Is this destiny?

Chapter 372 - Meet Sylvie Martin (3)

Felix parked in the driveway of a single-story house. When Felix got out of the car. Sylvie glanced at Sophia and Sophia could swear that she saw Sylvie frown, but just for a moment.

Felix opened the door for Sophia. "This is mom's house." He helped her out of the car.

Sophia felt a relief that he is showing her attention, but her relief lasted no more than few seconds. She noticed him having an amused expression while facing the car.

Sylvie was still sitting in the car, obviously waiting for her son to open the door for her. Felix shook his head and smiled. He let go of Sophia's hand and went to open the door for his mother. As she got out, she clung to his arm and didn't let go. Sophia's hand curled into a fist for a second and she silently counted to ten and back.

"New flower beds?" Felix observed landscape in the front of the house.

Sylvie happily responded in French. Felix continued in French. Sophia lowered her head; she was all alone again.

"Why don't you go and start the tea? I will show Sophia in the back." Sophia heard Felix say.

Sylvie spoke in French, something about living room.

"Weather is nice. Let's enjoy the view of the lake." Felix responded.

Sophia felt his hand around her waist, and he ushered her along a narrow stone path around the house.

In the back was an expansive pristine lawn which opened to a lake. On the shore, number of large willow trees surrounded a wooden dock without any boats anchored. It was a very picturesque view. Too bad that Sophia was not in the mood to enjoy it.

"Ma chéri, there is no need to be shy around my mom." Sophia heard Felix say.

She lifted her head and faced him. He was... happy.

"Do you really think I'm shy?" Sophia blinked few times, not able to believe how thick he is right now. 'He is so blind in front of his mother, that she can sell him water for wine.'

"What else could it be? I see you are not talking much and keeping to yourself." Felix caressed her cheek. "Just relax... it will all be well. I'm sure my mom likes you."

Sophia opened her mouth to speak, but Sylvie's voice came from inside. She called Felix to help her out.

"I will be back in a minute." He turned toward the house.

"Felix... can you take my purse inside?" Sophia got her phone and handed him the purse. Her hand trembled for a moment.

"Sure." He took her purse and went inside.

Sophia walked on the grass toward the dock. When she reached the shore, she removed her shoes and sat on the dock, in the shade of a willow tree. Her toes reached water. Sophia opened messages from Eve and started reading. Translations were marked as conversations between 'F' and 'M'. Based on content, Sophia guessed that 'F' is for Female voice and 'M' is for Male voice.

Sophia scrolled through conversation Felix and Sylvie had in the restaurant.

He spoke about work, she talked about neighbors, her yoga classes, diet changes, doctor's appointments... nothing unusual.

Sophia reached part where he told her that they are invited for afternoon tea at Sylvie's place. Shortly after that they left the restaurant.

Up to that point, Felix and Sylvie didn't mention Sophia. She was not sure how she feels about that.

In the car, Sylvie was talking about her Friday evening club where she plays Canasta. She was recollecting details about games, how many wins she had last Friday, and specifics about women with whom she plays card games. Gossiping mostly.

Latest message Sophia received from Eve was conversation she had with Felix in the back of Sylvie's house. Sophia found it interesting that her parts were marked as 'Sophia'. Sophia concluded that Eve recognized her voice.

Sophia got another message. It was translation of a recording which started when Felix went inside to help with tea. 'Shouldn't they be back already?' Sophia thought that it should not take that long to make tea. She opened the message and started reading.


'M': What do you need help with?

'F': Why don't you sit? It would be great to talk to you. Just the two of us. How we used to do.

'M': I left Sophia by herself because you said that you need help.

'F': Do you blame me if I want to spend some time with my son? I haven't seen you in months. Mom misses you. Now I know why you didn't come home for so long. Charlotte told me that you didn't call her. Why are you avoiding her? You have bad eyes.

'M': Explain.

'F': You always needed me to guide you. Without me you would not be where you are now. Do I need to spell it out for you? This one is not good. She does not even speak French. A woman like that is not suited for you. She is a career woman who will not focus on you or family. She is old, how many kids can she have? You need to find someone who can commit to you and give you a large family, and not to chase after career. Your woman should take care of things at home so that you can focus on your work.

'M': Like Charlotte?

'F': Maybe. You know I wish only good for you. Why don't you meet her, since you are here already? I know that she is waiting for your call.


From text in the message, Sophia can't hear tone of voices, pauses, or see facial expressions. But she can tell that Sylvie had a long segment of talking how Sophia is not good for Felix, and he didn't respond. He didn't say anything. He just listened to his mother, without a word to fight for their relationship.

'I'm so stupid. I even thought that he might propose... I know that this is his mother, and she is important to him. But I expect that I am his priority. If I'm going to be in a serious relationship with him, I need to be his number one. No one should be above me. Is that too much to ask? Should I be with a man who can't fight for me? Who is not able to fight for us?' Sophia closed her eyes and one tear rolled down her cheek.

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