Is this destiny?

Chapter 151 - Valentine's day (6)

When Felix heard Sophia asking him to touch her, for a moment, he forgot to breathe. But his shock lasted only for a moment. His eyes flashed from realization that she finally gave in. Finally, that wall she had between them collapsed. And he felt a sense of fulfillment… Like he won a large battle, and now right in front of him there is this beautiful woman, looking at him with eyes misty from alcohol and desire.

She licked her lips and Felix thought how that is the most seductive thing he saw in his whole life. Those lips which he craved for some time now were left partially open, waiting for him to claim them.

He inched toward her slowly, closing the distance between them, and his lips brushed against hers. It was a gentle kiss, like touch of a butterfly wing. She moved toward him wanting more, but he moved his head back. After a second he gave her another gentle kiss, and another, and another... each kiss increased in intensity gradually. Sophia whined in protest, she wanted to move faster.

"No rush... lentement*", he pacified her between kisses. Hearing his voice, she calmed down her raging emotions, and let him set the pace. Sophia wrapped her hands around his neck and laced her fingers in his soft hair. His one hand was around her waist while other traveled on the side of her body from her armpit over her waist to her thigh, and then back up again. He didn't touch any sensitive part, but Sophia felt that all her nerves are alert, and his touch sent currents through her body that increased her need to feel him more, closer, stronger.

His kisses intensified, and his hot tongue found its way inside her mouth.

Sophia welcomed him in hungrily, her grip on his hair intensified as they inhaled each other's breath.

His arm that traveled down Sophia's body stopped on her thigh, his fingers found their way under her dress, and he undid garter belt on her other leg. He grabbed lacy edge, and slowly pulled stocking down all the way. He dropped her stocking on the floor, and his hand started moving slowly from her ankle up her leg. Felix savored the feeling of her skin on his palm. For a while he was fantasizing about touching her and wondered how soft her skin will be. Now that he finally got to feel her velvety skin, he was not disappointed. It felt better than what he imagined. Everything about Sophia was better than what he previously imagined.

Felix lifted Sophia up and carried her to the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed and sat next to her, leaning over. His kisses decreased in intensity.

When she realized that his kisses are getting lighter, and his tongue retreated back into his mouth, Sophia whined in protest.

Felix leaned his forehead on hers and placed his index finger on her lips. Both of them panted. He struggled to lift his head and look her in her misty eyes.

Sophia desperately looked at him, her eyes darting across his face, trying to understand why he is extinguishing the fire that obviously consumed both of them.

He caressed her cheek with his slender fingers. "Ma chéri... **" he whispered. "Our first time needs to be special." He gave answer to her pleading eyes.

"This can be special", she implored, passion boosted with alcohol gave her boldness to speak up.

He regretfully shook his head. "You drank too much. I don't want to risk you regretting this tomorrow." Felix pulled a blanket and tucked her in. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, another one on her forehead. "Rest well. I will call you tomorrow", he said as he stood up.

When Sophia heard front door closing behind him, she let out a breath that she was not aware she was holding in.

She took several deep breaths before turning to the side and closing her eyes. Sophia felt a mix of emotions. Confusion, anger, disappointment, longing... her mind was not able to focus on anything in particular for longer than a second. But she was painfully aware that she wants that man more than she thought. Felix has the power to stir up unimaginable fire in her just by being close, and his every kiss and touch flares up her emotions and makes her lose herself. And he left. Just like that.

Under the influence of alcohol, she quickly drifted off to sleep.


Felix walked down the cold streets of Manhattan while internal battle raged inside him.

Regret: 'Argh! Why did I leave? Stupid! She was so ready for me. Why did I leave?'

Gentleman: 'No, this was a right decision. She was not thinking clearly.'

Doubt: 'But if she thinks clearly, I will not get anywhere! Can I make any progress when her ego takes over?'

Taking it slow: 'I will, I will... this is too important. She is important. I can't rush it and mess it up.'

Regret: 'Stupid! I could have my way with her now...'

Thinking long term: 'Yes, yes... and in the morning she kicks me out of the bed saying that it was all a big mistake... then what?'

Hope: 'I will call her tomorrow, and everything will be fine. We still made a big step today.'

Pessimist: 'Yeah, if she does not smack me first for leaving her hanging like that...'


At that time on West Coast, JoAnna was finishing her round of checking on post-operative patients in Franciscan Medical Hospital. She volunteered to work night shift because she does not have any plans for Valentine's. Shifts are 12 hours long, and her shift ends at six in the morning.

It was quiet during night shifts. Through the day they have surgeries, staff meetings, visitors, new patients coming in, while others are getting discharged, and the hospital looks very lively. However, at night it's quiet. Besides patients who are in their rooms, nurses and handful of doctors in charge don't move much through the hallways, and the hospital looks almost deserted.

JoAnna went to the resting room for nurses. The room was empty. She sat at the table and checked on her phone pictures that Sarah sent from Greece. JoAnna paid attention to Sarah's expression. Even in pictures she can see that Sarah's face is glowing. 'My baby sister is really happy.' JoAnna was smiling while going through photos for the third time when she got a message:

[Dr. Light]: "Come to my office."

JoAnna made a mocking face. 'Not even asking if I'm free.' She still stood up and walked out toward elevator.

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