Is this destiny?

Chapter 228 - Talk to JoAnna (1)

Jeff got out of the room late in the afternoon.

"You look horrible..." Sarah observed. Besides his disheveled appearance, he had dark eye bags and overall looked depressing. "Didn't you say that you ended up in the hospital because you overexerted yourself? If you don't take care of yourself, you will collapse again." Sarah thought that maybe they should let him sleep here, afraid what will he do if he is by himself.

Aiden caught her worried look and shook his head vigorously telling her to give up on that idea.

"We are about to have dinner, you are joining, right?" Sarah's voice was full of concern.

Jeff shook his head. "No. I have something to do. I will be back tomorrow after lunch to talk about projects." He went to the bedroom, and a minute later left the apartment pulling his suitcase behind him.

Sarah looked at Aiden mix of confusion and panic in her face. "What is going on?"

"Jeff needs to figure this out by himself. He will be OK." Aiden reassured her, but he was not really confident himself what is going on. He never saw Jeff like this.


That night, while Sarah was sleeping, Aiden went to the study room and listened to the audio recordings from the microphone he hid on Vivian's jacket.

After leaving their apartment, Vivian chatted with Hugo, the doorman, on the way out of the building... it was obvious that he was flirting with her, but she didn't seem interested. Next recording was Vivian talking with some girls in dorm, then more chatter, more girls talk... Last recording for the evening some sighing and typing - probably working on a course project.

There was nothing to indicate that she was in contact with Ed or Philip. If anyone is spying, usual pattern of behavior is to report their findings right away. 'Maybe she is not the one.' Aiden thought. But he decided to check new recordings tomorrow, just to make sure.


Next day, 1:36 PM Jeff arrived at Sarah's apartment. He was wearing his usual business suit, and he looked better than last night, but still not in good shape.

Aiden was in the study room, and Sarah was with Jeff in the living area.

"You need to get rest." Sarah urged him. "Are you not feeling well?" Aiden already told her few times not to let Jeff sleep over, but he didn't say anything about her showing concern.

Jeff heard Sarah's question, but was not sure how to respond. "Can you let me talk with JoAnna?" Suddenly he asked.

Sarah's eyes widened with surprise.

"I know you said you will not give me her phone number... and that is fine. I just want to talk with her. How about you make a call so that I don't see the number, and I can talk. That is not too much to ask, right?" Jeff was desperate.

Sarah was not sure what to think of his strange behavior, but with his poor appearance she could not make herself be harsh on him. And after all, he didn't ask for much. "Let me see."

She got her phone and texted JoAnna: "Can we video chat tonight?"

She got a response after few seconds.

[JoAnna]: "I'm working night shift tonight. My hard stop is 5:30 PM when I need to leave, if that works for you."

Sarah read the response and asked Jeff, "How about 4:30?"

Jeff vigorously nodded.

[Sarah]: "4:30?"

[JoAnna]: "That works."

"OK... that settles it. You can talk to her today at 4:30 PM." Sarah confirmed to Jeff.

Jeff didn't respond. He walked to the bedroom he occupied previous day, closed the door behind him and stared into space for some time without moving.

Sarah checked time, it was after 3 PM, so just over an hour until she needs to log in for the chat with JoAnna.


4:30 PM, Sarah logged to virtual conference app she usually used to chat with her sisters. Sophia was logged in.

"Hi big sis, why are you here?", Sarah asked.

"I spoke with JoAnna earlier, she told me there will be conference today.", Sophia explained.

Sarah realized that JoAnna misunderstood. "Oh, it was meant only for JoAnna."

"I'm not welcome?" Sophia pouted.

"That's not what I mean... " Sarah pacified her. "You are still in office? Where is Felix?"

"Yes, I'm still at work. Felix is in office, working I guess... What it this about?" Sophia was curious.

Sarah suddenly felt that all this thing is a bit awkward. "Uhm, my boss was JoAnna's patient some time ago, and he asked me if he can talk to her. I didn't want to give him her phone number without her permission... so here we are."

"Your boss? Jeffrey?" Sophia knows Jeff, they work together for some time.

"Yes." Sarah confirmed.

"Shouldn't you call him brother-in-law?" Sophia teased.

"From 9 to 5 he is my boss." Sarah explained.

JoAnna joined. "I'm here... did you find something new?"

"No..." Again, Sarah was reminded that she didn't clarify why she asked JoAnna to talk to her. "Sorry for not explaining. My boss wanted to talk to you."

JoAnna was surprised. "Your boss?"

"It seems he was your patient some time ago and asked me if he can talk to you. Long story short, I hope you don't mind. I don't know what he wants." Sarah hoped that JoAnna will not get upset.

JoAnna didn't think much about it. "Sure, whatever... where is he?"

Sarah realized that Jeff is still in the bedroom. "Oh, let me get him."

As she walked away, Sarah heard Sophia explain. "Actually, her boss is Aiden's brother."

JoAnna responded. "I didn't know that brother-in-law's brother was my patient. Now I'm curious..."

Sarah went to the guest bedroom where Jeff was, and found him sitting on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. "Uhm... Jeff... you wanted to talk to JoAnna?"

Jeff looked up at Sarah and stopped breathing. He felt that his heart is going to jump out of his chest. 'Am I really going to hear her now?'

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