Is this destiny?

Chapter 49 - Christmas eve (3)

Sarah saw Lexi leaning on Aiden, her right arm was on his shoulder. In Lexi's left hand was a cocktail and she was urging Aiden to drink with her.

Aiden picked up 'his' drink and looked at Lexi. He was frowning at Lexi, but Sarah didn't notice that.

Sarah didn't notice anything other than the fact that Lexi is trying to get Aiden to drink from a glass that has some drugs inside.

Sarah felt a familiar feeling of rage engulf her without warning. It overwhelmed all her senses and made her mind go blank. She does not remember how she got there. Next thing Sarah knows is that she is holding onto Lexi's right wrist, the one that was just a moment ago resting on Aiden's shoulder.

Sarah's face was twisted with rage which filled her eyes. With her left hand she pushed Aiden's hand with drink down. "It's spiked", Sarah said through her teeth without removing her sight from Lexi.

Sarah was boiling from anger. 'You dare try to drug him?'.

Since she was four years old, Sarah practiced martial arts under guidance of her mother, and knew how to hurt someone with a minimum force required.

Rage consumed her as she applied pressure on Lexi's wrist, and cracking sound could be heard. Lexi's face contorted from pain, her mouth was open, but no sound came out.

Aiden looked at Sarah with admiration. 'This girl is showing me another side of her. I don't want to miss a thing.'

Aiden remembered how nimbly she leaped into his bed previous night and thought of her practicing martial arts flashed through his mind. Now, that he saw her breaking a wrist effortlessly, he is confident that she has extensive training. But there was no mentioning of anything like that in the file he received about her background. 'Where did she learn this?' The more he found out about her, the more he found her enchanting.

Lexi was in so much pain, her face was pale white, and she could not even make a sound.

Sarah touched her earpiece. "Eve, increase music volume."

The low volume of background music changed to high. It was just right to cover up any cries that might come from Lexi.

Sarah leaned towards Lexi and said in a voice that sent chills down Lexi's spine, "It seems you hurt your wrist. Let's go to the bathroom and see if we can find any ice."

Sarah was still holding Lexi's wrist, and when she pulled her hand, Lexi had no choice but to follow her. She was in a lot of pain, and in no position to struggle.

Sarah pulled her in the bathroom and locked the door behind them. Then she let go of Lexi.

Lexi was stunned for few seconds, and then she started laughing like a crazy woman. "Oh, this is great! This is better than what I planned! Do you know what this is?", Lexi waved her arm with a broken wrist. "This will be millions! I will sue you! Your family will give me millions for this! Hahaha!"

Sarah's face became dark. 'Did she just drag my family into this?'


Heavy slap landed on Lexi's face, and blood dripped out of her mouth right away.

Lexi was high on adrenaline. "Hahaha! Keep going on! This will be at least two more millions! You silly rich girl, who only knows how to play by the rules. Well, I will make rules go in my favor. I will sue you until your family gives me all the money you have. Now I can ditch that disgusting sleezebag of your uncle. Hahaha!"


Another heavy slap landed on other side of Lexi's face. Blood splattered on the bathroom wall tiles.

Lexi wanted to continue laughing, but both of her cheeks got beating, and suddenly she became aware of pain. She used her left hand to wipe her mouth and was shocked to see that her mouth is bleeding. She looked at Sarah with disbelief. When she faced Sarah's enraged gaze, she thought that Sarah will kill her.

Lexi shivered. But she still kept yelling like a wounded animal. "Don't you dare hit me again! I will sue you. You hear me? I will make you pay for this!"

With a swift movement, Sarah hit Lexi in the face with her palm. Lexi's nose broke, and blood gushed right away. In the next moment, Sarah twisted her body slightly and kicked Lexi in the chest. Lexi flew backwards until her back hit the wall. Lexi slid down on the floor. She never experienced so much pain. Lexi looked at Sarah with fear.

Sarah slowly walked towards her. "Do you know with whom you are playing here?" Sarah's cold voice made Lexi freeze. "Who are you going to sue? For what? For slipping on the wet bathroom floor? You ended up getting so badly hurt, that is you being careless, you can't sue anyone for this."

