Is this destiny?

Chapter 1762 - Open To The Possibilities (3)

Gabriel found Ben and Steve still talking in the living room. He glanced around and didn't see Becca. Gabriel assumed that Becca saw that Ben is busy with Steve and she took Oliver to the kids' room.

Steve and Ben finished their chat and Gabriel asked Ben if they can talk in private.

"Ben… can I ask you something?", Gabriel spoke when they stepped into the hallway.

"Go ahead."

Gabriel licked his lips nervously. "Do you mind if I ask Becca out?"

Ben paused. "Out? Where?"

"On a date.", Gabriel clarified.

Ben was sure that his ears malfunctioned. "You want to ask MY Becca on a date?"

Gabriel nodded.

Ben narrowed his eyes at Gabriel. "How old are you?"


Ben inhaled sharply. "She is eighteen."

"I know."

Ben wanted to say how age difference is not acceptable, but then he remembered that the age difference between him and Penny is double than that. He thought of something else. "You are married."

"Not for long… Listen, Ben… I wish to spend some time with Becca, not to take advantage of her. I promise that I will be a gentleman."

Ben felt his heart beating in his ears and he took a few deep breaths to calm down. He wondered if this is the heart attack everyone is talking about. Is this how it ends? With Gabriel in front of him asking if he can date Becca?

Ben advised Gabriel to be open to the possibilities, but does it need to be his daughter? He can pick any other!

Ben told himself to think rationally and to ask questions before telling Gabriel to scram.

"Why do you want to go on a date with Becca? You don't know her."

"I don't.", Gabriel admitted. "I spoke with her only for a few minutes, but it was enough for me to realize that she is smart and unique, and I hope to get to know her better."

Ben didn't like the idea of Becca dating no matter who the guy is, but Gabriel asked for permission and Ben would rather have someone responsible and mature by Becca's side than a horny teenager.

Gabriel was not sure if the silence lasted a minute or an hour, but he saw that as the time passed, Ben's frown eased up.

Eventually, Ben spoke. "If I can have your word that you will be a gentleman... It will be up to Becca if she wants to go out with you or not. Also, I don't want her to have any trouble with the Long family. And don't you dare put those lips anywhere near Becca unless you have divorce papers signed."

"You have my word.", Gabriel said right away.

Gabriel will be a gentleman and Longs won't care who is by his side because he is not the heir. Since Steve took over, Steve is under the spotlight and Gabriel is off the hook. That leaves Gabriel with only one difficulty. How can he get Becca to say 'yes'? And other than her being Ben's daughter, he does not know much about her.

"Ben, can you give me Becca's phone number?"

Ben looked at Gabriel like he said something outrageous. "No. If you want Becca's number, ask her."

Gabriel took a deep breath and nodded in agreement. "OK."

Steve saw that Gabriel and Ben are done talking. "Are we ready to head home?"

"I need five minutes…", Gabriel said and headed toward the kids' room in hurried steps.

"Only five minutes to get her number?", Ben mumbled.

Steve perked up his ears. "What number?"

Ben shook his head and refused to answer. Maybe Becca will refuse to give her number and refuse a date and anything else related to Gabriel. Maybe.

In the kids' room…

Gabriel got in and found Alice and Jayden in one corner, playing under the watchful eye of their nanny, and Oliver and Becca in another one.

Becca was holding an alphabet-picture book and pointing at photos while Oliver was saying what he sees.

"A is for apple…", Becca said.

"A is for apple…", Oliver repeated.

"C is for cat…"

"C is for cat… Gabbiey!"

Becca stiffened when Gabriel sat on the floor next to her.

"You are a good teacher… Don't let me interrupt you."

Becca cleared her throat. "B is for ball…"

Oliver's eyes were glued on Gabriel.

"Repeat after your sister…", Gabriel urged Oliver.

"B… ball…"

Gabriel rubbed Oliver's head. "Good boy. Keep it like that and you will be the smartest kid in your class. And when you get older, you can thank your sister for her hard work."

Becca exhaled. "Why are you here?"

"I must admit that I have an agenda.", Gabriel said and locked his eyes with Becca's. "You said that you traveled a lot, and I didn't. I was wondering if you will teach me things."

Becca was not sure where this is going. "Things?"

Gabriel confirmed. "From your travels. I would love to hear your stories. Will you tell them to me?"

"Which ones?"

Gabriel shrugged. "I would leave that to you. Tell me about the places you visited, things you saw, the food you tasted. If you need to pick your favorite cuisine, which one is it?"

"French…", Becca responded.

Gabriel nodded knowingly. "I will book us a place in a French restaurant with good reviews and you introduce me to the dishes of your choice. How does that sound?"

Becca blinked a few times rapidly as his words settled into her mind. "Are you inviting me to… a date?"

Gabriel licked his lips nervously. This is the make-it or break-it moment. "You can call it like that, if you want. But for me, who does not like labels, it will be the two of us, sharing a meal and I get to hear your stories. I promise to be a gentleman and to treat you with respect. Don't tell me that you hate me so much that you are not willing to share a meal with me."

Becca didn't have time to recover from all the bombs Gabriel threw at her. "Uhm… no. I don't hate you."

"Great! Give me your phone number and we can agree on the details. How about this Saturday?"


"Dinner, this Saturday.", Gabriel clarified. "Do you have other plans?"


"You have now." Gabriel smiled and got his phone. "Your number, please."

Becca mumbled a number and Gabriel made a call. His smile widened when he heard a ringtone from Becca's pocket.

"I will be in touch…"

Becca looked at the door that closed after Gabriel and she wondered, what just happened? One minute she is teaching words and alphabets to Oliver, and in the next one, she has a date for this Saturday! With Gabriel!

Gabriel said it will be a dinner, just the two of them, and if that is not a date, then nothing is! Oh, Gosh!

Becca wondered, what will Ben say when he finds out? She does not dare to talk about this with her father. She will discuss this with Penny first and ask for advice related to disclosing this information to Ben. And she will need Penny's help in finding an outfit. It can't be anything causal, but nothing too fancy either because she does not want to look desperate. And it needs to be age-appropriate. Oh, Gosh!

"Sissy, sissy…", Oliver called. "Aye we done with book?"

"Uhm… just a minute, sweetie. Sissy is dazed."

"What is dased?"

Becca saw Oliver's innocent expression and burst into giggles.

Oliver was confused. "What is funny?"

"I have no idea.", Becca admitted. "Do you like Gabriel?"

Oliver nodded earnestly.

"Why do you like him?"

"He cayies me heye…", Oliver gestured to his shoulder. "…and makes aypyane sounds."

Becca exhaled. Of course, Oliver likes Gabriel because he plays with him. Oliver is easy to please. But the fact is that Gabriel and Oliver are not related and that Gabriel does not need to play with Oliver, but he chooses to do it… so that makes Gabriel a kind man who would put a child on his shoulders and run around while making airplane sounds only to make Oliver happy.

Becca checked the date on her phone: June 21, Wednesday. That means her date with Gabriel is in three days! Ah, she is nervous!


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