Is this destiny?

Chapter 485 - Bossy CEO

At the hospital, doctors examined Felix's arm and concluded that there is no damage to bones or muscles. But he has large bruises and needs several sutures.

Sophia was not happy, thinking that they rushed through the examination, and demanded a VIP room and a second opinion. Everyone from hospital staff present frowned seeing Sophia causing a ruckus, but when they confirmed that she is CEO from Orion Enterprise, hospital staff became very polite. Everyone plastered wide smiles on their faces. They had to, because Orion Enterprise makes large donations to their hospital every year. Eh, many things in life can be solved with money.

Within few minutes, Felix was moved to a VIP room. Second set of doctors surrounded him, and they gave another exam. The results were the same, and Sophia gave doctors an icy look.

"Ma chéri, do you want them to make up injuries?", Felix asked in a weak voice, doing his best not to provoke already irritated Sophia.

Sophia's expression softened a bit. "Of course, not. But I want them to be thorough. What if they miss something, and you end up with long-term consequences? You are using your hands for work; how will you manage if there is a nerve damage and they missed it? If you can't do your work, our company revenue might drop and then we will need to decide what donations need to be reduced or removed."

Hearing this, doctors started doing additional tests. They didn't dare to rush through an exam of a person who was personally brought in by CEO of Orion Enterprise. And they looked very close as well. If Orion Enterprise cuts the donations and it was found out that it's because of their negligence, they might lose their jobs.

Sarah's phone rang and she stepped out to take the call when she saw that it's Aiden.

"Why are you in a hospital?", his panicked voice sounded as soon as she picked up.

For a moment Sarah wanted to ask how he knows where she is, but then she remembered that he can track her with a promise ring, as well as the phone. "Felix got hurt."

She heard him exhale.

Sarah smiled, touched by his concern. "He injured his arm, and they are examining it."

"When are you coming back?"

"I'm not sure yet… I will stay with them until the exam is over, and we get the results." Sarah's assumption is that Felix will not stay overnight, and she can drive them back home when they are done.

"I will come and get you. It's getting late." Aiden hanged up before she could respond.

Sarah helplessly looked at the phone, and then glanced outside. The sun was setting.

About an hour and a half later, Aiden arrived at the hospital and found Sarah in the hallway, sitting on the floor and working on her laptop. He was relieved to find her and confirm that she is OK. But he didn't understand why she is in the hallway. "Why are you here?"

Sarah pointed at the door of VIP room. "It's not advisable to go inside."

Aiden didn't understand. "Is the checkup still ongoing?"

"Checkup by doctors is done. Now nurses are getting a lesson how to do their job." Sarah laughed seeing that Aiden is confused. "Come, let's go in. It's easier to show you."

Inside, Felix was sitting on the bed with one nurse bandaging his arm while Sophia was all over her. "Why are you taking so long? Are you sure you know what you are doing? … How much experience you have? … Did you apply enough medicine? … Don't make it so tight! Don't you see he is hurting? … Why are you doing this? Where is doctor in charge? … "

Second nurse was assisting the first one, but it was obvious that she was trying to make herself look invisible.

By the time they finished, both nurses were on the verge of tears as they left the VIP room.

Not long after, doctor in charge came in the VIP room with those two nurses to tell them that treatment is done, and they can leave. Seeing Sophia's dark expression, he quickly extended an offer for them to stay overnight. Felix refused, expressing his desire to go home. Sophia agreed to leave only after doctor confirmed three times that everything looks fine. Tomorrow Felix needs to change bandages, and hospital will send someone to visit them home for this. Nurses glanced at each other when they heard this, both hoping that it's not going to be them to go and experience scolding from this scary woman, again.

Sarah dropped Sophia and Felix home, and Aiden joined them, leaving his car at the hospital.

Sophia extended an offer for Sarah and Aiden to stay overnight in the guest bedroom, and Aiden was about to accept when Sarah cut him off. "Thank you, for thinking about us, but we have plans already. Do you need anything? We can do a grocery run or get you anything else you need before we go."

Sophia confirmed that they don't need anything, and Sarah and Aiden didn't linger.

"Why didn't you want to stay? It's late, and it is better that we stay overnight and head to the Cabin in the morning." Aiden knows that roads to the Cabin are dark and treacherous in the night, and he would prefer not do drive back before daylight, if he has a choice.

"I agree that we can return tomorrow. For the night, we can go and stay with my parents. Or in a hotel... But not with Sophia. Not now."

"Why?", Aiden was confused. Sarah loves spending time with her sisters. How come she is avoiding Sophia now?

"Didn't you see her in the hospital? It will get worse… Felix would be better off if he stayed overnight. I guess he does not know my sister well yet."

Aiden was not sure how can Sophia get bossier, but he didn't want to know, if possible. It was important that Sarah was OK and next to him. "Where are we going? Hotel or to your family home?"

"Let's go to my family home. I want to talk to my mom. Since she is not coming to Cabin, I need to look for her."

They went to Hill family villa.

Up in the apartment, it was Sophia's turn to take care of Felix. Sophia didn't let Felix move and demanded that he rests. His objections were not taken into consideration.

"Here, rest on these pillows. Is this comfortable? I'm going to make you a soup. Wait here… you can watch TV.", Sophia gave him the remote. "Let me know if you want to get up. I will help you… if I come back and you moved, you are in trouble."

"I can move… my legs are fine…", Felix quietly objected.

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing…", Felix sulked.

Sophia saw Felix's pitiful expression and sat next to him. "You were careless and allowed yourself to get hurt. Doctor said to take it easy. Rest while you can and let me take care of you. OK?"

He looked at her and was conflicted. It's not that he does not like Sophia taking care of him, but he should take care of her. She is pregnant. The anesthetic he got in the hospital was still in effect, so he was not in pain, not even a little bit. He was perfectly fine and thought that Sophia is exaggerating. Felix is not used to have someone take care of him…

Sophia saw that he is about to object, and gave him a gentle warning, "We can do this in one of two ways. One is that you relax and enjoy while I do my thing. Second is that you resist, and we argue while I do my thing. Which one is it?"

Felix understood that even though her voice was calm, she is not joking. Arguing with Sophia is not something where he can win. He relaxed back on the pillows that she arranged for him and turned on the TV.

Sophia smiled. "That's better." She kissed him and headed to the kitchen.

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