Is this destiny?

Chapter 406 - Sarah's birthday (6)

One by one they came to the same conclusion: Aiden is Omega.

For them, that was a huge deal. It was like mystical being suddenly appeared in front of them. After unknown period of silence, they all started talking at the same time. Everyone wanted to know more about Aiden and how he met Sarah and what is he doing here and where his skills came from...

"Boss, how did you recruit him?" Emir was half-dazed.

"Actually, he recruited me." Sarah giggled when she remembered that Aiden approached her for a project. She drifted into sweet memories how they met.

"Details, please!" Lucija pleaded.

Sarah smiled and then moved to block Marija. "Where are you going?" Sarah noticed that Marija is ogling at Aiden and advancing toward him.

"Just an autograph..." Marija mumbled.

"No. Keep your distance from him." Sarah warned her.

Aiden was happy to see Sarah's reaction. He pulled Sarah to sit in his lap and gave 'not interested' look to Marija.

The only one not understanding what the commotion is about was Nick. He probably did understand, but didn't want to accept that Omega, person he idolized, is the same man as the one he hates to the core. How can a person he worships be the same person who is taking away the girl he loves? He was conflicted. Nick stood up and walked out without a word.

Mishi saw Nick walking away and followed him.

When they stepped outside, Mishi called after him. "Where are you going?"

Nick stopped. "I don't know."

Mishi stood in front of Nick and scrutinized him while lighting up a cigarette. He inhaled. "Don't tell me you honestly thought that you have a chance with Boss?"

Nick didn't respond. Of course, he thought that he has a chance with Sarah. He was learning and improving himself to impress her. He went to the gym and worked hard in school just so that she can see that he is more manly and responsible and smart. He was ecstatic with every centimeter he grew, because that meant that soon he will be taller than Sarah, tall enough for her. He found out that she loves to dance, and he took dance lessons so that when opportunity arises, he can be a good dance partner for her and amaze her with his moves. She was always so nice to him, never rejected his requests. It was obvious that she cares for him. Why would he not think that there is a possibility for a romance between them?

"Think about it." Mishi interrupted his thoughts. "How old were you when you met her?"

"Ten." Nick didn't see the point of that question.

"That is how she sees you. Like a ten year old child. In her eyes you are not a man. Do you understand? All these years you are saying that you will marry her one day. Not just Boss, but all of us took it as a nonsense coming from a child."

Nick glanced at Mishi, and then looked down again in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

Mishi continued. "It was a matter of time before Boss found someone, and it happened to be now. You have a choice. Do you want to be close to her? If that is your choice, you will need to accept that she has a man by her side, and that you don't stand a chance. She brought him here. That means that they are not playing. They have deep feelings toward each other."

Nick was not willing to accept that. He lifted his head and looked at Mishi. "How can you be so indifferent? Don't you think that Boss is amazing and beautiful?"

Mishi chuckled. "Of course, I do. I'm not blind. But I see her in the same way she sees you, like a child. My feelings for her are something between older brother and a father. It's not romantic."

Mishi inhaled one more smoke and pressed cigarette on a bottom of the rock which already has numerous burn marks on it. He turned to go back inside.

"What if I can't accept it?" Nick's voice came from behind Mishi.

Mishi sighed. "Then you should not be near Boss. Not like this. And that means that you will not be near us as well."

Mishi went inside, leaving Nick to think about what he wants to do.


Inside was mini riot which started when Sarah said that she will not come tomorrow.

"We all took time to come here, and you say that tomorrow you are not available? Where are you going?" Petar fumed.

Sarah frowned. "We never had an agreement that this is exclusive."

"Can we join you?" Emir asked eagerly.

"You will come to the party in the evening, right?" Marija asked while glancing at Aiden.

"Yes. It's a yes for the party." Sarah confirmed and gave a threatening look to Marija. "How many times I need to tell you that he is not available?"

"I can't help it... when I realized he is Omega, his attractiveness factor went up tenfold!"

"You can't help it?" Sarah felt her temper rising. "Then we are leaving!"

"No, no, no!" Emir blocked the door. "Marija, go and keep busy with something! You are showing disrespect to the Boss! How would you feel if someone stares like that at your boyfriend?!" Emir was scolding Marija and then turned to Sarah with a big smile. "I was hoping we get to watch a good match." Emir's eyes darted from Sarah to Aiden few times.

Sarah checked her phone. "Maybe next time. We are going now." She stood up and didn't give them time to object.

Sarah looked at Mishi. "Send me location of the party tomorrow. We will show up after six."


When Sarah and Aiden walked out, they saw Nick sitting on a rock nearby.

Nick glanced at them and looked down.

Sarah patted Aiden's hand. "Give me a minute."

Sarah walked to Nick, while Aiden was left behind. He was thinking how he will break that brat if he tries anything funny.

"Hey..." Sarah called as she approached Nick. "How are you doing?"

He didn't respond. He was trying to sort out his thoughts. For such a long time he was looking forward to seeing her, and this day finally came only to turn into a disaster. Not only did he lose Sarah, but he lost his dignity as a hacker as well.

"This is not just about losing the challenge, is it?" Sarah was persistent.

Nick glanced at her, but still didn't speak.

Sarah sighed. "I still remember that ten year old boy who was following me everywhere, and buying me those sour candies, even though I never liked them."

"You still ate them." Nick mumbled.

"Because it made you happy."

Nick paused for a moment before speaking. "I was in a bad place then and getting candies for you made my day. The sour candies were the only ones I could afford."

"I know, that is why I ate them..." Sarah was happy to see that Nick lifted his head and looked at her. "Nick, it's good to have dreams and to keep them alive. It's something that gives us a reason to wake up in the morning and push forward. Also, there is a time when we need to assess those dreams and make adjustments where needed. If the dream consumes you so much that you can't tell it apart from reality, it's time to wake up. I never gave you hope, and I'm sorry if you believe I did. You have skills and talent, and it will be a pity to throw it all away." Sarah made a step away from Nick and stopped. "Day after tomorrow we will be back here again. If you are interested, your idol can give you some pointers."

Sarah went to Aiden. "Let's go."

Nick watched Sarah and Aiden as they walked down, toward the small coastal town. Even after they disappeared between bushes, Nick was still looking that way.

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