Lexi said while shivering, "Yes, I will sue you. There is nothing you can do about it."

Sarah was standing right in front of Lexi, looking down on her. "Oh, really? Let me show you something." Sarah pulled her phone and played a video of Lexi putting drugs in the drink. Lexi's face paled. "I have more videos that will make a nice story of you putting illegal substance into drink and swapping drinks with a goal to drug Aiden."

Sarah reached down and checked pockets of Lexi's pants. Lexi didn't move, she was still stunned from the fact that she was caught on the video. Sarah got a small bag with white powder from Lexi's front pocket.

"Look at this!" Sarah shook little bag in front of Lexi's face. "Evidence in my case is building up."

Lexi spoke while trembling. "Look at my injuries, that is the proof. I have the proof."

"Proof? Of what? You falling in the bathroom?" Sarah's laughter was chilling. "Without witnesses, it's your word against mine. And who will the law favor, I wonder. Will it be a person with suspicious morale involved in drugs, or a silly rich girl who only knows how to play by the rules?" Sarah looked at Lexi and saw that she got the message. Sarah's voice was not loud, but to Lexi it sounded like the whole bathroom shook when she heard her say, "Remember this, if you try anything funny, I will use this video to get you in jail. Forget about suing me or my family and getting rich, just think yourself lucky for not going to jail for a long time. Because this silly rich girl can afford a very good lawyer."

Sarah straightened up and walked toward the door. Lexi shivered from fear and pain.

Halfway through the bathroom, Sarah stopped walking. "Oh! And forget about leeching of my uncle and asking him for help. If I see you close to him again, I will expose you for drugging him so that he can't get into your pants."

Lexi's eyes were wide open, staring at Sarah. She felt like all her lifelines are being cut.

"Now get out! If I see that you are still here in the morning, I'm calling the police!", Sarah's voice made Lexi feel chills in her bones. Sarah looked at her angrily. "What are you waiting for? Get lost!"

Lexi got up on her now shaky legs. She slowly walked toward the door her eyes are not leaving Sarah. Lexi's right hand with now swollen wrist was holding her chest, and other hand was over her bleeding nose. When Lexi passed Sarah, she dashed out not looking back.

As Lexi rushed out, she almost bumped into Aiden who was standing at the other side of the door. He glanced at Lexi in her sorry state and watched her dash outside of playroom. He smirked before getting in the bathroom.

Sarah was taking deep breaths, to calm her anger. Few seconds after Lexi exited, Aiden got inside the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He held about half full glass of "True love" cocktail in his hand.

Sarah glanced at the cocktail. "Is that the spiked one?"

"Yes." Aiden confirmed.

"Flush it."

He flushed the liquid in the toilet and looked at Sarah after keeping the glass on the sink. Aiden noticed that her right hand is bloody. He reached out and gently held her right hand, frowning.

Sarah saw his concerned look. "It's not mine. Let me wash up."

He relaxed as he watched her wash off the blood in the sink.

Bathroom had a thick trail of blood on the floor. It was from Lexi's broken nose. She was a heavy bleeder.

Aiden looked at the bloody floor and then at Sarah. He smiled. "You know that you surprise me every day, right?"

Sarah laughed. "Come on, help me clean up the floor." She handed him paper towels.

"Fine, but in return you will tell me what happened." Aiden squatted to wipe the floor.

"I would tell you even if you don't help me clean up." Sarah wiped tiles on the wall where blood splattered.

Aiden paused for a second. "And I would help you clean up, even if you don't tell me."

For a moment, they stopped wiping the blood and their eyes met. With a look, Sarah and Aiden exchanged deep emotions they feel towards each other.

That was the moment when Sarah realized that he approves of her, even when she is consumed with rage. She felt a relief.

Aiden was thrilled to see that Sarah has such a side to herself. He was very interested to find out more about this girl who is an endless source of surprises. He hoped that when he exposes himself to her, she will not push him away. The amount of trust Sarah displays toward Aiden gives him hope that she will accept him.

Then both laughed while cleaning up.

That bloody bathroom could not be called a romantic setting, but Sarah and Aiden are enjoying each other's company no matter where they are or what they are doing. As long as they are together, everything feels just right.

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