Is this destiny?

Chapter 458 - Las Vegas (2)

~ Las Vegas ~

Later in the evening, Sarah and Aiden are having a six-course dinner in a private VIP room. Huge windows offer amazing views of the Las Vegas strip, but Sarah and Aiden are not paying attention to it.

Aiden was recollecting how before they left for the casino, Sarah explained games they will target, budget as well as overall strategy. He was impressed how thorough she is but at the same time he was a bit doubtful that all can run as smooth as she planned it. And now he needs to admit that there is no room for doubts… when Sarah plans something, it turns out even better than the original plan, because she is actually reserved when she plans.

He could only shake his head helplessly as she switched between tables, and amount of chips in her possession at least doubled every time.

She started with $1k, and now she has more than $300k! They spent about one hour in the casino before she said that she is hungry.

Aiden observed that Sarah is back in her thoughts… planning for next step. Looking at her mesmerizing appearance with that short blonde hair, looking like a young rebel… he can only admire her. Is it possible that a girl like this exists? And she is right here, with him.

He cleared his throat to get her attention. "What will you do with the money?"

She looked at him as if he said something outrageous. "Keep it.", she responded after a long silence. "Do you think I should do something else with the money?"

Aiden shrugged and leaned back, increasing distance between them subconsciously. "Usually you don't keep the money… so I was just wondering."

"I don't keep the money that is not mine. But this money is mine. I played a game, I won… without cheating."

Aiden thought about it for a second, "Yes. You didn't cheat." He had to agree with the facts. "But don't you think you have an… advantage here?" He implied how she can easily predict the outcome. Counting cards is one thing, increases chance of a win… but with her is not just increased chances. She always wins! She even got a huge win at a roulette table. How is that possible? She explained earlier that every dealer has his own style and when you take into consideration gestures, force, starting position of his hands, it's easy to predict the winning combination. Well… it's easy for her.

"What about my advantage?" Sarah tilted her head and looked at him with innocence only she can reveal after winning more than 300 times of what she started with in less than one hour.

Aiden was not sure how to respond. 'What about it…?'

Sarah felt the need to explain herself. She does not want Aiden to think that she is taking something that is not hers. She is many things, but thief is not one of them. "This is how I see it… at work, I finish my tasks quickly, faster than most… right?"

"Faster than anyone." He had to admit.

"So, I have an advantage… my knowledge, experience, analytical skills, and this…" She pointed at her head. "… gives me an advantage over others, correct?"

He knows that it means advantage over him. There are no other people she can compare herself with, only him. But still, she is correct, so he has to ignore his hurt pride and agree. She is brilliant, he can't deny that. "Correct."

Sarah was happy that he agreed. "Since I have that advantage, should I refuse my paycheck? Should I refuse bonus? I am aware that I do many things faster than most of the people. Should I refuse compensation for my efforts because of that?" Sarah saw that Aiden is stunned by her argument, and she got her point across. "As I said, I didn't cheat. I follow the rules of the house, and I won this fairly. Why would I do anything other than keeping the money?"

"Sure, sure… forget I said anything." He can only surrender. This girl is too magnificent. He is already here with her, so he might as well enjoy it. He is enjoying.

"Let's finish food and get changed." Sarah glanced at the time.

"What's next?"

"We are going to a private event, for high rollers. We can't go like this…" She was referring to their outfits. They looked like two young rebels.

"What are we playing there?"

"Card games, of course… but you need to think if you want to participate. I noticed that while you play, you are getting distracted easily, and few times you even missed your turn to place a bet."

Again, he had to admit. "You are already gorgeous… and when I saw your unstoppable winning spree, I could not help but be enchanted by your presence."

Sarah smiled. She liked his choice of words. "Well, this will be more… risky. And I will still be winning. If you think that you will be dazed and not pay attention to the game, then you might as well give up on playing and just stay by my side and look pretty." She grinned.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "How can you say that I just stand there and look pretty? Are you with me only for my looks?" He does not mind that she likes how he looks. But he is more than just looks, right?

"You are very handsome. I don't mind you being my boy-toy." Sarah giggled and pinched his cheeks.

He was about to retaliate, when her attention got pulled to the view outside. "Oh, the Bellagio fountains show starts. That is nice! Let's watch…" She scooted closer to him and leaned into his embrace.

He forgot that he was about to bicker with her and hugged her tightly while enjoying the show… with her.

They finished dinner and got changed.

Sarah prepared everything. They had matching outfits. Their clothes showed elegance, style and money. Whoever saw them knew that they are someone of importance. That is the effect she was going for. Sarah was wearing a well fitting dark blue sleeveless gown. Her hair was pulled into a neat bun with few strands falling down. Aiden's suit was black with dark blue details.

The sight of two of them walking in through the grand entrance was breathtaking.

Sarah glanced at Aiden and blushed thinking of a previous scene in the dressing room for exclusive customers.

"Remember why we are here…" Sarah reminded him between kisses while trying to resist, knowing that it's useless. Her actions didn't match her words at all.

"I'm trying… and the only thing I know is that I'm here… with you…" He admitted.

She was glad that she didn't put her dress on, there was less things to remove. "Wait…" She weakly protested when he undid her bra.

"There is no one else… and the doors are locked…"

Her knees got weak and he held her with one hand while his other took care of last piece of garment that was in the way. She was lost in passion as he guided her with the motion of his hips, and she used his lips to muffle her screams.

They reached grand French doors and showed their IDs to the person standing with two guards in front. Skinny man checked their IDs, compared them to the information on his tablet and smiled. "Mr. Black, Mrs. Black… We hope you enjoy your evening…" The man assumed they are married, it was a logical conclusion: same last name, holding each other tightly, and he could clearly see attraction between them. He gestured toward the door, and one of the guards swiftly opened it and another long hallway was revealed in front of them.

"Black?" Aiden whispered as they walked through the hallway. He didn't check the ID she gave him… she gave him several, and he just took them without paying attention what is on them.

"Don't complain… you know I'm bad with names." Sarah whispered back. She had difficulty picking names, and Black is opposite of White… so she picked it.

"What are we, siblings, cousins, or…?" They have the same last name. The man at the door obviously assumed they are married, but Aiden wanted to know why Sarah decided on same last name. Did she have some agenda, or is he overthinking it?

"Does it matter?" Sarah paused for a second. "Whatever you want."

Aiden heard heartbeat in his ears while he spoke: "How about, you be my wife… for tonight?"

They stopped in front of the second set of grand French doors and staff opened it with large smiles wishing them to have a pleasant evening.

Sarah turned to Aiden and smiled. She gave him one small nod of agreement. "Tonight… we already have matching rings, so it's fine." She turned to look at an impressive room with several tables in front of them. There was not a lot of people inside, and number of waitresses were gliding effortlessly with trays filled with various beverages, cigars and snacks. Just a glance at the overall atmosphere and it was obvious that this is not a room for regular players. Everything smelled of power and money… and Sarah liked it!

Aiden was not sure if his heart stopped or is beating like crazy. His eyes didn't leave Sarah and he had difficulty catching his breath. 'She only smiled and said that she will be my wife for tonight. We are only pretending, acting. It's not real. Why am I reacting like this? Why is this so important?'

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