So they could still understand the words "Kill Kikyo" on the ribbon.

Shen Wuhui was obedient and did not speak, because Ye Shenyue immediately turned black when she saw these words. Presumably what was written on it was not a good thing, but Kagura is different. She is a little different from the original book. That is her Her heart is in her own hands, so Ye Shenyue doesn't restrain her much like Naraku does, and she has an unrestrained and unrestrained temperament, so she just said what she thought of.

It's just that Kagura-kun did it on purpose, because she has been enslaved by Ye Shenyue for the past two days, so she seized the opportunity to fight back immediately.

"God music!"

The petite Shen Wu came over at once, the mirror in her hand emitted a faint light, and Kagura's figure appeared in the mirror, and then she was surprised to find that she couldn't move.

Both Kagura and Shenwu have their own unique power. If Kagura is the messenger of the wind, then the sister of Kagura is the messenger of the soul.Her mirror can collect the power of the soul, not to mention that once a person, even a monster, loses his soul, the body is a shell, and you can squeeze it how you want.

The only downside is that the mirror may be broken if too many souls are absorbed, which is more than enough for Kagura.

"I'll go to the sky for a walk!"

Yagami touched Shenwu's head, then walked over to Kagura's body, whose soul had already been taken in, and directly pulled her pure white feathers that she used to make her hair bun, and the feathers expanded immediately after blowing lightly. Carrying Ye Shenyue and Shen Wu in his arms countless times, he sailed to the sky.

"Hey...sister...let me out..."

Ye Shenyue went out to relax, but in the room below, there was still an empty body and Kagura-kun who was locked in a mirror.

It's all a case of talking too much!

It's just that Shen Wu has been taken away by Ye Shenyue, and the mirror is also left in the room, so... Kagura is useless no matter how you call it.

"Damn guy..."

The naive child's burgundy eyes are almost bloodshot, "I just wanted to tell the story and let him get angry..."

Kagura looks lively, but she is definitely not that kind of fool. In fact, she is very smart and very careful. This is indeed from the heart, because when she saw Yagami, the handwriting on the ribbon immediately turned black. She knew right away that this was a terrible decision, so she deliberately said it in such a high-profile way and then let Ye Shenyue get mad at her, maybe she could vent.

Really thoughtful good boy.

It's just that she is curled up at the moment, she is in the mirror, the mirror is like a void, surrounded by icy mist, she can't help hugging her shoulders.

"It's so cold in the mirror...I don't know when I'll be back..."

Kagura-kun is about to cry, she is the wind who longs for freedom and is now trapped here... It is definitely the biggest punishment for her.

So uncomfortable.

And the sky.

There was a wind blowing in the face, and the infinite joy that slid across the cheek and brushed the neck, as if all the troubles and discomfort were also blown away by this gust of wind.Ye Shenyue was lying on the huge feather, which was Kagura's thing and his master's thing.

And Shen Wu also lay down, but it was very comfortable, because Shen Wu was hugging him and leaning on him, leaning slightly on his side like he was holding a big fat bear.

It's really comfortable to have a loli in your arms.

The feathers don't fly too fast and the eyes are upwards to bring the blue sky into sight.

If Ye Shenyue put her hands and fingers behind her head, it would be as if she were on a green lawn.

He was thinking, or rather struggling.

The death of bellflower.

It's true... Kikyo definitely has to get a lunch box, because without her there would be no Kagome, and without her there would be no story fifty years later.

Everything stems from the death of Kikyo.This is an irresistible event.

Ye Shenyue looked at the thin clouds in the sky, and another person flashed in his mind, that is with beautiful purple-blue eyes, beautiful long brown hair, cute and charming, human and lady, but The character is bad but not broken love flowers.

The world of Endless Garden was also involved because of her suicide.

When Suobu Ye Feng traveled through time and space and came to her, she knew the cause and effect of the whole incident, and then she chose to commit suicide without any hesitation, because she shouldered the responsibility of being the magician of the Endless Garden, and then she had a look on her face. Before choosing to commit suicide, Smile still thought, "There are still two hours before suicide, should I beat my boyfriend well or go back to eat the puff pastry in the refrigerator" She is very free and easy, because she has a task, she shoulders the whole world.

If she doesn't choose to commit suicide, then there will be no follow-up world, time and space are linked together, if there is no future without her choice at the beginning, then there will be no Suobu Ye Feng.

Love flowers so free and easy...


Ye Shenyue's fingers suddenly moved and secretly exerted force.

"I can not do it……"

He really couldn't do it. He couldn't kill the girl he liked. If he did, it would be worse than a beast. Although he often compared it to himself, he couldn't do anything if he really put it in front of him. .

He is a person who would rather be killed... than go against his original intention, even if he has natural teeth and can resurrect Kikyo after her death, it is impossible.

Because, he wouldn't...he didn't want to, nor would he do it.

"Whatever mission it is... I... don't do it!"

Yagami suddenly tore off the ribbon that had the power to travel through time and space that was automatically tied around her left shoulder.

"At most, I won't be able to go back in the future! I just passed by here, and I don't care about his plot!"

Ye Shenyue called out directly, and then she was in a very happy mood.

"Kami no, go back first, and tell Kagura that we will follow our original plan, because I don't know when I will come back."

Having already made up her mind, Ye Shenyue patted Shen Wu's head, but when she was about to jump off her feathers, she paused for a second, pulled Bai Luoli's small body over, and then moved towards the girl with the Some sickly white lips kissed it.

"Clap clap clap..."

However, at this moment, the sound of clapping appeared in the sky, and Ye Shenyue looked strangely at the place where the sound came from, only to see that it almost fell from the feathers.

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