Is this destiny?

Chapter 207 - Pieces are finally coming together


Sarah is looking though videos of her and Aiden dancing in the mall. That happened just before she collapsed. She has mixed feelings about that day, happy that she got to spend such a precious time with her loved one, and unhappy that she experienced being so helpless for the second time in her life. The difference between this time and the first one is that now she was with Aiden, and not with Philip.

She still remembers his expression while he held her... Seeing Aiden so worried made her heart ache. Sarah told herself that she will not allow anything like that to happen again. She will train, be stronger, be faster, be smarter… take care of herself, and be extra careful. She is not alone anymore and seeing him hurt makes her feel pain more than when she is hurt herself.

Sarah got her phone and texted her mom: "Mom, is there some training that can teach me to be more aware of any danger in the area?"

Sarah looked at the text she just sent and thought how ridiculous it must sound. But, if anyone knew about any technique like that, it would be her mom. Stella taught her many skills, especially for defense and attack. Something that common people could not even imagine. Her mom knew a lot of mystery things, and she never revealed to Sarah from where she learned them... Sarah's thoughts were interrupted when she got a text back from her mom.

[Stella]: "How unusual for you to ask me to teach you something"

[Sarah]: "Well, is there such a thing?"

[Stella]: "We never gave it a name, but we already covered some basics… I will teach third stage during next training session."

Sarah smiled. 'So, there is such a thing! My mom is awesome!'

[Sarah]: "You are awesome!"

Content, Sarah went back to the videos... soon she saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was unfocused, but she was able to recognize person.

She went through few more videos and photos that were giving her a better look and confirmed: Ed was in the mall!

'What is his connection to all this? Is it possible that he is the one who triggered the MX31?'

Sarah looked at others in the crowd and didn't recognize anyone else. So, the prime suspect is Ed, but she has no proof that he did anything. Even if she confronts him, he can say that he was there shopping, and ended up watching like many others.


Aiden was investigating how Felix's design MX31, leaked and ended up in Philip's hands. Sarah pulled a chair for her and sat next to him waiting to hear what he found out.

"Here is list of employees and others who had access to the building at that time." Aiden showed her a printout with a list of names and placed it on the desk in front of her. And then handed her another printout. "And these are additional people who had access after that... these two lists, contain names of everyone who had access to BIDSEC since design was completed onward... And this here is a list of investors..."

Sarah looked at the names, and then at the list of investors. Her attention got on one company name. Aiden was still talking, and she interrupted him. "This one." She pointed at the name of the company.

"Why that one?" Aiden asked.

"This is the company that Peterson's own. Sam Peterson... my neighbor. My dad's friend, and... Ed's father." Sarah felt that puzzle pieces are finally coming together. "Ed was in the mall that day." What Ed said that day at the party... everything was falling into place. The more she thought about it, the more she realized how this is not something random. "Sam's company specializes in miniature devices. Sam is trying for years to get my dad to work with him, but dad is not comfortable with the conditions, no matter how good friends they are. Even now, Sam is trying... He worked with BIDSEC and stole Felix's design. It's highly possible that MX31 is not the only device he stole... "

Sarah pulled out her phone and texted Sophia and JoAnna: "Video chat tonight. We found something worth sharing."

She kept her phone away and continued talking. "And then we have his son, Ed, who is after me. It's beyond a crush, it's an obsession that is growing over years. He even watches me while I'm on campus... I'm sure there is a connection between him and Philip. That is the only piece that is missing, how are two of them connected."

Aiden watched her lit up expression and got lost in it.

She thought for some time before continuing. "What Philip did was not random. It was a planned attack. I need to know if Ed did it on his own just because of his crush, or Sam was part of it as well. If Sam was involved, that means that even my dad is in danger. He trusts Sam, that is the biggest problem." Sarah rubbed her chin while pondering.

Sarah looked at Aiden and noticed that he is in a daze. "Are you listening?"

After a second, he responded. "I got lost in your brilliance."

Sarah liked what he said, but still frowned. "I would figure this out earlier if you didn't prevent me from working."

"Hey, I was just worried about you." Aiden was defensive. "I wanted to make sure you recuperated completely before going back to work."

"I know that you mean well, but this... " Sarah froze and her eyes widened. "Did you just acknowledge that I recuperated... completely?" She looked at him expectantly.

He was amused with her expression and tried hard not to laugh. "Yes."

"Oh, oh!", she could not hide her excitement. "Let's go..." Sarah stood up and started pulling his hand to get up.

He lifted an eyebrow and his lips formed a perfect smile. "Where?"

Sarah was captivated by his charms while licking her lips... her cheeks already flushed. "Shower... first..."

He let her pull him through the hallway. When they were passing the bedroom toward the bathroom, he pulled her in the direction of the bed. Sarah landed on her back and Aiden was on top of her, his breath burned her neck and made her whole-body shiver while she heard him whisper, "We can shower... later...". Sarah closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the fire that consumed her with promises of a pleasure to become one with the man she loves.

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