Is this destiny?

Chapter 250 - I can't stay away

JoAnna spent most of the Monday walking through the neighborhood and relaxing in the apartment while Sarah and Aiden were at work. On Tuesday, Sarah offered to bring her to work and show her around, but JoAnna refused saying that she still wants to rest. In reality, she didn't want to risk bumping into Jeff. Sarah didn't think much about it and went to work.

That day, after lunch, Sarah met with Bridgette for a coffee. Two of them chatted, when they saw Jeff pass near them, followed by his assistant, Steve.

Jeff saw Sarah and walked to her. "Sarah, if you get a chance this afternoon, after four, stop by my office. I want to find out about your progress on security." He ignored Bridgette. The scene of her shameless behavior still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Sure." Sarah looked at Steve. "Can you book his calendar for four? I will be there."

Jeff and Steve walked away. Bridgette stared at Steve, not noticing that Jeff ignored her.

"Now what?", Sarah teased Bridgette seeing her expression.

"Who is that man?" Bridgette asked.

"CEO White?" Sarah thought that Bridgette should know Jeff, right?

"No, the other one."

"Steve?" Sarah was surprised that Bridgette noticed Steve. Steve is overall good looking, but next to Jeff, average at best. But that is only her opinion. "He is CEO's assistant."

"Mmm, maybe he can book my calendar as well..." Bridgette mumbled.

Sarah laughed. "What you have seems to be incurable."

Seeing that Bridgette is still looking after them, even after they entered the elevator, Sarah stopped teasing her. "Hey, how come you didn't say anything to him?"

Usually Bridgette didn't hold herself back in saying something shameful to men who she finds attractive. But this time, it was different. Sarah found that amusing. "How about I find out for you if he is single?"

"Can you?" Bridgette's eyes sparkled.

"I'm going to see him at four when I go for my meeting." Sarah winked.

"Then I will thank you for your trouble."


At four o'clock, Sarah got to CEO's office.

Steve was about to leave the office and give her and Jeff privacy to talk, when Sarah called out to him. "Steve, are you single or taken?"

Steve was surprised by this, and so was Jeff. They both looked at Sarah.

Sarah awkwardly clarified. "Hey, not for me... one of my friends was wondering."

Steve still stared at Sarah. "Single."

"Thank you for your response." Sarah nodded.

"Is that all?" Steve was embarrassed.

"For now." Sarah was amused by his expression. 'How can a grown man blush like that? If he ends up meeting with Bridgette, she will eat him up.'

Steve was surprised by Sarah's question, and it made him very uncomfortable. But he decided to push it aside as if nothing happened.

Sarah explained her progress with security enhancements to Jeff and started talking about what else is pending. About half an hour into the meeting, Jeff apologized "We need to stop here, I have another meeting in two minutes. Maybe we can meet again tomorrow and continue?"

"Sure, I will talk to Steve to see about your availability." On her way out, Sarah stopped. "Jeff, I see that you are busy, but I hope you can meet us for dinner in next few days."

He lifted his gaze from the laptop. "Occasion?"

"Nothing much... just that JoAnna is here, so I thought you might want to join us."

Jeff was not sure he heard Sarah right. "Can you repeat that?"

"JoAnna is here, staying at my apartment this week. So, I thought you might want to join us for dinner... before she goes back. But if you are busy, I understand."

Jeff inhaled more than necessary. "I will get back to you on that."

"Sure, no problem." Sarah left his office and looked for Steve to schedule a meeting with Jeff for next day, but he was not there. 'I will send him a message later.' She could talk with the secretary, but she wanted to tease Steve about Bridgette after seeing how flustered he was earlier when she asked him if he is single.

Jeff was sitting at his desk, not moving for few minutes. 'JoAnna is here! Why didn't she tell me? Forget it, she does not respond to my calls or texts.' Jeff felt surge of emotions. JoAnna was right there, only few minutes away... He got startled when his secretary reminded him that he is late for his next meeting on the twelfth floor. He didn't see her enter his office. Jeff stood up and walked out. "Cancel it." Jeff didn't care about anything anymore. Desire to see JoAnna overwhelmed him.

Jeff is not sure how he reached Sarah's apartment building. By the time he came to his senses, he was in the private elevator, going up to the 20th floor. Security didn't stop Jeff from going in, since they recognized him.

Elevator door opened, and Jeff held his breath as he slowly walked inside. He found JoAnna on the terrace, leaning on the fence, and watching the street below. Her long brown hair fluttered in the breeze and he was entranced. 'So beautiful...'

"Anna?", he called to her.

Her body stiffened, and she slowly turned around. When her eyes landed on him, she felt her heart ache. She missed him so much. It was easier to hold onto her sanity without seeing him. "Why are you here?"

Jeff saw her struggle and he felt constriction in his chest. It was difficult to breathe. "I heard you are here, and I had to see you."

JoAnna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes, "You saw me. Please leave." She walked inside, wanting to go to her bedroom, or maybe outside... anywhere, as long as it's away from here, away from him.

When he saw her walking away, Jeff panicked. He felt as if she is leaving him forever... as if he is not going to see her ever again. He didn't know what to do. Reflexively he grabbed her wrist when she walked past him. "Anna...", his voice told her how desperate he is.

JoAnna stopped in her tracks. She didn't dare to look at him, fearing that her eyes will betray her, and he will see all feelings which she is desperately trying to conceal.

"Why are you making this difficult?", JoAnna whispered. She held her head down, avoiding his gaze.

"I can't stay away, Anna... because I love you."

JoAnna looked up at him, tears filling her eyes. "Oh, Jeff..."

She threw herself into his embrace. Any willpower she had to resist him was shattered. She felt his arms wrap around her, his body pressing against hers as his warmth enveloped her. As much as she wanted to resist him, she can't deny that this is the feeling she craves for.

When he felt JoAnna in his embrace, Jeff exhaled. Everything disappeared. The whole world was reduced to two of them… him being able to feel her next to him, inhale her scent, feel her warmth. Nothing else mattered… And this time, she hugged him back.


At the White corp. in Sarah's office, Aiden peeked in through the door after a short knock. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Just a minute to wrap this up." She answered.

Her earpiece made a sound before she heard Eve's voice, "Master, Jeffrey White entered the apartment." Sarah touched her earpiece. "Show me."

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