Is this destiny?

Chapter 401 - Sarah's birthday (1)

When Aiden and Sarah landed in Italy, it was Monday morning.

They settled in a small hotel room with a balcony which provided a great view of the blue Adriatic Sea.

The town they stayed in is not a popular tourist destination. Sarah does not like crowds and avoids going to tourist-packed cities.

After freshening up, they had lunch and spent the afternoon walking through narrow alleys of a peaceful coastal town. It was not first time for Sarah to come to this place, and she took Aiden to few spots from where they had a good view of the town and the small port. Local restaurants offered them a good assortment of fresh seafood and they picked one for their dinner.

Next day they spent morning biking in the area.

They made a stop in a local gelato shop and relaxed at the street side table while enjoying freshly made strawberry ice cream.

"I love to come back to these gems." Sarah was referring to the town. "There are not many people, and I can relax and enjoy. Locals treat occasional tourists like family."

Just as she said that, a local boy, no more than ten year old, approached their table and offered her a pamphlet. Sarah smiled and took it. The boy stared at her face for few seconds with his eyes open wide. Sarah could see that he blushed before dashing away without a word.

Aiden looked after the boy and then at Sarah who was smiling and still looking in the direction where boy went. "Should I be jealous?"

Sarah laughed. "Silly..." She checked the pamphlet. "Oh, there is some food and wine tasting event tonight in the town. Do you want to go?"

Aiden could see that she is interested. "Sure, why not?"

That evening, town square was filled with tables offering variety of fruits, pastries, cheeses and wine. People from nearby towns came as well, and it was quite lively.

"There are not many tourists. Mostly locals. It seems this is not an event that happens often." Sarah stopped by one table and had a chat in Italian with an older lady while tasting three types of cheese she offered. Sarah made sure that Aiden tastes everything as well. He was not sure if he liked it or not, but he saw that Sarah is excited, so he smiled and gave an approving nod.

The lady offered them wine as well.

Sarah took a sip before giving the glass to Aiden. "Her family makes cheese and wine. It's not polite to refuse." After salty cheese, wine seemed to be very sweet. Aiden took a sip and returned the glass back to Sarah. Sarah looked at the glass for few seconds, then glanced at the lady whose face showed anticipation hoping for a praise. Sarah downed the glass and praised the wine. Older lady was very happy and wanted to give more wine, but Sarah refused saying that they want to check out other tables as well. Sarah promised that they will be back later, when she saw that older lady's mood dropped.

Each table had some food and wine. People were very friendly, and Sarah found it impossible to refuse food and drinks.

Few tables later, Sarah realized that she is dizzy. "Maybe we take a break from this tasting for a while."

Aiden laughed. "Let's sit there." At every table they visited, he would take a sip just to taste the wine, while Sarah finished the glass. Aiden was amused to see Sarah tipsy. He never saw her drink before. "Do you need to finish the glass every time?"

Sarah shrugged. "It's considered rude if you don't finish."

Aiden shook his head. "How about I get you something else to drink, to wash off that wine?"

Sarah thought for a second. "Lemonade. That store there sells lemonade." She pointed in one direction.

Aiden glanced and saw a store and only one person in the store buying something. "Wait here. I will be back in a minute. Don't move." He walked away.

Aiden looked through the store and didn't see fresh lemonade. He walked out of the store few minutes later with two cans of lemonade in his hands.

He found Sarah sitting between two young men who were offering her wine. She took one full glass from the man on her left and finished it in one go. As she kept the glass down, her eyes landed on Aiden who was standing frozen few steps away. She smiled. "Hi."

Two men looked at Aiden and squinted. They were not sure who this young man is or why is his murderous gaze directed at them.

Aiden thought he is going to explode, just like two cans of lemonade in his hands. He was so angry that he didn't realize that he crushed the cans.

Two men got the message and swiftly left.

Aiden threw two deformed cans to the side and grabbed Sarah's hand pulling her behind him. "Let's go!"

"Where are we going?" She cheerfully asked, not realizing that he is furious.

"Bed. We are done for tonight." Aiden spoke through his teeth.

"How can we be done? There are so many more things to taste..." Sarah complained.

"You are done tasting. I'm taking you to sleep." Aiden grumbled and tightened his hold on her hand when he felt that she wants to wiggle it out.

By the time they reached hotel, that last glass of wine took effect on Sarah in addition to her previous tipsiness. She was not able to walk properly and was stumbling over her own feet. Aiden had to carry her. He didn't mind carrying her, but she wiggled a lot and he almost dropped her accidentally few times.

Aiden was relieved when they finally reached their room. He placed her on the bed and exhaled in relief.


Sarah's fist landed on his face.

He was not expecting it and took the hit full force. Aiden looked at her in disbelief. Luckily, she was drunk, and her punch packed less than half of its usual strength.

One more time her fist came his way, but he was ready and caught it. Her other hand also swung his way and he caught that one as well. Aiden was not sure what came over her, but he blocked her legs with his, just in case if she decides to start kicking him.

One second later, Sarah started talking. She mumbled something and then he heard her say, "What do you think you are doing?!! I have a boyfriend..." There was some more mumbling. "Don't even think of doing anything funny! My boyfriend will beat you up!"

Aiden perked up when he heard that, forgetting that less than a minute ago she punched him. He moved to see her face and saw that her eyes are closed, and she was frowning. "Who is your boyfriend?"

Sarah's frown increased. "My boyfriend! He is the best! You are not worth of knowing his name! And he..."

"He what?" Aiden was eager to hear what else is she going to say.

He was very disappointed to see that she slept off.

Aiden went to get some ice and held it on his jaw while checking his email. After going through his email, he wanted to do some work, but was frustrated by slow internet connection that hotel provided.

He got in the bed and stretched his arms to pull Sarah into his embrace.

As soon as his hands reached her, Sarah rolled toward him and placed her head on his shoulder.

Aiden smiled and his arms wrapped around her.

She took a deep breath in her sleep and mumbled, "I love you..."

He kissed her forehead, "I love you more."

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