Ye Shenyue looked at the gold coin in the center of the table and asked.


Inuchiyo shook her head, she said she didn't know, she was just a military commander who was not good at money or something.At the same time, the young girl Ning Ning also shook her head. She was only a young girl and had no experience in buying rice.It is good to be able to cook and cook.


As a senior member of the WTO... Actually, Goemon, who is active in the market, replied.

"One? Hehe... Is one?"

You are really ruthless, Xinnai. Originally, Niwa Nagahide said that he bought [-] shi of food for [-] shi, but Xin Nai only gave him one, which is the money to buy [-] shi of food!

Take one as eight thousand?

You think money is so easy to make money!

But as the saying goes, there are policies above and countermeasures below.

Since Xinnai is so cruel, I am also a little more cruel.

"Inuchiyo, your spear skills... er... guns don't seem very good... so... Goemon, come and cut this gold coin into as many pieces as you can!"


Goemon looked at Yagami in a strange way, his big eyes filled with a strange expression.There was only one gold coin left, wouldn't it be a complete waste if it was cut!

"Well...that's it...don't you say you can't do it?"

Ye Shenyue showed a suspicious look. "Indeed, such a small body doesn't seem to be a ninja..." "...It's really a ninja!"

Is it okay to be petite?You must know that she can be the boss, even though she is only the boss of a group of people who make soy sauce.

"Look at my..."

But people are forced out, and Loli is the same. After Yagami said this, Goemon couldn't be quiet anymore. This time, she threw the gold coins in the air, and then she was a small body. Quickly turning, five, ten... No, at least thirty kunai shot out.

Then the gold coin gave out a brilliant brilliance, which was the brilliance of being disintegrated.


The gold coins turned into powder and fell on the center of the table.

turned into powder.

"How is it? My ability is strong..."

It was a full blow just now, and then the gold coins turned into powder.

"Goemon, this time I'll show you what the ability of the boss is, what you just did was just the ability of a soldier."

However, Yashenyue pushed her glasses and said arrogantly.

"Now...I'm going to put on a great, magical money-making-money show for everyone."

Having two loli and a young girl do it, Ye Shenyue divided the powder of the gold coins into N powder, and then sat down.

"This is the most magical performance, but it needs a kiss from a pure girl to continue. Hmm... Ning Ning, come here and kiss me."

...... In fact, Ye Shenyue's performance is Guangdu, Guangdu has the ability to restore and also has the power to stimulate potential. If you say... If you can repair the house, then if you divide the gold coins into innumerable parts and restore them individually to stimulate their potential If so, it might become a new gold coin!

The ability to blow the sky.


As a young girl and she was already betrothed by her grandfather... So Ning Ning was still very good, then she came over with a spoon and kissed Ye Shenyue's profile face.

"Okay... Since I've got a pure girl... er... It should be a kiss from a young girl. Then... let's show up..."

Ye Shenyue put her hand on the table, "The gold coins that were made... Let me, Ye Shenyue, see your true potential... Gold coins... change and change!"

A radiance appeared in both hands. It was a gentle luster as if it was a mother's embrace. This was Guangdu, and the gentle radiance fell on the powder of the separated gold coins.

Then the powder of the gold coins actually started to solidify and then grew up. The gentle brilliance seemed to be a source of water, watering the gold coins, making them grow up little by little.

In the end, it turned into what it looked like at the beginning.


Gold coins, a lot of gold coins, at least hundreds of them!

"This is?"

Even Inuchiyo started wiping his eyes, is this a joke?

How is it possible... to produce so much money all at once?

"Old... boss!"

Goemon immediately called out, calling out the title of the boss.

"These are the power of a girl's kiss... But these gold coins seem to be too few, it seems that I need..."

Ye Shenyue spread out her hands, as if as long as he stretched out his hands, more gold coins would be produced.

"I...I'm coming!"

Ning Ning looked very excited.

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