Is this destiny?

Chapter 170 - What do I want? (5)

Patty went to one of the side rooms, and Sophia took a seat on a sofa and watched Felix as Nancy took his measurements. When they finished, Nancy went to the room after Patty, and Felix joined Sophia. In the meantime, one young lady came and brought drinks and snacks.

Felix looked around confused. This didn't look like a clothing store. Besides sitting arrangement and few mirrors, the large space was empty. And he didn't know what Sophia talked about with Patty. It was obvious that he is uncomfortable.

Sophia looked at him with a smile on her face. "Is something bothering you?"

"What is this place? She took my measurements, are they making the clothes?", Felix wanted to understand what is going on.

"Patty has premade clothes. Now they are doing alterations so that they fit you well. It will be done soon.", Sophia explained.

"What kind of clothes? I didn't pick any.", Felix was almost panicking. It was his first time in a place like this, unknown woman just touched him everywhere, and it's the middle of the night. The only comforting thing is that he is with Sophia and she looks relaxed.

Sophia found his expressions cute. "I picked for you."

Felix squinted his eyes. He wanted to say something but was not sure what to say. How can she pick clothes for him? Does he not get a say in this?

Sophia looked at his expression changing to even more confused, if that is possible, but she decided not to address it. "Have some cookies, they are tasty."

Shortly after, Nancy came with a bill. Without looking Sophia swiftly put her card on top of it and gestured to Nancy to take it away before Felix could react.

Felix protested. "This won't do."

"Why not? I let you pay for all kinds of things already. What is wrong with me paying for some clothes?", Sophia talked with a tone that didn't allow retaliation.

After short hesitation, Felix helplessly nodded. Letting her pay for few items is not a problem, right? And she already did it. It's not like he should make an issue out of this. Next time he will be faster.

Several minutes later, Nancy pushed out of the side room a large cart filled with all kinds of boxes, bags and suits on hangers hidden under protective covers. "Miss Hill, do you want to check them?"

"No need. Just send them to this address." Sophia gave her address to the woman and she immediately left to make necessary arrangements.

Felix was shocked. "All this? This really won't do."

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "And what will work for you?"

"This is just too much. How can I accept it?" Felix was panicking. He thought that she is getting few items, but that looks like a small mountain!

Sophia let him calm down for few seconds before responding. "These will be in my apartment. You can use them, or not."

Felix took few more deep breaths. "Can't we negotiate? You are doing things without asking me..."

Sophia straightened her back and talked with a straight face, "Did you ask me when you started sending me those flowers, daily? Did you ask me when you made plans for Valentines? When you took me rock climbing? No... you made plans and I followed along. How is this different?"

Felix was speechless... again. He didn't feel right about this, but he didn't know how to reason with her. In some way, she is right. But he is a man, he should do the planning and paying, right?

Seeing that he accepted this, Sophia smiled again. "Are you going to finish your drink? We should go. It's late."

They thanked Patty for the service and headed back to Sophia's apartment.


In the morning, Sophia woke up and lazily shifted her body in the bed. She looked around and noticed that Felix is not there. Her first thought was that he left. 'He escaped!' At the next moment, smell of food drifted in from kitchen, and she felt a relief that he is still in the apartment. She quickly freshened up and followed the smell.

Felix was making crepes. There was also coffee, juice and fruits.

"When did you wake up?", Sophia asked.

He glanced at her with a charming smile. "Early enough to run to the store and make breakfast."

Sophia smiled back. 'He is too handsome…'

During breakfast, Sophia's gaze was locked on him. He was not able to guess her thoughts, so he had to ask. "What is on your mind?"

Sophia thought for some time before responding. "All this is new for me. So, I'm trying to analyze."

"What is new for you?"

"The relationship. I was never in a relationship like this... I'm not sure how it is supposed to work." Sophia wanted to tell him that her only relationship was with Mark, and that was not a real relationship like dating... but she realized that this is probably not a good thing to talk with Felix. Which boyfriend wants to know about the ex?

Felix took Sophia's hand in his and smiled at a thought that he is her first real relationship. "It will work how we decide. It depends on us. There are no rules, it's no use talking about it. We will take it as we go. How does that sound?"

"I'm not used to deal with uncertainty. I like to know next few steps, as well as alternatives in case something goes wrong." Sophia admitted.

Felix shook his head. "That is not how relationships work. The only rule is that we need to keep communicating. Can you do that?"

Sophia nodded in agreement.

"Since we are talking about communication, how do you want me to treat you at work?", Felix asked.

Sophia froze. Is it OK for them to be openly affectionate at work? Will that affect anything? With Mark, they kept it hidden and it ended in a disaster. She does not want to make the same mistake. "What is your opinion?"

Felix was pleasantly surprised that she asked him instead of deciding herself. "I don't mind either way. Even if we don't talk about it, people will notice changes that can't be hidden."

Sophia thought about what he said. "Then let's do it that way... It's not something that should be put on a bulletin board anyway. But if anyone notices, we will not deny it."

Felix agreed with this. Some people will gossip, but there is nothing they can do about it. Anyway, who can say anything against the CEO?

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