Is this destiny?

Chapter 37 - Easily distracted

"What do I feel like?" Aiden looked at Sarah with a suggestive expression and made a step towards her.

Her eyes opened wide in panic, and she took a step back. "To eat!"

He laughed. "I will follow your lead, so you pick." Aiden didn't care much about food choices. He was amused to see her flustered expression.

They enjoyed variety of pastries with coffee at one bakery in the mall, and then Sarah took Aiden to a store which sells brand name men's clothes.

"See if you like something here", she told him.

He grabbed few tops, and one blue jeans, without looking much, and headed towards cash register.

"Oh, no. Don't deny me this pleasure", she pulled him back. "You need to try them on first!"

Sarah happily went through the store and started picking tops and bottoms and when her hands could not hold any more, she pushed all clothes into his hands. "Go, try them on.", she was pointing towards dressing rooms. He saw how excited she was, so he could not refuse.

Sarah took a seat in the waiting area next to the dressing room and waited for him to change. He obediently tried on clothes she picked and came out to show her how it fits. Sarah enjoyed taking pictures of him while he posed for her. Based on how she likes his outfit, Sarah would give him a thumbs up or send him back dismissively.

"This is the last one", he told her while heading back to the dressing room after showing her a blue t-shirt and black pants. Sarah quickly went to grab few more garments and went to hand them to him. He opened the door of the dressing room to take clothes from Sarah, and grabbed her hand pulling her inside.

She looked at him closing the door and walk towards her with fire in his eyes. Her heart missed a beat when she noticed that he is not wearing a top. "This is not appropriate", she whispered as he started kissing her.

"You don't seem to mind", he said between kisses.

She used all her mental strength to make her hands push him away, "I don't mind. But it's still not appropriate." Her hands were on his chest, and she felt that her palms burned at the touch of his toned body.

He pouted for a second before mischievous smile appeared on his face, and he leaned in for a kiss again.

Sarah was defenseless, she wanted to taste his lips badly and she could not make herself to push him away. Her hands that were on his chest, wrapped around him and pulled him closer. They were both gasping for air while kissing passionately, when they heard a knock on the door, "Is everything OK?" It was the salesman.

Aiden cleared his throat, "Yes, thank you."

Sarah put her face in her hands. "Why do I feel like a kid who stole candy and got caught?"

They picked up things to buy and walked out of the dressing room. The salesman was right at the entrance, giving them a stern look.

"Mhm, we will take these", Sarah was avoiding meeting eyes of the man who looked like on a verge to scold them.

Salesman walked with them to the cash register with a sour expression on his face. Sarah gave him her credit card. Aiden protested, but she insisted, "Treat it as a Christmas gift. Besides, you are my guest now. You get to pay when we are at your place."

He noticed her stubbornness and gave up. "It's the first time a girl is paying for my clothes."

"Well, I'm glad I'm your first at least in something", she mumbled.

There was obviously more than one meaning behind her remark. Back at the hotel, it was her first time being intimate with a man, and she would need to be completely ignorant to believe that it was his first time as well. She told herself that it's unreasonable to hope he didn't have a single girl in his life before she came along, but the thought of him caring for someone other than her, no matter when it happened, bothered her.

He embraced her from behind, "You have no idea." He wanted to tell her that she is the first girl to ever move his heart. First girl to monopolize his thoughts. First girl to make him forget about the task he needed to accomplish. First girl to make him miss her so much when they are apart that it hurt. First girl who made him consider leaving everything and everyone else behind just so that he can be by her side. But he didn't. He only tightened his hug.

With help of his gentle hug, Sarah supressed black clouds which gathered over her, threatening to ruin the mood, and she turned to face Aiden.

"I hope to find out", she whispered and planted a kiss on his lips.

The salesperson cleared his throat. Aiden and Sarah laughed and turned towards the merchant.

"Please send that to...", Sarah gave him her address. She looked at Aiden, "Did you get everything?"

He nodded.

As they exited store, Sarah's phone beeped. She checked it and saw a message:

[Vivian]: "Did you find out anything about Gabriel? I feel desperate."

Sarah was in thoughts after reading the message. She told Vivian that she will investigate it, but she didn't get a chance. "Did you see Gabriel in last ten days?", Sarah asked Aiden.

"No", he responded. "Is something going on?"

Sarah thought for a moment before responding, "Vivian just texted. She didn't hear from him in more than ten days and is worried." Then Sarah got an idea, "Do you want to help me find out his whereabouts?"


"OK. Let's go", Sarah held his hand and led the way out of the mall.

~ Hill family villa ~

"Good afternoon, Miss Sarah", old butler greeted as Sarah entered the house.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Joe. This is Aiden", Sarah pointed towards Aiden with her hand. Old butler nodded in greeting. "Who is home?", Sarah asked.

"Madam and Miss Sophia are in the family room. Master is in his study. Miss JoAnna is in her room.", Mr. Joe responded.

"Thank you", Sarah turned to Aiden, "Let's greet my mom and sister first". She led Aiden towards the family room.

Aiden and Sarah met Stella and Sophia and they exchanged greetings.

"We got something to do, so we are heading to PC room", Sarah told her mom and sister. "Mr. Joe, can you get someone to send some snacks and drinks there?". Sarah went with Aiden through the hallway and down the stairs.

PC room is a room on the basement level of Hill family villa. It requires a passcode for door to open. Room has six custom PCs arranged on a round table in the middle of the room. In front of each PC is an ergonomic computer chair. There is a number of servers stacked next to the wall. One wall is filled with storage which is enclosed, so it can't be seen what it inside.

