Is this destiny?

Chapter 460 - Las Vegas (4)

It was late in the evening when Sarah and Aiden returned to their hotel room.

Sarah was giddy from happiness. She would giggle and laugh randomly, and people they passed while on their way to their room thought that she had too much to drink.

"The haul for tonight was great!" Sarah exclaimed as they entered the room. "Let's celebrate with some amazing room service! What should we get?" She took the menu and started picking things.

"Only great? I would use a bigger word for how much you won." Aiden still had in his mind image of several waitresses following Sarah with briefcases full of chips after the game, so that they can count her winnings and deposit them to the account. Aiden observed that she didn't react to his comment. Sarah was happily twirling by herself through the room. Aiden grabbed her by the waist to stop her when she twirled nearby. "What is the plan for tomorrow?"

Sarah was a bit dizzy, and she took few seconds to rest her head on his shoulder before responding. "In the evening, we are going to another VIP room… I hope that by the time security conference ends we attract enough attention to qualify for that back room where all the goodies are."

Last few hours he is thinking about the lunch invitation from the Indian man. If they go, that means they get to extend their Mr. and Mrs. play. He needs to find out if she plans to go… the invitation was extended to her. "How about the plan during the day?"

"We will visit casinos. I have few more to say 'hello' to… those are the ones that banned me last time." Sarah pouted for a second before returning to her happy mode and looking at the menu for room service. "Come here… tell me what you want."

Aiden was not happy that Sarah didn't address lunch for next day… but he will ask later. He can see that she is interested in ordering things.

Not long after, they freshened up, and an array of dishes was delivered to their room. Sarah was watching a movie on TV and eating strawberry ice cream.

Aiden joined her on the sofa and observed her wearing his white T-shirt. It was more than just few sizes bigger for her which was obvious based on the oversized opening around her neck… it showed a hint of her exquisite collarbones and extended to her cleavage. The fabric covered her bottom and a top portion of her thighs. Her bare long legs were curled up to the side, slightly under her body… he thought that Sarah never looked so inviting.

"Try this… it's very good." Sarah was offering him the ice cream. She placed the spoon in his mouth. "What do you say?"

He nodded. "Good." Aiden fidgeted for some time before speaking. He can't delay this any longer. "What are we going to do for lunch tomorrow?"

Sarah didn't remove her sight from the TV. "Whatever you want."

"What about that man… who invited us for lunch."

Sarah glanced at Aiden, "Do you usually accept lunch invitations from strangers?" She obviously didn't plan on going.

Aiden felt that he should not give up easily. "He didn't look like a simple person. Maybe we should not just dismiss him."

"Oh?" Sarah wanted to tell him to drop the silly idea… but it seems that he is willing to go, and Sarah didn't have the heart just to deny him. "If you are interested, look him up. His card is still in my purse."

Aiden's face lit up. There is still hope.

It didn't take much time for Aiden to find information on Saurabh Patel. "Look…" He showed his laptop to Sarah. "He is a bigshot in real estate and software. And… he is one of the organizers for the security conference we are attending."

"You are kidding!"

Aiden was happy that Sarah showed enthusiasm. 'The lunch is ON!' He did his best to look calm, handing her his laptop. "No… see for yourself."

"No need. I believe you." She refused to take his laptop and her gaze went back to the TV.

But she still didn't say anything about the lunch. He needs to confirm. "So… for tomorrow lunch…"

"You want to go?" Sarah could not believe how sheepish he looked. 'He must have some agenda… but I can't tell what it is.'

"It can't hurt to have a man like that in our network."

Sarah exhaled. "OK. Fine. Call him to confirm that we are coming."

Aiden called right away and left a voicemail. It was late in the evening and he didn't expect man to pick up. But few minutes later, Aiden got a call. It was Mr. Patel. He was away from the phone, but as soon as he heard the voicemail, he called Aiden back.

After the call, Aiden was obviously happy. His huge grin showed it. "We are all set. Tomorrow, 1 PM… Mrs. Black."

Sarah pouted. "That was supposed to be only for these VIP events. Now it's dragging into the day…"

"You don't like being my wife?" Aiden didn't realize that his expression revealed his disappointment. Luckily for him (or not) Sarah was focused on the TV.

"That is not what I said.", she mumbled while trying to get her mind back on the movie.

"What do you think about moving to the honeymoon suite?"

Sarah turned to face him, not sure from where this idea came from. "Why?"

He put his most charming smile on while explaining, "Technically, today we became Mr. and Mrs. Shouldn't we enjoy the honeymoon suite?"

Sarah didn't understand his logic. What Mr. and Mrs.? It's just a roleplay, and not real. Also, they are in the largest suite that hotel offers. Unless there is a better one, she is not moving. "This suite is the best one. The only thing you get there is free chocolates and champagne. You can order them here if you feel like it." Sarah's attention went back to the TV. "Besides, honeymoon suite is for people who got married… for real. I would feel like a cheater to take someone else's spot. What if there are actual newlyweds and they can't get that suite because we are playing?"

"What if we are not playing?" Aiden was not aware how these words came out of him. But he could not take them back… after a flash of panic, he did his best to get that charming smile of his back on.

Sarah turned to look at him, slightly annoyed that he is asking questions which don't make sense. What does he mean: 'not playing'? Does he mean that they get married for real? No, there is no way he is thinking that… but nothing else makes sense… As of recently he does not make sense. Getting lost in a daze randomly, smiling by himself. The only thing Sarah can think of is to ask for clarification. "What do you mean?"

She observed him fidget for some time. He looked uncomfortable. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Sarah's phone rang.

"Hold that thought…" She stood up and checked the phone. It was an unknown number. Sarah hesitated for a moment before picking up. "Yes, this is Mrs. Black…" Aiden watched her face lit up while listening to the person who called. "… Yes… Thank you… We will be there." She ended the call and stood in a daze for few seconds before pouncing onto him. He barely had time to catch her.

"Guess what!?"

He shook his head and waited for her to talk.

"We just got an upgrade to VVVVVVIP! We have access to that back room!"

"How come?" Aiden was suspicious. Sarah said that it takes time. And her estimates are never wrong. Even if her performance was amazing, it should not be only one day. Right?

She shook her head and responded honestly, "I don't know. They said that someone vouched for me and I'm in… maybe someone from today's game?"

"Will it make sense that someone who plays in that room can get people pushed onto a higher stage?" Aiden was still not convinced.

"Maybe that someone was just scouting for potential customers…", Sarah guessed. "At the end, it does not matter. Right? We are in! No need to idle for days. If it's not this late we would go right now… but tomorrow, big game begins!" She leaped out from his lap and hopped through the room excitedly for some time before calming down and noticing that there is no more strawberry ice cream. "I will order more… Do you want some also?"

Aiden shook his head and watched her go to make a phone call.

Part of him felt a relief that the phone call interrupted their previous conversation, and that she forgot about it. And part of him was disappointed. 'Was I about to propose to Sarah?!!!' He surprised himself by that realization. 'Did I really think of doing it without a ring!??' Aiden was not sure which part got him upset more… that he didn't have a plan… or that he didn't have a ring… or that it would be close to 0% romantic… or that he even thought of doing something like that. 'She is not ready… we are playing around, but she is not affected at the slightest.' He was upset that he is the only one moved by this whole Mr. and Mrs. roleplay. He wished that she thinks of being his wife… at least a little bit. He needs to start putting some ideas into her head, so that she eases up into the whole marriage thing. Finally, he smiled while thinking about it. He realized that he wants it… now he needs to make her see it as well.

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