Is this destiny?

Chapter 225 - WV Steakhouse (3)

After some time, Sarah and Isabella went to the washroom together.

Sarah was curious how come such a smart, funny and easy-to-get-along-with person ended up with an arranged marriage. Noticing that it's just two of them in the washroom, Sarah gathered her courage to ask. "Bella, can I ask you something?"

"Sure", Isabella smiled.

"Before I ask, I need to warn you that if you think it's too personal, feel free not to answer. And I hope you don't get offended by my question..." Sarah was not sure if it's a good idea to proceed.

Isabella's eyes lit up playfully. "Now I'm curious."

"Hmm... I know that your families arranged for you and Jeff... to get married." Sarah observed that Isabella's smile faded and hesitated before continuing. "I was just wondering... how did you end up in this situation?"

Isabella lowered her head and her face showed that she is struggling to answer. Sarah wanted to remind her that it's OK not to answer, but Isabella started talking. It appeared that she held this bottled inside of her for a long time, and words poured out uncontrollably. "My family owns a business for three generations now. Our company is doing great... but there is no one to continue leading it after my father. I love arts, and before I realized, I was completely immersed in it. Unfortunately, I'm an only child. My father decided that he can't give family company to some strangers, shareholders, after he retires and it's obvious that I'm not qualified. Since I was young, my parents mentioned to me from time to time, that unless I prove myself in business field, they will get me married to someone who can take over, but I never thought that they are serious... not until four years ago, when my mother passed away. Shortly after that, my father told me that Jeffrey White will be my husband. I was in denial; I didn't even know him...I lived with an illusion that it's not real. Last night, it really sank in that my father is serious... when I got to meet Jeff."

"So... are you in agreement with this?" Sarah observed Isabella's troubled expression.

"Honestly, I'm not comfortable... " Isabella shrugged. "Maybe he is a good man, but I don't know him. I told my father that I don't want to marry a stranger, and to that he responded how I will have time to learn about him before marriage... After all, we are still not even engaged." Isabella sighed before continuing. "I feel indebted to my father... he spent a lot of himself in raising me. I know that I'm not capable of leading his company, and if I don't go through this... the company will fall apart..." Isabella's face became solemn. "And it's not like my father is giving me a choice in this matter."

Sarah listened carefully, and when she was certain that Isabella finished talking, she asked. "One more question... do you have someone you like?"

Isabella hesitated to answer for some time before raising her head and looking Sarah in the eyes. "That... that does not matter, does it?" Her eyes were glistening with tears, while she fought to not let them fall.

Sarah hugged her. "I don't know if I can help you in any way... but if you want to talk, I can listen."

"Thank you", Isabella's voice was almost a whisper.

Sarah felt helpless, but she remembered that sometimes she does not see a way out, and her sisters help her find a solution. But Isabella does not have siblings, she is all alone... and this is not a topic that can be discussed with outsiders. Sarah sighed before talking. "You know, there is always a solution. Maybe you don't see it, but someone else can. As I said, if you want to talk, I will listen and help you find a solution if it's within my capabilities."

Isabella faintly nodded and didn't respond.

When Sarah and Isabella got out of the washroom, Sarah almost bumped into the bodyguard who was right at the door. Sarah was startled for a moment, seeing how his hands were clenching into fists, and her muscles tensed up reflexively, ready to attack. Isabella grabbed Sarah's hand and smiled at the bodyguard to assure him that it's OK. He relaxed after few seconds and went back to his position at the bar without a word.

"I don't know what made me more anxious... you taking so long in the washroom or that bodyguard lurking at the doors for fifteen minutes already.", Aiden welcomed them with a frown, when they returned to their seats.

"Did we really take that long?" Sarah was surprised. "We chatted a bit. Girl talk."

Shortly after that, they left the restaurant. Sarah and Isabella exchanged contact information, and Isabella promised to Sarah VIP invites for her upcoming exhibition. It will be an invite-only exhibition, so people without invitation can't attend.

"If you can send me an invite for five that would be perfect" Sarah wants to have enough invitations for everyone.

"Five?" Isabella was curious.

"I'm sure that my sisters would love to come, one of them has a boyfriend, and I'm not coming without my man." Sarah held Aiden's hand.

Isabella smiled and nodded.

Jeff's ears perked up... did he hear that right? 'Did Sarah just now said that her SISTERS will go to some exhibition? What exhibition? When? Where?' Oh, how he felt remorse for not paying attention to their talk during lunch. But he will find out... somehow. 'Wait a minute... did Sarah said one of them has a boyfriend? Does JoAnna have a boyfriend?' This caused quite a stir in Jeff's mind. He struggled to keep his face calm, but his eyes showed a storm raging inside him.

Jeff, Aiden, and Sarah watched Isabella drive away with her bodyguard as a driver.

Jeff turned to Aiden and Sarah. "When are you two going back?"

"Tonight", Aiden responded.

Jeff turned to Sarah. "How are you with your work? Is everything going well? Let me know if I can help you in any way. Don't be shy to ask for help... we are almost family." He spoke much more and faster than usual.

Sarah was surprised, but politely responded. "I'm doing fine. No problems." This is out of character for Jeff. After some thinking, Sarah concluded that Jeff is this polite because she helped to entertain Isabella. And his rapid talk is due to him being nervous, again, because of Isabella.

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