"Pick one", Sarah told Aiden while pointing at the PCs in the middle of the room, "You will find login information under the keyboard."

"This is not a very safe place for passwords", he frowned as he lifted the keyboard and found a sticky note.

"If anyone can enter this room, they deserve access", Sarah laughed.

He smiled while shaking his head, "OK. What are we doing?"

Sarah hesitated. "Last night I showed you something I can do." She was referring to the hacking she did from his hotel room. Aiden understood and nodded. "Based on your behavior, I can assume that you are familiar with it." Aiden was impressed with her observation and deduction skills. Again, he gave her a small nod and she continued. "I will understand if you don't want to do it in front of me." She finished and waited for his response.

"It is only fair that I don't hide things from you." Aiden was waiting for a chance to show her that he trusts her, and he is happy that the chance presented itself so quickly. "I will repeat the question: What are we doing?"

Sarah was content with his response and explained. "Gabriel was last seen on evening of December 11. From then he didn't attend any classes, and there is no contact from him. We need to find out why."

"Do you have any leads?"

"Not at this time. Last I know is that twelve days ago, he dropped off Vivian at her dorm", she responded.

"That's something to start with. Let me check security cameras. You start with any news for that evening. We should also check his social accounts, email and phone activity, police reports, airport and hospital", Aiden made plan quickly.

Sarah nodded, noticing how quickly he came up with a list of things to do. 'This organizing skill is something that team leads take time to develop. Where did he learn this?', she thought for a moment before getting busy with her task.

Few minutes later, maid came in and left snacks and beverages. Sarah thanked the maid as she left, and then observed Aiden. His face was focused on the screen, and his fingers were flying over the keyboard. Sarah watched him hack into several different surveillance systems effortlessly, to track Gabriel's car as he drove away from campus on that evening. She admired his skills. "You are really good."

Aiden's fingers stopped, and he looked at Sarah with a complex expression.

"If I tell my dad, he will try to poach you to join his team.", Sarah said with a smile.

"Don't tell him, because I'm not available.", Aiden responded.

"He will be willing to wait for you to graduate.", Sarah assumed that he is not available because of school.

"It's not that. I have something else going on, and I thought of asking you to join, but...", he paused. 'It's not the time to tell her. I need to know that she will not get upset. I need to be confident that she will not misunderstand.'

"But?", Sarah was curious.

"When I see you getting so easily distracted, I think that maybe you are not ready.", he teased.

She sulked, "You should be happy that you have the ability to distract me, and do not use that to make fun of me." She turned to get back to work.

"Can't I be happy and have fun?", he continued.

She didn't want to look at him, as she would only give him more reason to tease her.

After some time, Aiden said: "Video is not much use. He drives off towards south, and there is no video coverage. I will look into airport."

Sarah analyzed, "I don't see anything relevant in news. There are two car accidents reported for that evening in the general area, one is major. No names in the report, which is strange. But if he was involved, his family could remove his name from the police reports as well as news." Sarah continued. "His social accounts don't have activity from 11th, I'm going to look into hospitals next." After few seconds, she asked, "Where did you say he drove out of video surveillance area?"

Aiden opened a map on his screen and showed, "Here, and he went south"

"There was a 911 call from that area, car accident", she continued typing. "Ambulance took two people. Responders were unit 11 which takes people to Good Fortune hospital." Sarah's face was getting more focused as she looked into hospital records. "One of the patients was transferred next morning to GHC hospital in Bend," Sarah stopped typing, "Patient name is not in documents, only initials 'GL'. That could be Gabriel. GHC hospital is a high-end institution for exclusive patients. They keep their records out of the network for privacy reasons." Sarah flashed a smile. "But I have my ways."

Aiden was observing Sarah with interest while she analyzed pieces of information and placed them together like a puzzle. 'Good analytical skills.'

Sarah got her phone. "Hi, Anna, are you home? Can you come to PC room? OK. Thanks" She finished talking on the phone, and explained to Aiden, "GHC hospital is a branch of Franciscan Medical Center where my sister works. I will ask her if she can find out something."

Few minutes later, JoAnna entered the room. Her eyes fell on Aiden, and a mysterious smirk appeared on her face as she recognized him. 'Mystery man who danced with Sarah!' "Hello, I'm JoAnna" She extended her hand for a handshake.

"Hi, Aiden. Nice to meet you" He stood up and shook her hand.

"I think I saw you at the company party last night" JoAnna mentioned.

"Possible. I was there" He responded with a smile.

'He thinks he is a smart one', JoAnna thought. 'Oh, just wait until I get my moment. I will show you and this sister of mine who thinks that she can hide that something is going on between two of you!'

JoAnna's face got an evil grin, Sarah noticed that something is not right with her sister. Sarah cleared her throat. "I need to ask you for a favor."

"Favor?" JoAnna was curious.

"I believe that my friend got into an accident..." Sarah started.

"Another friend?" JoAnna interrupted with a mocking tone.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sarah was confused. "Focus on what I'm saying!"

"OK. Sorry…" JoAnna shrugged.

"It seems he was transferred on morning of December 12 to GHC from Good Fortune Hospital. Can you confirm name of that patient? And if his name is Gabriel Long, can you see what his condition is?"

"What do I get?" JoAnna raised her eyebrows smugly.

"My eternal gratitude" Sarah responded.

"I already have that. I need something I don't have" JoAnna smirked.

"What do you want?"

"Let me think about it. I will go and make some phone calls now" JoAnna left while throwing glances at Aiden. Sarah noticed JoAnna's behavior and her uneasiness increased.

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