Is this destiny?

Chapter 418 - Plans of Hill sisters

Next few days, Sarah was busy. She got the identities for the kids and allowed them to choose their own names. Youngest boy picked Ade, and the other boy picked Jamari. The oldest girl picked Nala, and others were Oni, Zula, Masika and Imani.

Sarah started teaching them French and basics about computers and Aiden helped to teach them introduction to coding. Stella was focusing on building up their stamina and some basic moves. The kids were busy, but happy. Sarah was happy to see that all kids are very bright and fast learners.

Sophia and Felix came to the cabin for one day and Sarah discussed with Felix Athens's Drachmas that she wants to use as tokens. Felix confirmed that there is no problem to add trackers inside and to seal them without leaving traces. They discussed that for some time.

Sophia was happy to hear that Sarah had fun for her birthday with Aiden, and curious about the seven kids running around and jumping in the backyard. Sarah told her that they are training them, and they will be part of the staff in their new house in California.

Sarah was curious about Sophia's pregnancy, and Felix just waited for someone to bring out the topic. He pulled out of his bag latest ultrasound pictures and made them listen heartbeat sounds from two days ago.

"Felix is excited." Sophia awkwardly smiled feeling slightly embarrassed. "He is spending hours every day researching about pregnancy and fetus development. And he is designing contraptions for me to use to monitor my health and the baby… At this rate I will not need to go to checkups at all."

Sarah laughed. "It's OK. I'm excited also, and I'm only an aunt. It's a good thing that he is this involved, enjoy."

Aiden was curious about ultrasound pictures. Felix pointed to him where to look. After some time, Aiden complained with a frown. "There is only a small circle."

"Look at this one…" Felix proudly pushed another ultrasound photo of his offspring. "This one is magnified!"

"Woah!" Aiden exclaimed. "That does not look human!"

Felix was offended by that comment. 'How can you say that my child does not look human?!!' He took a second to compose himself before speaking. "Hmph! What do you know? … The face and fingers are forming … and… See here? …"

Aiden was listening attentively. But he still thought that thing on the photo does not look human.

Sarah and Sophia laughed when they saw them like that.

Sarah wanted to know the progress of wedding plans.

Sophia beamed. "We decided on July 14th. It will be in the back garden of our family villa… I had to fight with Stella, she wants to invite everyone. I threatened her that if she does that, wedding will be moved… I let Stella be in charge of decorations, that should keep her busy…" Sophia showed photo on the phone. "This is the wedding dress I picked."

Sarah smiled. "It's gorgeous. You will be stunning."

"It's even better in person, up close. The fabric on this picture looks rather plain, but it has a lot of embroidered details that shimmer in silver." Sophia excitedly explained.

"I'm glad to see you this happy." Sarah took Sophia's hand in hers and did her best to control her emotions. Sarah felt like she is about to cry from happiness for her sister.

"Yes, I am happy…" Sophia looked toward Felix with a gentle gaze.

Later in the day, they had a video chat with JoAnna and Jeff. The topic was Cox Industries.

"I'm itchy to go and show that Lindsay her place." JoAnna frowned.

"What about the riding incident?" Sarah was curious if they found the culprit. "Did Oscar find out who sabotaged your saddle?"

JoAnna shook her head. "One stable worker said that he saw Liam inside stable before we went riding, but not near Golden Legend. There are no cameras inside, so we can't confirm if he is the one who cut the saddle. I do have one lead, Olivia texted me that Liam cut the saddle. But I will need to talk to her in person and see if she is willing to talk… I was confident that Lindsay had something to do with it." JoAnna shrugged with disappointment. "We can't take any legal action without proof. At least not for the saddle issue."

"We have everything ready." Sophia announced. "I will work with Jeff to handle the three companies. We already started process of getting their shares in small quantities. We are only waiting for JoAnna to deal with her part and we will switch to aggressively take over those companies."

