Is this destiny?

Chapter 491 - Orion Enterprise annual meeting (4)

Leah got two coffees and chatted with Isabella in a relaxed atmosphere. They kept their voices down in order not to disturb Sophia's (and Felix's) rest.

Leah and Isabella met more than once previously, since Sophia is Isabella's mentor, but only online. This is their first in-person meeting.

The topic of their chat moved onto dating. Isabella showed interest in Leah's current status and Leah sighed while talking about her last relationship.

"Handsome, cool, rocker. He has a band and a dragon tattoo on his left arm… Three days long relationship if you count as a second day the one when we didn't see each other… if you can count like that… We hooked up on Friday, on Saturday we didn't see each other, and on Sunday I caught him all over a voluptuous blonde." Leah paused for few seconds before continuing. "So technically, it was one night because we were together only on Friday. There… another one-night stand." Leah exhaled and shook her head helplessly.

Isabella felt sorry for Leah and did her best to comfort her. "His mistake. You are very attractive. I'm sure you can find someone, and it will all work out."

Leah blushed slightly. "Thank you… but I can't seem to find what works. Either the guy is too busy or not busy enough. Either he is too clingy or not clingy enough. For years now, I had no relationship longer than few days… one week at max." Leah rolled her eyes, trying not to sound too depressing. "My life feels like I'm always on speed dating and all the guys I meet with are not a good match for me."

Seeing Leah blush, made Isabella's heart race and she wished to come closer to her. But she was not sure if Leah is willing. So, she decided to probe into topic: "Guys? Did you ever try… girls?"

Leah smiled, looked down shyly and shook her head. "I never had a chance."

When Leah lifted her head, Isabella was only few inches away from her.

Leah held her breath as Isabella's left hand brushed her cheek and then held it gently as she inched closer, slowly. Leah's eyes were wide open staring at approaching Isabella. 'She does not have any intention to stop!??' Leah didn't move. She was frozen.

Leah was amazed by the soft sensation of Isabella's lips on hers. A very soft kiss… she never felt anything so gentle before. It made her body shiver a little and she closed her eyes. Leah inhaled through her nose, and Isabella's intoxicating perfume filled her nostrils. It made her brain tingle.

Isabella smiled when she saw Leah surrender to the sensation of their lips touching. She gently kissed her again and again, gradually increasing intensity. She moved her right arm under Leah's shirt and placed in on her waist. Leah's skin was so warm and soft… Isabella gradually deepened the kiss.

Leah was surprised how much she enjoyed touch of Isabella's hot palm on her skin. She felt Isabella's tongue grazing over her lips few times before slipping inside, and before she knew it, she was kissing her back. Her body was frozen, stiff, not sure what to do with her arms or the rest of her. Leah remembered her first clumsy kiss in seventh grade, behind middle school… and this was almost the same with the difference that now her lips and tongue were responding. And this kiss was making her world spin; question her priorities, life choices... everything melted away. And just when she thought that pieces are coming back together and she got it figured out, the kiss stopped… making her wonder if it really happened or did she imagine it.

Leah's breathing was erratic when she opened her eyes and faced sky-blue eyes who stared back into hers.

Isabella licked her lips and smiled wickedly as she retreated back into her original spot on the sofa. Without a word. She took a coffee mug and sipped now lukewarm brown liquid while her blue eyes didn't leave Leah. Observing her intently. Without a word.

There was a knock on the door and David entered with Felix's freshly pressed clothes. "Are they back from their rest?", David was in his usual cheerful mood glancing toward the closed door where Felix and Sophia are. He looked at Isabella and Leah and wondered why is no one responding. They didn't even look at him.

Leah lowered her head and nibbled on her lower lip. She was wondering why is she feeling troubled. Is it because Isabella kissed her? Or is it because she didn't hate it? Or is it because she enjoyed it?

Isabella faced David and answered his question. "Not yet."

David checked time. "Well, if in five minutes they don't come out, I will go and remind them… Mr. Martin has time, but Miss Hill has an appearance scheduled in about fifteen minutes, right?" He was looking at Leah.

"Leah?!", David raised his voice.

Leah was startled, "What?"

"Time…" David was tapping his wristwatch dramatically. "Miss Hill needs to be down in fifteen minutes... right?"

Leah checked time and confirmed with a nod.

Few seconds later, door of the back room opened, and Sophia and Felix stepped out.

David handed the clothes to Felix and he went back inside to change.

Sophia was already wearing a different outfit. She went to her desk and started going through emails. After few minutes, Sophia raised her gaze from the screen and observed three people in her office. They were… quiet. David was playing on his phone, Leah was staring at the floor as if she is trying to memorize patterns of the carpet, and Isabella was sipping her coffee while glancing around office aimlessly.

'Just what happened here?' Sophia reminded herself that it's none of her business and went back to her emails.

Felix walked out of the back room and Sophia's heart was about to jump out of her chest. She was unable to look away as he approached her. That light blue suit was fitting perfectly, his enchanting smile revealed two dimples and his intense gaze was fixed on her… and he had something else: invisible cloak of irresistible confidence which threatens to cast a spell on anyone who dares to look at him. And she was looking at him. Defenseless. Spellbound.

David whistled, "Boss, you are looking sharp!"

Felix ignored David. He extended his arm, palm up, to Sophia, "Shall we?"

Sophia couldn't find strength to talk, and she realized that she forgot to breathe. She stared at him and weakly nodded while trying to catch her breath. "I need a minute…", she whispered unable to take her eyes off of him.

His smile widened and he gave a small nod. "Do you want me to massage you while we wait?"

Sophia glanced at other three people in the office. "Yes, but… later."

Felix leaned in and held Sophia's chin with index finger and thumb. He kissed her lightly. "Later…", he whispered in her lips before kissing her again.

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