Is this destiny?

Chapter 200 - Day at the cabin

As everyone got busy preparing for the cabin, Felix and Aiden were left alone in the dining room.

"I think they forgot about us", Aiden sighed.

Felix just shook his head and continued sipping coffee. He had a mix of emotions, but the strongest one which overshadowed everything was a relief seeing that Sophia seems to be fine. Or at least much better than last night.

After few minutes, Sarah rushed inside and pulled Aiden, "Come to pack some clothes for the day." She looked at Felix, "Sophia said that you didn't bring clothes, right? We will grab something for you on the way. Sophia is in her room, getting few things."

Felix didn't plan to stay overnight, so he didn't get any change of clothes previous day when he came to the party. He was happy to hear that Sophia didn't forget about him.

Soon they all got into a black Mercedes Luxury van which has wide leather seats, minibar with a small kitchen, as well as video entertainment.

Edward sat at the driver's seat, but before he could start it, Stella pulled him out of the van. "Leave kids by themselves. We can take the Jeep." She turned to her daughters, "Girls, we are going straight there. You make a stop for Felix and join us."

What they call Cabin is actually a two-story cabin-style luxury villa. Surrounded by the tall trees, it stands magnificent. Rooftop terrace which wraps around the building, offers breathtaking views to the valleys below and mountains in the back.

When Stella and Edward arrived, two older ladies welcomed them. "Welcome back! If we knew earlier that you are coming, we would get rest of the staff here."

"It's good to be back, Heidi and Amelia. Don't worry about it. We are here only for the day", Stella warmly responded.

Heidi and Amelia are Weber sisters. They take care of the property when no one is there. When Hills come for a visit, few more staff members join them.

"Girls are not here?", Heidi asked.

"They are coming. And two boys as well.", Stella smiled.

Weber sisters exchanged glances but didn't ask anything further. They are aware that Hills value privacy and know that not asking too much and doing your job means you get to keep it.


JoAnna was driving the van, while Sarah, Aiden, Sophia and Felix were in the back. The seats rotate, so four of them faced each other, and played card games on an extendable table during one-hour long trip.

Sarah wanted to ask Sophia how she is doing, but she didn't get a chance to talk with her in private. And she looked fine, so Sarah was more at ease.

Everyone wanted to know how Sophia is doing, but they were all reluctant that by asking she might remember things again. She didn't look good previous night. Who would?

As they approached the Cabin, Sarah leaned toward Aiden and said softly. "This is where we will do training." This got Aiden's interest, and he looked forward to seeing what is coming.

When they reached, Weber sisters greeted them politely. "Mr. and Mrs. Hill are having tea in the family room". They glanced at Aiden and Felix but didn't ask anything.

JoAnna saw this and spoke. "These two are my brother-in-laws. Not married yet, but how I see it, the ceremony is just a formality. This one is Sophia's and that one Sarah's." JoAnna didn't have a filter, as usual.

Weber sisters didn't respond. They only gave a small nod in acknowledgement without any changes in their expression.

Aiden was used to JoAnna and smiled while greeting Weber sisters.

Felix was not used JoAnna or to be called brother-in-law. He felt awkward. It will take some time for him to get used to it.

They went through the house and after greeting their parents exited to the back of the house. It was a sunny March day, however the crisp mountain air made for a chilly weather. At the back of the cabin there was a large open yard with well-maintained landscape. Several paths extended further, and it was not visible where they lead. In the distance you could hear water.

JoAnna explained to Aiden and Felix. "We got a shooting range there", she was gesturing. "Obstacle course there... and that path leads to river. It's good for fishing. Edward will go there; in case you want to join. How about we go to the shooting range before lunch?"

"I will ask Webers to set everything up for us.", Sophia said and disappeared into the house.


Shooting range was set up for bow and arrows and for firearms.

Sophia's dominated with bow and arrow. While JoAnna was the best with a handgun. Two of them gloated, and Sarah was defending her below average performance by bringing up her back surgery. It was all in good spirits, as their cheers and laughter echoed far down the mountain.

After more than two hours at the shooting range, Heidi called them to come back for lunch. Edward was in charge of barbecue, while Stella prepared fresh lemonade and one more fruit cocktail.

After a good meal, Sarah and Aiden went for a walk. Sophia wanted to rest, and Felix joined her on the rooftop terrace. After some time, JoAnna, Stella and Edward joined them also.

They ended the day stargazing from the rooftop terrace. Edward was excited to show off his stargazing toys to Aiden and Felix.

On the way back, they all felt relaxed and were thinking about their plans for near future.

Aiden and Sarah will return to Fairfield, work for White corp. and investigate Philip as well as help Felix find out how did his design for MX31 leaked.

JoAnna was thinking about Dr. Light and how she will handle him when she goes back to work.

Sophia and Felix were mentally preparing for going back to work. Both were worried about meeting with Mark again. They didn't talk about the incident with Mark anymore. Both Sophia and Mark know that talking about him will not bring any benefits, but it will open up fresh wounds.

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