Is this destiny?

Chapter 301 - No one is born brave (3)

As they were going from elevator to the car, Jeff had an internal struggle of his own. Jeff was angry. 'Why did she leave the apartment?' He felt helpless, knowing that JoAnna might be in danger, and he is not there to help her. 'Is she in danger? Of course, she is, they would never call us like this if it's not serious.' He was scolding himself because he left her by herself. If he was with her, this would not happen.

As they got into the car, Aiden saw Jeff's expressions. "This is not a time to place blame on anyone. Now we need a clear mind, and to go and help them out."

Jeff nodded, but his mind was still in turmoil. "What do you know?"

Aiden started the car. "Sarah contacted me, that she needs my help." Aiden on purpose didn't say that signal also means that Sarah is not in danger, because that will imply that JoAnna is in danger, and Jeff is already anxious. "I got the address" He handed his phone to Jeff. "Type it into GPS."

Jeff entered the address. "Did she say anything else?"

"We didn't talk. She is probably being watched and didn't want to use her phone." Seeing that Jeff is confused, Aiden lifted his hand with a promise ring. "We got few features in-built, so we can send messages through these. And Eve sent me the address."

Jeff nodded and looked at the GPS which showed 14 minutes to destination. His anxiety increased, and cold sweat beaded his forehead... 14 minutes is too long. He wanted to call JoAnna, but if Sarah didn't use her phone because she is cautious, that means that JoAnna should not use it either… if he calls her, he might put her into danger... Jeff felt like going crazy. He looked at Aiden, "How come you are not anxious?"

Aiden smirked. "Not anxious? I am... but I also believe in Sarah. You should believe in Ana. Give her some credit... just by putting up with you, I admire her already."

Jeff grunted. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Aiden paused while checking the GPS. "You are my brother, and I'm used to you... but most of the time you are overbearing, and you want to do everything by yourself like no one else has any capabilities. I could go on... but this is enough to scare away most of the people who ever thought of getting close to you."

Jeff wanted to protest, but then he remembered why they are in the car, and his mind went back toward JoAnna and worrying if she is OK.

Sarah and JoAnna went to their second location for buying ingredients for a sedative.

"Act as normal as possible. I will try to find him." Sarah advised, and JoAnna responded with a small nod.

JoAnna purchased second ingredient while Sarah observed surrounding, looking casual. As they exited the store, Sarah spotted Greg on the street. Sarah linked arms with JoAnna and led her opposite from Greg, toward the empty property that Eve found.

"He is following us." Sarah whispered to JoAnna as they walked between people.

JoAnna stiffened her back and started looking back.

"Don't turn around!" Sarah reminded her. "If he realizes that we know he is there, he might suspect something and flee. Then we are back to the start line, and he is the one watching from the dark and waiting for his next chance."

Sarah and JoAnna walked in front, and Bob1 followed few steps behind.

Greg was about ten feet behind Bob1. He wanted to take him out, but there was quite a number of people on the street, blocking the clear path between Greg and Bob1. He was too far away. Greg increased his pace, reducing the distance slightly. He aimed his syringe gun at Bob1 from his hip height and pulled the trigger. There was a dull "PAK" sound and in next instant, one pedestrian that stepped in from the side got hit. Greg cursed as he passed the young man whose eyes were filled with panic, not knowing what happened to him.

Greg thought how he has only two more shots left. And his targets are bodyguard, JoAnna and Sarah in that order. Sarah is youngest sister, and he does not see her as a big threat. He needs JoAnna sedated so that he can take her away. And the bodyguard is a problem. As he followed them blindly, Greg decided that he will sedate bodyguard and JoAnna. He will find some other way to deal with Sarah, maybe a smack in the head and she will faint, and if he hurts her more than just fainting... that is not his concern. It's her fault for standing in his way.

Sarah led JoAnna and Bob1 into the alley while taking guidance from Eve through her earpiece. Sarah went straight to the side door and opened it forcefully with a kick. She pulled JoAnna inside and Bob1 followed. He wanted to close the door, but Sarah stopped him. "Leave it half open. We want him to come inside."

Sarah tapped her earpiece. 'Eve, track Aiden's promise ring. Every 30 seconds let me know how far away he is from me.'

After few seconds, Sarah heard Eve's voice. "He is 6 minutes and 37 seconds away."

Greg was following them while thinking about his plan and didn't realize that three of them took a turn into an alley, until he was in front of a half open side door in a now empty alley. 'They entered here?' Greg peered inside. 'Looks empty, not in use. Why would they enter here? … Who cares?' Vicious smile appeared on his face. 'This is actually good for me! No one will see what I'm about to do!' He entered the building while carefully looking around. Greg walked through the hallway. There was one door on the left and one on the right. Greg tried opening them, but they were locked. He continued walking to the end of the hallway which opened to a large open space. And there he found them! Sarah and JoAnna were standing one next to each other, while Bob1 was in front of them.

Greg's gaze was fixed on JoAnna. "Hello, my dear JoAnna! We meet again." He grinned.

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