"In two days, Whites are organizing a party." JoAnna rubbed her hands and smiled maliciously. "That is when we will handle Cox sisters."

"We?" Sophia was surprised and then realized who 'we' is. "Sarah, you decided to go?"

Sarah raised her eyebrows. "How can I not go after hearing that Scarlet is craving to put her hands on my man?" JoAnna told Sarah that Lyndsay is after Jeff and her younger sister, Scarlet is after Aiden. Sarah is happy to go and put in place any woman who thinks that can take over her place.

Sophia laughed. "O-ho! My two sisters together putting wanna-bees in their place. I wish I could see that."

"You can come!" JoAnna exclaimed. "It would be so much fun with all three of us there!"

Sophia shook her head. "I'm sorry to say that I can't. I'm getting tired easily and going on a trip might be too much. I look forward to hear from you how it went."

They concluded the talk confirming that in two days Sarah, Aiden, JoAnna and Jeff will go to Reno for a party. After that, in three days from now Jeff and Sophia will start aggressively buying shares for Cox Industries and two other companies who are scheming with them.

Ade was very upset when he heard that Sarah will be absent for few days. "Boss! Let me come with you, I can be useful!"

Sarah patted his head. "The most useful thing you can do now is to keep learning and training."

He pouted in disapproval. Other kids also didn't like that Sarah will be leaving, and she saw them all sulking.

Sarah gathered them all to come to her, and she started explaining. "Hey… I travel a lot, and I can't always be with you… Even now, I'm split between three locations." Sarah was thinking of Los Angeles where she works, and JoAnna lives, Fairfield where her apartment is, and Seattle where her parents and Sophia are, as well as the cabin. "Most of the time I will not be with you. I can tell you that I don't plan to separate you. Learn to rely on yourself and each other…"

Abe almost cried. His eyes were locked on Sarah and full of tears, but he didn't let them fall.

Sarah was not sure how to coax him. Seeing a 10 year old child so sad made her sad as well. "Maybe things change when our home in California is completed. It should be done in about a month. We plan to spend more time there then. OK?" Sarah gave a small smile, but it didn't help. Kids were still sad.

"If you work hard and improve… some of you might accompany me as protection…" Sarah didn't finish when she saw that all their faces lit up.

Abe was first to speak. "I will work harder and be the best! Boss will take me everywhere!"

"Me too!" All kids got lively.

Sarah laughed. "OK… back to training then."

The kids ran to the training ground excitedly. Sarah smiled while looking after them and thinking how kids don't need much to be happy. A second later, she looked troubled.

"Something on your mind?" Aiden was on the side, watching her interact with the kids.

"Yeah… I thought that they can manage by themselves. But when I see them this clingy, I think I made a mistake. They need a grown up around, and I'm not the right role model."

Aiden stepped close to Sarah and lifted her chin up to face him. "You are a great role model… but your availability is a problem. They will not be by themselves in the house, if that is concerning you. Just how Weber sisters take care of the cabin, we will hire people for our house as well. I'm sure kids will find someone to rely on while you are away."

Sarah felt that what he said made sense.

Later that evening, Sarah was doing research on her laptop.

Aiden peeked over her shoulder. "Scarlet Cox?"

Sarah glanced at him. "Yes… I'm getting to know my competition."

"Competition?" Aiden chuckled and lifted Sarah off the chair by putting his arms under her thighs, so her body was still in a seated position. "No one can be your competition." Aiden placed her on the bed and got on top of her. His head moved behind her ear, and he inhaled scent of her shampoo.

"I know that…" Sarah smiled. "But she doesn't… in two days she will find out."

"Oh?" Aiden lifted his head to look in Sarah's eyes. "What will she find out?"

Sarah shifted her body and in one swift movement rolled them over. She was on top of Aiden, straddling him. "She will find out that you are mine."

Aiden wanted to say something, but she covered his lips with hers. Few seconds later he didn't feel like talking at all.

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