Is this destiny?

Chapter 186 - First quarrel (2)

He wanted to stand up and say that it's not what it looks like, but then remembered that they are at work, and he should stay professional... so he only awkwardly smiled and gave a slight nod.

Sophia's cold expression became dark. She glanced at the food in front of him. "When you are done, come to my office." She turned around and left while four people followed behind her.

Women resumed their chatting as soon as Sophia left. Felix completely ignored them, he didn't finish his meal before standing up and heading to Sophia's office.

Before he knocked on Sophia's office door, secretary stopped him. "CEO is in a meeting. She said that no one is to disturb her."

Felix smiled. "She told me to come after lunch."

"And she told me to call security if anyone wants to enter without an appointment." Secretary responded.

Felix obviously didn't want to cause a scene and he stepped away from the door of Sophia's office. But he was lost. She told him to come, how come he can't enter? Why didn't she tell her secretary to let him in? "Excuse me, when is CEO Hill free?"

Secretary looked at the computer screen in front of her. "CEO Hill has meetings until 6 PM."

He remembered that Sophia said she will give him Mark's slot in the afternoon. "Does she have a meeting with Felix Martin today?"


"How about meeting with Mark Neumann?" She probably forgot to change it. He will just show up at that time.

"No..." Then secretary remembered. "There was one, but few minutes ago CEO told me to give that slot to director of marketing."

Felix nodded to the secretary and headed toward the elevator with his head down. 'What happened? Is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? Is it because of those women around me during lunch? That is not my fault... they came by themselves, and I didn't encourage them.' Felix had a strong feeling that it was all caused by those pesky women during lunch. If Sophia gives him a chance to explain, he can clarify that they came by themselves, he didn't call them or give them any hint that he is interested.

As he walked towards the lab, thinking about how to talk to Sophia, he bumped into Mark.

Mark saw that Felix is in a bad mood. He could not miss this opportunity. "What happened, pretty boy? Did you fall out of grace already?" Mark sneered at Felix.

Felix looked at him and frowned.

This only encouraged Mark who gave out a chuckle. "You come and go... but she will always come back to me." Mark sneered at Felix.

Felix wanted to punch Mark, forgetting that they are at work. He clenched his fists, but he felt that he had no strength in his arms. He was not able to form a fist with his hands. He lowered his head and continued walking. Ignoring all other remarks that Mark spat after him.

Felix went to the hardware lab and took a seat in an empty chair. He didn't even think of going to the office that they temporarily arranged for him. Felix felt a knot in his chest, and difficult to breathe.

He got his phone and decided to text Sophia.

[Felix]: "Ma chéri... what happened? Why don't you want to see me?"

[Felix]: "My world is falling apart... I need you to keep it together for me."

[Felix]: "With every passing second it's more difficult to breathe..."

[Felix]: "You are my air, and I can't breathe without you"

[Felix]: "Will you ever forgive me?"

He was sending message after message. Every message was glummer and showed his state of mind.

Felix was consumed in an uncontrollable desperation which swelled by the second. The thought that Sophia is rejecting him and will abandon him for no apparent reason, awoke in him feelings which he thought are forgotten. Feelings of a young boy, persistently waiting for his father to come back home… day after day… always waiting, and always being disappointed because his father is not coming back…


Sophia was in a meeting and her phone was vibrating every few seconds. She took it out and saw flood of messages from Felix. She read few of them and realized that he is miserable.

When she saw him surrounded with all those women, she was upset and wanted to teach him a lesson. But now that she sees his messages, she thinks that she might have been too rash. She was not able to focus on the meeting anymore. "I apologize. Something urgent came up. We will need to reschedule this for some other time." Sophia stood up and headed out of her office.

"Clear my schedule for the rest of the day." Sophia told her secretary while she walked to the elevator.

Secretary looked after Sophia and had a sour expression. How many schedule changes on short notice she needs to make?

Sophia found Felix in the hardware lab. Seeing him sitting and staring down at his phone looking dejected made her heart break. She didn't know that besides her shutting him down, Mark also gave him a jab in the heart. Felix is not very confident to begin with, his fear of being abandoned is still alive within him. He sees Sophia as someone who is out of his league and fears that she will find someone better. When Mark said that Sophia will come back to him eventually... that hit a sore spot for Felix. 'Is it better to end it now before I fall even more for her?'

Sophia approached Felix and stood in front of him. Felix saw a pair of legs and lifted his head. Looking at her only made his chest hurt even more. 'She is so beautiful and smart and capable. Why would she waste time with someone like me?' Felix thought, and his face showed sadness that came from the depth of his heart.

Sophia took his hand and led the way into the office which was set up temporarily for him. She closed the doors and blinds, before facing him.

"What happened?", Sophia asked him. She stepped toward him, and he took a step back.

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