Is this destiny?

Chapter 182 - I can live with that

Edward looked at Sarah who was now laying on the bed in a half-seated position. Nurses freshened her up with hot towels and arranged support so that she can lean back without leaning on incisions from surgeries. Sarah looked much better.

Sarah turned toward Edward and faintly smiled. She felt awkward, seeing that he is looking at her without a word.

Edward took a deep breath and walked toward Sarah's bed. He stopped one step away. "I was wrong."

Sarah's eyes widened as she looked at her father. She never saw heard him acknowledge that he was wrong. Ever. About anything.

Edward continued. "When I realized that another man got a place in your heart, I was upset, thinking that he is taking my spot in your life. When I saw you defending him, I was angered because so far you depended on me, and now you are defying me. It is difficult for me to see you girls growing up. I know that it must happen, but that does not mean that it's an easy process for me. I hope that you can forgive me for being foolish and stubborn."

Sarah remembered harsh words he told her on that Christmas morning. Her lips pressed into a thin line. "You said some hurtful things to me."

"I was angry. I didn't mean it... it was out of desperation." Edward admitted.

"I know. But that does not mean that I was not hurt." Sarah wants to forgive him, but also wants him to know that she was hurt by his words.

"Will you forgive me?" Edward's eyes were begging her to forgive him.

Sarah thought for some time before responding. "I forgive you... but it will take time for me to forget."

Edward sighed. "I can live with that."

When Stella got back into the room, she found that Edward and Sarah are chatting about her work. She sat on the sofa and listened to father and daughter talking.

Edward was not pleased that Sarah is working at a company other than Orion Enterprise, and he was definitely not pleased that she works for White corp. Why is she getting deeper entangled with that White family? But he can't ask her to quit. He decided not to voice his objections and to respect her choices.

"So, what are you doing there?" Edward tried to hide his sour expression.

"Right now, I'm re-doing security for White corp. systems. It's very exciting. Surveillance there is also not the best, but the hardware needed is lacking."

Edward perked up. "Don't we have the best hardware for surveillance in Orion Enterprise?"

Sarah smiled seeing his change in expression. "If you are willing to work with White corp. I can talk about this with CEO and get you in touch. What do you think?"

Edward reluctantly approved. He would like to be as close to Sarah as possible in order to mend their relationship. This will be a good opportunity for him to interact with Sarah more often.

What Edward does not know is that in the future White corp. and Orion Enterprise will work closely, but that will not get Edward to be closer to Sarah since Felix will be in charge of security hardware… but that is something what will happen in the near future. At this time, Edward is hopeful, and he wishes to spend more time with Sarah so that they can mend their relationship.

When Aiden came back to Sarah's hospital room, he carried a large bouquet of flowers, grocery bag full of fruits and a carry-on suitcase. His eyes lit up when he saw Sarah sitting on the bed.

Sarah looked at everything he brought. "Are you moving in here?"

"I'm not leaving without you." Aiden opened front pocket of the carry on and pulled out two laptops. He started talking while ignoring Edward who was in the middle of his chat with Sarah. "I got your laptop, and mine, and change of clothes..."

Edward didn't look pleased. "Didn't we agree to take turns?" He wanted some more time alone with Sarah. If Aiden is here all the time, he can't have any time with Sarah!

Aiden looked at him. "With all due respect, you agreed to take turns. Not me. I'm not going to leave her. You can come and go, but I'm staying."

Edward looked at Aiden with obvious displeasure. He didn't like the idea of competing with this young man for Sarah's attention. Edward was afraid that if it come to that, he will lose.

Stella looked at two of them acting silly and interjected. "That is fine. Edward, dear, let kids do what they want. We should go for the night." She turned to Sarah. "Sarah, honey, we will be back tomorrow afternoon." Then Edward and Stella left.

When it was just the two of them, Sarah looked at Aiden. "Flowers?"

Aiden looked at Sarah innocently. "Felix said that it's a must have."

Sarah laughed.

He observed her reaction. "Do you like them?"

"Yes, very much." Then Sarah remembered something and added slightly panicked. "But don't be like Felix!"

"What do you mean?" Aiden didn't understand.

"He is over the top. Sophia sent me pictures. Her apartment looks like a flower shop." Sarah laughed.

"Understood. Not every day." Aiden wanted to clarify. "How often is not too often?"

"How about on special occasions?" Sarah tilted her head slightly.

Aiden nodded in agreement. "Today is a special occasion because you came back after almost..." he choked on his words and his expression became grave in an instant. When he remembered that her life was in danger, and she almost died, he could not speak any more.

Sarah understood what he wanted to say. She patted bed next to her for him to come. Aiden sat next to Sarah, and she cupped his face into her hands. "I won't die yet. There are so many things I still want to do with you." She kissed him, unaware that tears silently rolled down her face.

She was not afraid to die; she was afraid to be without him.

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