Is this destiny?

Chapter 472 - Meeting father (3)

In the hospital, outside of the examination room, Felix is pacing back and forth. Damien is sitting on a chair and observing Felix.

Felix was inside with Sophia, but after less than a minute doctor told him to leave and wait outside because he was disrupting them. He left only after Sophia persuaded him.

It was obvious that Felix is very nervous, he was on pins and needles.

When nurse opened the door and said that family members can come in, Felix rushed in like a bullet. The exam was less than half an hour long, but to Felix it seemed like forever.

Damien was sitting in the chair, looking at the door that was slowly closing behind Felix. He was not sure what to say to Felix no matter how much he wanted to comfort him. They didn't speak after the incident. They didn't finish their talk in the coffee shop, but it all pointed to the scenario where Felix is not willing to accept him back into his life.

Damien was surprised when the door opened and Felix faced him, "Aren't you coming?"

Felix and Damien listened to doctor say that Sophia and the baby are fine. But Sophia will need to rest and take it easy for next few days.

"Listen to your body.", doctor told Sophia. "If you are tired or achy, then rest. You can do any activity that feels comfortable. If there is any bleeding, contact your obgyn…" He gave few more advices and said that Sophia can go home.

There was new audio file of the fetus's heartbeat, and both Felix and Damien listened to it with Sophia. Sophia observed how their excited facial expressions are matching. Damien's appearance gave her a glimpse of how Felix will look like in about twenty years.

Damien was very happy when they gave him few ultrasound pictures. "This is my grandchild!", he exclaimed.

It seemed that this incident did what talk between estranged father and son couldn't. It brought them back together, even if just for a little bit.

Damien gave them a ride back to Sophia's and Felix's apartment, and they invited him to come up. Damien was refusing, but after Sophia's insistence he accepted.

Sophia rested on the sofa, and listened father and son talk. It was much more relaxed than in the coffee shop.

Damien asked about pregnancy and paid attention to every detail that Felix shared. And Felix shared a lot. He even played previous heartbeat recordings and arranged ultrasound pictures on the table chronologically while explaining how the baby is developing. That seemed like never ending topic for Felix who would run his mouth dry about it to anyone who was willing to lend him an ear.

Damien's eyes were watering as he listened.

Sophia was not sure if Damien was emotional because that was his first grandchild or because he was listening to Felix. Probably both.

Felix told him about his work.

Damien was surprised to hear that Sophia is Felix's boss, and proud to listen to all high praises that Sophia has for his son.

Damien told them about his family and showed them pictures. He invited them to come for a visit, and Felix said that when Sophia recuperates, they will let him know.

Three of them had dinner in the apartment, chatting casually. Most of the talk was focused on a house that Sophia and Felix just purchased and their plan to move. Damien listened with interest and asked many questions. He even gave few advices.

After dinner, Damien didn't linger. He excused himself explaining that he has a night flight back home, and that he hopes they will stay in touch.

Felix promised to send him ultrasound photos and heartbeat audios regularly.

Damien returned to Canada with a full heart. He felt that he got his son back, and a daughter and a grandchild as well. They are still not as close as he hopes, but it's a great start, and in time they will get closer. He promised to himself that he will not mess up this opportunity. Damien was happy that Felix is doing well. He was excited to tell all the updates to his wife, Smita. Damien was imagining reactions of his sons when he tells them that they will meet their elder brother soon, and that they will be uncles!

"How do you feel?", Sophia asked Felix after Damien left.

"Good.", Felix responded.

"I'm glad." Sophia can tell that Felix's relationship with his father is off to a right track. "Your father is a good man."

Felix didn't respond.

Sophia knows that even though they talked nicely today, trauma of his father leaving and last twenty years of missing him is not easy to overcome. But the more they interact, the easier it will get. New memories will overshadow old ones.

"I think we should go and visit Damien and his family… what are your thoughts?"

"I'm not sure…" Felix shrugged.

Sophia can tell that he is not rejecting the idea. She is confident that he will agree to it. Thinking about Felix's parents, Sylvie came to her mind. "It's can't go worse than meeting your mother."

He nodded in agreement and asked: "Can we NOT talk about her?" He reminded Sophia that talking about his mother never ends well. Every time Sylvie was mentioned, both Sophia and Felix get upset when they remember Sylvie's horrible behavior when she met Sophia. And they still didn't agree if they will invite Sylvie or not to their wedding. Sophia thinks that it should be done, and Felix does not think the same.

Sophia gave a nod of agreement. They should not talk about his mother, not today.

Felix helped Sophia get ready for bed and held her tightly.

Sophia inhaled his scent and rested in his embrace. Firm and gentle. Just right. She remembered the incident in the coffee shop and how she ended up in a hospital. "Today, I was scared.", Sophia shared her thoughts after some time.

"Me too.", he admitted. "We need to be more careful." He kissed her forehead.

"Yes.", she agreed. Sophia likes that he said 'we'. She remembers that Felix used to be timid and insecure. Since they got engaged, she saw a change in him. Felix is much more confident in himself and in his position in her life. She likes that. "I know that I can rely on you and you will take care of everything.", she voiced her thoughts.

Felix smiled. "Thank you. I am honored that an amazing woman like yourself is even considering to rely on me."

Sophia giggled. "You are a smooth talker with a gift to turn anything into a compliment."

"Only with you, ma chéri…"

"Smooth talker…", she mumbled. He makes her warm and fuzzy… and his firm, muscular body next to hers makes her feel something else. Sophia's hand moved over his chest and went lower.

Felix cleared his throat. "Doctor said that you should rest."

"Doctor said that I should listen to my body…"

"Oh?" His perfect eyebrow arched. "And what is your body telling you?"

"It's time for you to rock your child to sleep.", Sophia smiled without breaking eye contact as her hand slipped inside his boxer shorts.

Felix closed his eyes and a smile spread across his handsome face revealing two dimples as he enjoyed her touch.

His body arched above Sophia's and his low voice rang in her ears, "Let me know if anything is uncomfortable…"

"Yeah…", she exhaled. Her face flushed as her palms moved lower over his muscular back. "I will listen to my body…" Her hands squeezed his hard buttocks and pulled him in.

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