"Still pretending!"

Yagami is also courageous, or he originally came with the intention of bullying Oda Nobuyoshi, so Oda Nobuyoshi's appearance of pretending to be a girl is really unpleasant, Yagami Yue arrested Oda Nobuyoshi and then He scurried in through the neckline of her wide dress, but before he could feel anything, Shinsheng screamed.

"Indecent... indecent!"

At this time, no matter how strong the girl was, Yagami couldn't stand the act of putting her hand into her clothes in public, and Oda Nobuyuki burst into tears.

Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding.

Ye Shenyue pushed the glasses, it seems that there is really a big misunderstanding, I just wanted to punch a few times, but now it is judged to be a chest attack...

Yagami looked at Inuchiyo, then Goemon, and finally Ningning.The sight swept across the chests of the three girls as they felt uncomfortable.Then looked back.

"You... all have no breasts, why is this Oda Nobuyuki growing so well..."

"...you...what are you talking about! Discussing this in public...discussing such an important thing...well...bite my mouth..."

Goemon started covering his mouth again.

Loli, who can't speak quick words, really can't afford to hurt.

"No, Singer is here!"

Inuchiyo's gun suddenly stood up and looked forward.

"Singer... hurry up and save me! There are birds and beasts here, and he hit his chest!"

I don't know where the power of Oda Shinkatsu, who was hanged up, jumped directly to the ground, and then hugged Shibata Katsuya, the general of the Oda family, as if Yagami was hugging Yuko's thigh.

The only turbulent general.

"What? Hit the chest? Hit the chest!"

The Singer trembled all of a sudden, as if she remembered the unbearable past on the horse, but this time, she was full of strength after holding the weapon, "Take it away, take it away!"

God knows how happy she was when she shouted these words.

This guy may be subconsciously avenging his personal revenge.

So... don't mess with women who have big breasts and are not Lolita...

Chapter 0311 money is so money (one more)

Oda Prefecture.

Trial Tribunal.

"Ye Shenyue, do you need to deny what you have done?"

Oda Nobuna continued to use her body to pretend to face Yagami, although Yagami and her relationship were not too close, but at least now Yagami has committed a crime and belongs to someone who needs to be solemnly received.

"I didn't know she was a girl."

Yagami shrugged innocently. This was not a pretense but a sincere gesture. He really didn't know that Oda Shinsheng was suddenly turned into a mother.

But in this era when most of the generals are girls, it is really not a big deal to be a passerby.

"How could I not know? Oda Nobukatsu looks like a girl!"

Oda Shinna patted the floor at once, because she was sitting and there was no table, so she just patted the floor, but it didn't seem to be very strong.

"Maybe he was acting like that on purpose, and there's a saying in my world 'so pretty must be a boy', so I was misled, and...if it's a girl then why...why hers Are there so many girls around?"

"That's Oda Nobukatsu's hobby, 50 points."

On the sidelines, the one who was constantly fanning with a fan was Niwa Nagahide-san.She grades again.


In fact, she is a lily...


Ye Shenyue was speechless.

"Since you have nothing to say, then just kill yourself. Even a mere ashigaru molested and even molested Oda Nobuyuki. They will definitely be executed for the following crimes. In order to make your death a little more honorable, I allow you to cut your belly."

Shinna threw her beloved knife over, and Yagami picked it up at once.

Then put the knife aside, "This knife is too slow to fit. Hey...then who...pass me your knife!"

Ye Shenyue pointed to a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man belonged to Oda Nobuyuki's faction. He came to listen or put pressure on him. Shinna's mother was very dissatisfied with her daughter who had been wielding knives and guns since she was a child. , she wants Oda Shinkatsu to inherit the family even more.

Her short-sightedness, like everyone else, thinks Shinna is a fool.Well, ignorance is also her luck.

"...I'm not called hello, I'm..."

However, the middle-aged man was interrupted by Ye Shenyue before he could finish speaking, because Ye Shenyue appeared directly in front of him and took out his saber.

| "Sorry, my wish is one country, one city and one harem, and I'm not interested in men."

Ye Shenyue pulled out the dazzling knife, and then opened her stomach in front of everyone.The blade is raised.


Xinnai looked at Ye Shenyue and wanted to cut her abdomen, but she couldn't sit still. She ignored Ye Shenyue's bad behavior first, but she still admired her courageous behavior.

"I knew early on that you were not a man of very good character, and I am also responsible for bringing you here. This abdominal cutting seems to be a bit serious..."

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