Is this destiny?

Chapter 316 - Team of six (5)


After logging off from the conference call Sophia noticed that Felix is not moving. His expression is grim. "Felix, dear? Are you OK?"

"Do you know this Steven person?" Felix looked angry.

"I've met him few times." Sophia was confused. 'What got into him?'

"What do you think about him?" Felix was talking through his teeth.

"I don't have an opinion of him. Other than exchanging greetings, I didn't get a chance to talk to him. He came with Jeffrey for business meetings... " Then Sophia realized, "Are you worried that he is dating your sister?"

"She didn't tell me about him." Felix looked at Sophia and pouted.

"Maybe they just started dating." Sophia guessed, trying to pacify him.

Felix didn't respond. His jaw was tightly clenched, and his mouth twitched.

Sophia got an email notification. "Sarah sent links... let's check out the club she will go into tonight. I'm very concerned. There are so many things that could go wrong. I wish that she does not do this..."

Seeing that Sophia is worried, Felix came back to his senses and returned to his usual self and comforted Sophia. "Sarah is smart. She knows what she is doing."

In the back of his mind he decided to go next weekend to Los Angeles and to see who is that Steven with enough courage to date his sister. If Sophia is reluctant to go, he will persuade her... he still has few massaging techniques to demonstrate which he keeps for emergencies.


Few minutes before nine, Vivian came to Sarah's apartment. Sarah put on her best smile, which she practiced for a long time in front of a mirror, and greeted her.

Aiden didn't come out of the study room. He was not sure that he would be able to control himself. He was watching two of them chat in the living room through surveillance. 'If I didn't find solid evidence, I would never suspect Vivian.' She looked so natural when talking to Sarah, he could not detect any sign of malice coming from her.

Not long after, girls headed to Reflex. Sarah went to the study room to say bye to Aiden.

"Why is he not coming out?", Vivian was curious as two of them headed to the elevator.

"He is just swamped with work." Sarah shrugged.

At the main entrance, Hugo greeted them with great smile while holding the door open for them. "Well hello, Miss Hill... I didn't see you in a while."

"Hi Mr. Alvarez", Sarah dryly greeted the doorman who was flirting, as usual.

Vivian didn't mind Hugo's advances, and was happy to chat with him. That made Sarah curious if Vivian got over Gabriel or was Gabriel also a lie. Now that she knows that Vivian betrayed her, Sarah admired her acting skills. Sarah felt regretful about how she treated Gabriel, she was harsh only because of Vivian. If she didn't think that Vivian is her good friend, she would never meddle in Gabriel's personal life.

Sarah and Vivian took a cab to Reflex.

Aiden tracked Sarah through the GPS on her ring. As soon as he observed that they started moving rapidly, he got down to the garage, took his Mercedes and drove to a storage house where he left his car and switched to a white pick-up truck that they prepared in advance. 'This will be poetic justice...' Since Sarah was in the back of the white pick-up truck, unable to move when they drugged her, Sarah wants the perpetrators to experience the same.

He drove to the Reflex, parked in the back of the parking lot, close to the back entrance and watched video feed from the club, on his laptop. "I'm in position, watching you. Be careful, baby."

Sarah heard his words in her earpiece. She touched her earpiece and smiled. Sarah felt as if Aiden is all around her, protecting her. It made her feel warm and fuzzy.

"Do you want to share that with me?" Vivian asked when she noticed that Sarah is dazed and smiling.

"I just remembered something..." Sarah shook her head. "Let's get drinks, before we hit the floor."

Not long after, Eve spoke to both Sarah and Aiden, "Philip entered the club."

Aiden looked at the camera and confirmed. "I see him. He is heading to the bar."

Sarah and Vivian were dancing. Sarah heard Aiden through her earpiece, "He is sitting toward the middle of the bar, looking around... I think he spotted you." Sarah could hear Aiden's voice getting tense.

That was the signal: Philip saw her. Now she can take Vivian out of the club.

"I need to use restroom, it's crowded... will you give me company?" Sarah asked, and Vivian agreed. It's normal for girls to go to the restroom in groups. As they approached restroom, they passed next to the back door. Sarah faked that she is lightheaded, and Vivian suggested some fresh air. They used back exit to go to the parking lot... everything went according to the plan. Sarah pulled a syringe out of her bag, and injected Vivian with a sedative.

Before Vivian realized what is going on, she was gagged and lying in the back of the pickup truck, covered up with a black tarp. Sarah didn't speak to her at all, which made Vivian even more scared. Vivian didn't grasp that Sarah knows that she betrayed her, so she was wondering if someone else attacked them. She was petrified when she noticed that she is unable to move.

"There is one slight problem" Aiden showed video to Sarah. "There is three of them. I don't think that I can get Philip out without causing a disturbance." They watched Philip at the bar with two other young men, they were obviously together.

Key to their plan was to take both Vivian and Philip without attracting any unwanted attention.

"I will do it." Sarah's voice was firm.

"No." Aiden didn't waver either.

"I will not do anything risky. As soon as he spots me, I will walk out, and I know that he will follow me. From there you can take over." Sarah's explanation was logical.

"I don't want you to get close to him."

"I will be careful... I promise."

"No." This was one thing he will not compromise on. Sarah's safety.

"Babe..." She looked playfully. She wanted him to loosen up and let her do her thing.

Aiden inhaled and held his breath. This is the first time she called him anything other than his name. But he knows she just wants to plunge herself into danger. He exhaled. "No. I almost lost you, twice."

Sarah pouted and thought for a moment. She looked at him seriously. "There is no other choice. You can't go because he will not follow you willingly, not unless you start a fight, and we can't attract attention. If we pull back now, there will be no other chance. Jeff will start his part of the plan tomorrow, and on Monday everything will go crazy. His family will call him back home... there will be no other chance than this. Do you want him to get out of this unpunished?"

"Of course not." Aiden was conflicted. What she said made sense. But he can't let her go. Aiden looked at her determined expression. "Baby, I can't agree to this... remember what Anna said? Just a small prick of what they are using, and you are knocked out. If that thing even touches you..."

"But they can't take me away, not with you watching." Her resolve was even stronger. "It's a risk that I'm willing to take."

"But I'm not!" He frowned. He was getting frustrated with her stubbornness. How can she not be more cautious? He regretted when he agreed with her not to bring any bodyguards with them.

Sarah lowered her head. "You are not the one who went through that... twice. You are not the one who was in danger and helpless." She lifted her head and looked Aiden in the eyes. "I'm scared. I'm terrified. And I need this to stop. Only by not letting him get away will this stop. I need to fight my demons, and demon that hunts my nightmares is called Philip."

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