Is this destiny?

Chapter 173 - It's not mom...

JoAnna made few more attempts to talk to Sarah, to warn her of dangers that are lurking anyone who plunges into relationship without thinking, but she could not find any more chances. Sarah was always close to Aiden, and it seemed that she is voluntarily surrendering herself to that madness.

JoAnna decided that she will talk to Sarah later, and she left Sophia's apartment, leaving Sarah and Aiden behind.

Two of them were having diner, when Sarah's phone rang. She glanced at it and saw that it's from Hill family home. Thinking it's her mom, Sarah picked up. "Hi mom!"

"It's not mom...", Edwards voice came from the phone.

Sarah was surprised to hear her father's voice. "Oh... uhm, just a minute..."

Aiden noticed Sarah's mood change and looked at her questionably.

She gave him a reassuring smile and went to the bedroom closing the door behind her. She looked at the phone and realized that she is nervous, her hand is trembling. She put the phone next to her ear reluctantly. "Yes?"

Edward cleared his throat few times before speaking, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?", her voice was flat. She tried to suppress any feelings that are whirling within her.

"Good. I'm good."

After some silence, Sarah spoke. "You are not calling for that, are you?"

Edward hesitated. "Uhm, can we meet and talk?"


Sarah heard Edward sigh before he said, "Come tomorrow evening for dinner."

"Not home." She didn't want to go home. If they are going to talk it needs to be a neutral place from where she can leave at any time without feeling restricted. Going home will bring out too many emotions, and she will not be able to think clearly.

"Where then?" Edward was willing to compromise.

"You pick... but not home." Sarah didn't care where, as long as it's not home.

"OK. I will send you information once I make a reservation." Edward agreed.

"Sounds good." Sarah hanged up and looked at her phone. She could guess that Edward wants to reconcile and felt mix of emotions. She remembered all hurtful things that he said that Christmas morning. He was angry and stubborn, and he hurt her. Deeply. Even if Edward sincerely apologizes, it can't change the fact that he alienated Sarah for two months. She does not see how they can go back to how they used to be. Sarah took few deep breaths. 'I can only take this one step at a time.'

Sarah returned to kitchen and didn't have appetite to eat any more.

Aiden waited for her to compose herself and to tell him what happened.

She saw him staring her way. "It was Edward. He wants to meet and talk."

"That is a good thing, right?"

"I guess..." Sarah was not sure how to feel about this.

"Relax... it can't get worse." Aiden reassured her.

Sarah thought about it for a moment and acknowledged that he has a point. She relaxed. "That is one way to look at it."

"That is the only way to look at it... now eat. Soon you will not be able to eat any more." Aiden reminded her.

Sarah looked at him and blushed. "You... how can you talk about it even now?"

He squinted, "You have tests tomorrow that require fasting. That is why I said that..." Then he flashed a mischievous smile. "Why did you think I said that you can't eat later? Which one of us has a dirty mind?" He teased her.

After dinner they cleaned up the table and washed dishes together.

Aiden fidgeted with a glass in his hand, looking down. "Uhm… my brother's birthday is March 23. There will be a party... do you want to join?"

Sarah looked at him wondering why he is reluctant. It is his brother. Birthday. Probably something they do every year, right? This is something related to his family, his parents will be there also, right? She suddenly felt nervous as realization hit her that so far, he didn't even speak about his family or friends from home. And now she is about to meet them?

Aiden looked up at her. "Jeff told me to come with you... do you want to?"

Sarah composed herself. 'Calm down… it's just a party.' But Jeff told him to bring her, does he want to go with her? What if for some reason he wants to keep her away from his family? What if…? Her mind started building scenarios. It's easier just to ask… "Do you want me to go?"

"With me? Yes.", he smiled nervously.

Sarah was convinced seeing that he is anxious about all this as well. She smiled, "OK".

She cleared her throat and her smile faded. "Why do you look so apprehensive about this? Is there something I should be aware of?"

He shook his head. "I'm overthinking things... it's the first time I will bring +1. There will be many eyes on you."

"As long as you are with me, I can handle it."

Aiden was happy to hear her say that. He wanted her to rely on him, and he will do anything he can to support her. He confirmed that he will be with her, and not leave her side.

Sarah confirmed that she will join, and attend Jeff's birthday party as his +1.

Aiden remembered that he left two sisters to talk, earlier that evening. "What did JoAnna want? It seemed that the mood was off."

"You noticed?" After a moment Sarah realized, "No wonder you went to do the groceries and left us to talk." Sarah told Aiden about Dr Light and how JoAnna suspects that he is taking revenge on her because she rejected him.

"Does she have a plan?", Aiden asked.

"Just to wait, I guess... She hopes that he will get over it and return to normal. Even if she wants to do something, what can she do? He is her superior, her mentor. He has connections. She is just a resident."

"We can look him up. There is a chance that she is not the first one."

Sarah approved. "Sounds like a plan." Sarah and Aiden agreed that when they go back to Fairfield, they will do some research on Dr Light and his background. If they find some incriminating information, that can help JoAnna to have leverage against his bullying.

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