already perfect, but now Ye Shenyue wanted to see a real witch.

This is the most suitable witch to dance!

In other words, let the Kikyo dance!

Make a Miko dance for a man!

This courage is really big!

"The Kagura dance is a dance performed by priestesses who beg God's favor to make God happy..."

Kikyo's expression was slightly icy cold, not because she was unhappy with Ye Shenyue, but at war in her heart. Although she was already moving towards her humble and ordinary ideal of becoming an ordinary woman, the jade of the four souls in her hand reminded her. , and her shoulders still bear the mission. {Zhan ヒ Anyway, she is still a witch, or she can't get rid of her identity and power as a witch. She can only do this before the jade of the four souls disappears and will not be taken away by demons and monsters to endanger the world.

First the witch and then the woman.

"...Since you said that...I don't force seems that the black witch Tsubaki can seems interesting to make her dance unwillingly..."

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