Is this destiny?

Chapter 177 - Have faith in her

At the hospital, one of the monitoring machines started beeping loudly. Its screen was flashing.

Aiden was not sure what it means, but it didn't sound good. He felt panic and desperation swelling. ' What is going on? Am I going to lose her? How is that possible? No… oh, God no! ' He was looking at Sarah and felt his whole world crumbling. Nothing mattered other than her… and she was on the bed, not moving, and that damned machine was beeping! ' It's wrong, right? The machine malfunctioned… Sarah will be fine. Right? ' His heart shattered and his head got numb when he saw number of nurses and doctors rush in the room. They gathered around Sarah's bed, pushing him to the side.

Aiden watched them in horror while bits and pieces of what they said reached him: Her blood pressure was dropping... internal bleeding... additional scans... urgent... surgery... critical...

They rushed Sarah out of the room. The internal bleeding needs to be stopped.

Sophia came back to Sarah's room, and found only Aiden inside sitting on the ground with his back next to the wall, and his face in his hands.

"Where is Sarah?" she asked while trying to suppress panic.

Aiden didn't respond.

Sophia tried to talk to him, but he was not responding. Seeing that he is in his own world, Sophia felt her heart broke. ' He is also suffering, just like all of us .' She went outside and found a nurse who told her that Sarah was taken out for another surgery. Nurse also explained that these bleedings are difficult to find with any scans, so surgeon is basically opening Sarah up with a hope that he will notice where bleeding is coming from so that he can stitch it up.

Sophia felt that her head is about to explode. It took all self-control she possessed to calm her raging emotions just enough so that she goes to the cafeteria and get several cold sandwiches as well as two coffees before heading back to Sarah's room.

She placed food on a side table and called Aiden. "Come and eat. If you don't eat, we will need to get another bed for you."

It took him some time to react. He slumped on a chair opposite of Sophia and started eating without a word. He didn't feel the taste of sandwich or coffee.

Sophia pulled out her phone and called her secretary in HQ instructing her to get some food and to deliver it to Felix in the lab. They also didn't eat since they landed.

Sophia looked at Aiden and patted him on the shoulder. "She will be OK. Have faith in her. She will pull though this. Sarah is a fighter. When everyone gives up, she is the one that keeps going."

Aiden looked at Sophia and nodded. Yes, his baby girl is a fighter, and she will come back to him. She has to.

At that time Stella and Edward entered the room. When they saw that it's only Sophia and Aiden there, Stella asked, "Where is Sarah?"

Sophia took a deep breath and explained. "There was more internal bleeding. She is back in the surgery." Then she gestured to the chairs. "Come, sit. I'm sure you didn't eat anything either. I got sandwiches for everyone... " Stella and Edward took a seat. Aiden looked up at Edward and Edward nodded in greeting. Aiden nodded back.

Sophia handed one sandwich to Stella and one to Edward while saying, "It's nothing much... When Sarah gets better, we can all go out together for a fancy meal. Right?"

All three of them looked at Sophia and nodded in agreement.

Stella was struggling to hold back her tears.

At the Orion Enterprise HQ building, Felix put the device under microscope and started initial exam. The moment he looked at it, his heart started racing. He placed the small robot to a different machine and then on another and on another. Each machine produced different data and diagrams. With each new information, Felix felt that his heart is beating faster. He made sure to document everything.

While he worked on this, Sophia's secretary came in and handed him a carry out meal. He thanked her and kept the food on the side.

Felix used some computerized tools to open up small robot to see what is inside. It didn't take him long to finish his examination. He felt like his throat was constricted and he could not breathe.

There was no mistake... This small robot is a prototype that he designed two years ago! But he never completed it, and it never went to the production. How did it end up inside Sarah's body?

He knows all his designs, and he remembers that this one is definitely his. And it's exactly how he left it: unfinished. It has functions to administer small dosage of liquid and it can move. The moving system was not completed... it reacts to radio frequency to start moving, but the direction was not something that could be controlled.

How is this possible? The doctors didn't seem confident that Sarah will be fine. What if she does not recuperate? How will he ever get in front of Sophia knowing that his device hurt her sister?

His mind went back to two years ago... then he was still with BIDSEC which is now part of Orion Enterprise. So, from then onwards, someone got access to his unfinished design and used it for such a purpose. Felix feels responsible. He started thinking how did he secure his work, to make sure it does not leak? He never paid much attention to securing his failed work, he didn't think anyone will care. Now he realizes his mistake. He needs to look into paperwork left behind BIDSEC to figure out who could have taken his designs.

Felix took his phone out thinking if he should call Sophia. What will he tell her? That it's his design that got her sister in this state? Maybe better to wait for Sarah to wake up, then it will not be so difficult to tell her. Grim thought flashed through his mind, what if Sarah does not wake up? He shook his head violently, like he is trying to chase that thought away.

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