Is this destiny?

Chapter 194 - Party at Hill villa (3)

Party was in full swing when Sophia and Felix joined. They walked to JoAnna and Sarah who were sitting on a 'S' shaped sofa with Aiden.

"Why are you so late?", JoAnna teased with a huge grin on her face. Sophia gave her a warning look to stop asking.

Felix was still not used to JoAnna's mouth without a filter who likes to tease, so he awkwardly smiled and offered to get drinks for Sophia. He went to the bar just to avoid her questioning.

JoAnna pulled Sophia to sit. "Mark is here."

"Oh..." Sophia did her best to sound indifferent and hide her discomfort.

"You are not worried that he will cause trouble?", Sarah asked seeing that Sophia didn't have much of a reaction.

"Not really... what can he do? I already told Felix that Mark is part of my past." Sophia shrugged.

"Good move." JoAnna praised Sophia, and then looked toward the bar. "Maybe not Mark, but there are others who might cause trouble..." JoAnna pointed to the bar area. Felix was standing with two drinks in his hands while Andrea and Clara blocked his way.

Sophia puffed her cheeks in frustration. "Unbelievable!" She stood up and swiftly walked there.

JoAnna and Sarah laughed. They never saw Sophia act like this, so it's was quite entertaining for them.

One group of young people entered, and JoAnna perked up. "Oh, Ellie is here... I didn't see her in ages. See you later." JoAnna stood up and walked towards the newly arrived group.


"Did Sarah get herself a boyfriend?", girl named Ellie asked JoAnna.

"Yes. You missed our Christmas party... They are crazy about each other. If you know what's good for you, you will not even dream about him.", JoAnna warned.

"Don't worry about me. I know what's good for me.", Ellie responded with a smile. Her attention moved to Felix. "And that man there is...?"

"That is my second brother-in-law... can you believe that even Sophia got herself a boyfriend? Only I am forever alone...", JoAnna sighed.

"Hey, I'm single also... we can be alone together." Ellie laughed.


Sophia and Sarah joined JoAnna and Ellie. Four of them chatted while Aiden and Felix played a game of billiards.

"Hi Sarah", Sarah heard a male voice from behind her. She turned around and her eyes landed on Ed.

"Hi Ed", Sarah's eyes darted toward Aiden who was busy with his game. She thought it's better if he does not see that Ed is talking to her.

"How are you?", he asked.

"Good, thanks for asking.", Sarah responded dryly.

"Really? Good?" His smile was fading when he noticed that Sarah does not look interested to talk to him. "I heard you ended up in a hospital and had surgeries? That can happen when you hang around the wrong guy.", Ed smirked.

Sarah was surprised by his words. "What does that mean?"

Ed was happy that he got Sarah's attention. She finally showed interested in what he has to say. His lips stretched into a wide smile, "That I know you were in the hospital? Word travels..."

Sarah shook her head. "No, the second part."

"It just means that if I was with you, I would never let any harm come your way. I know how to protect my woman." Ed spoke with confidence.

At that time, one of Ed's friends came and pulled him away. "Come, don't stir up trouble. Sam told us to watch over you..."

Ed frowned at the young man. "Do you all think I'm a child?". Ed complained, but still followed him.

"What was that?", JoAnna asked.

"I have no idea...", Sarah was puzzled.

"OK. There is trouble in the area with table games." Ellie said.

All four of them were looking at Felix and Aiden playing while Andrea and Clara circled around them.

Sarah was about to walk there, when Sophia held her hand. "Wait a bit... let them feel the danger before we go there."

Sarah was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Two of them went to Felix when he was getting drinks. I came in to save him, and he was all like...", Sophia made an impression of Felix, "Why did you come? I can handle them..." Sophia returned her personality to normal self. "Just watch for a bit. I need him to understand how pesky those two are."

Sophia's phone buzzed and she checked it. It's a message from Edward to bring Felix over to him so that he can introduce him to someone. Sophia was happy to see that and grinned.

"What is it?", JoAnna asked.

"Look...", Sophia showed her the phone.

Both JoAnna and Sarah read the message, even Ellie peeked to see it.

"Oh, it seems that brother in law scored some points with dad. Did you tell dad that you are dating him?" JoAnna asked.

"Mhm", Sophia smiled.

"That is amazing then! Go and get him. Don't let dad wait too long.", JoAnna advised.

As Sophia walked to pool area, Sarah said after her, "What happened with letting him learn a lesson?" Then she quickly followed after her sister.

As they approached the pool, they heard Andrea saying, "...what do you see in those two? We can show you some really good time..."

Sarah's face darkened. "Miss Klark, watch your language. If you don't keep yourself in check, I will personally get you kicked out of my home."

Andrea felt the chill coming out from Sarah but believed that she will not dare to do anything with all these people present. She looked at Sarah and lifted her nose defiantly.

Sophia was barely controlling herself. "Remember that we tolerate you only because of our parents... Scram! I don't any have patience for skunks like you."

Andrea and Clara stared at Sophia. They had a chance to see Sarah upset, but this was the first time they saw Sophia in this state. Two of them sensed danger and retreated toward the bar area without a word. As they moved away, Sophia stood next to Felix and Sarah next to Aiden not keeping their eyes off of those two troubling women.

When these two left, Sarah looked at Sophia. "Skunks? That's the best you could come up with?"

Sophia frowned. "I'm not skilled at these things, you know?" Then she looked at Felix. "And you? Did you ever think of sending those two away? Or I need to do all the work?"

Felix opened his mouth to respond, but she didn't give him a chance. "Forget it... Edward wants to see you. Let's go."

Aiden was looking after Sophia and Felix leaving, and then at Sarah.

Sarah gave him a cold look. "You are not much better either."

Aiden hugged Sarah. "I was waiting for you to save me...", he said playfully.

"Don't think it's that easy to make me feel less vexed.", Sarah pretended to be upset.

"How about I start with a dance?" Aiden coaxed her.

"Oh... that is a good start...", Sarah's could not hold back her smile anymore.

Two of them walked to the middle of empty area, embraced each other and started dancing.

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