Is this destiny?

Chapter 494 - Orion Enterprise annual meeting (7)

Our group of five was progressing quickly through solving the clues.

Besides number of women ogling at Felix as they moved through the building, and one time when two ladies tried to strike conversation with him when he was two steps behind others, there were no other incidents.

Felix got a text on his phone and his face lit up.

"Good news?", JoAnna asked.

Felix nodded. "Sophia is done with her meeting. She is coming down…", he texted her their location. "Oh, I should tidy myself up…" Felix headed to the men's room.

Sarah pulled his sleeve. "Where are you going?"

"Men's room.", Felix responded.

"Alone?", Sarah asked.

Felix shrugged, not sure how to answer that question. 'I am going… why do I care if someone comes with me?'

Sarah and JoAnna glanced at each other. They can't go with him to men's room. They turned to Jeff and Aiden.

Aiden's eyes widened in horror and he defensively waved his arms in front of him while facing Sarah. "Baby, men don't go to the restroom together."

Only then Jeff understood why is JoAnna looking at him. He firmly shook his head rejecting the idea of accompanying Felix to the restroom.

"What if someone is waiting for him? We protected him so far successfully… come on. Just go and make sure he is not left alone.", JoAnna pleaded.

Jeff could not make himself reject JoAnna. He looked at his brother, giving him a dirty look and then dejectedly walked behind Felix to the men's room.

"Now that Sophia is done with her meeting, will Felix leave us?", Sarah asked.

JoAnna rubbed her chin. "Good question. He is one of the reasons we are making such a fast progress… he is quickly leading us to the right department location, and without him, even if we know which department, we would end up wondering around looking for it."

"We can ask big sis to come with us…", Sarah suggested.

JoAnna agreed it's a good idea.

"Where is Boss?", David rushed toward them.

"Why are you here?", Sarah glanced behind him. "Where is the rest of your team?"

David fidgeted nervously for few seconds. "We split up… they are fine."

"You should not leave two girls alone.", Aiden scolded him. He does not know much about David except that he is Felix's assistant. But Aiden does not approve that he left Isabella and Leah by themselves. Especially seeing how many lecherous people are here.

David didn't like Aiden. 'Why is he meddling? The girls are fine… and I want to be helpful to my Boss. What is wrong with that?'

In the men's room Jeff is observing Felix who is making sure that his shirt is perfectly tucked in… he wetted his hands and ran them through his hair, carefully selecting few strands to fall over his forehead while the rest is neatly pushed to the side… and then he got a small bottle of mouth freshener from his pocket and sprayed into his mouth…

Jeff cleared his throat. "Can I use that?", he pointed at the mouth freshener.

"Sure…", Felix gave him the bottle.

Jeff sprayed it into his mouth and had to admit that it smells good. He took a mental note on the brand and flavor… then he wetted his hands and ran them through his hair… but he didn't like the outcome much, so he pulled a small comb from his back pocket…

Felix observed the comb... When Jeff finished, Felix extended his arm. "Do you mind…?"

"No problem…", Jeff gave him the comb.

While Felix combed his hair, Jeff voiced his observation: "Your shirt in the back… is not evenly tucked in."

Felix turned sideways. "Oh, thanks…", he fixed the shirt.

…and two men bonded in the restroom.

In other area of the Orion Enterprise HQ, Isabella and Leah followed their clue and ended up in one office on sixth floor. Number of envelopes in different colors were spread on the large desk.

"The red one…", Leah told Isabella who went to pick one envelope.

Isabella opened it, and Leah came close to read as well. Both were curious about their next location.

Leah inhaled Isabella's perfume and remembered what happened earlier that day, in Sophia's office. She did her best to conceal her stirring emotions, but she became tense.

Isabella noticed and glanced at Leah.

Leah could not help herself but to look at Isabella and their eyes met.

At that time there was sound of voices from outside of the office, and Leah panicked. She ducked under the desk, pulling Isabella down with her.

They didn't move.

Four people came in, three men and one woman, based on their shoes which were visible to Leah and Isabella. They chatted a bit, got their envelope and went out.

"Why are we hiding?", Isabella whispered when people stepped out.

"I don't know…", Leah whispered back.

Automatic light switch kicked in… sensing that there is no movement in the office, after the door closed, and lights went out.

Leah became aware that Isabella is on top of her, under the desk in a dark office on the sixth floor of Orion Enterprise HQ. Leah's heart was beating wildly in the back of her head, threatening to burst her eardrums.

"You know…", Isabella's breath kissed her cheek. "If you want to get close to me, you don't need to do all this…"

And then it happened, again. Leah felt Isabella's lips on hers. Earth stopped moving, but at the same time, the world around them was spinning so fast that it disappeared. This time Leah's arms wrapped around Isabella, holding her in that tight space, and making no excuses for it. 'Don't think… feel…', Leah told herself and pulled Isabella closer.

Isabella was sitting next to Leah, their hips touching, leaning on her arms, her upper body above Leah's. When Leah pulled her closer, her arms gave in and she crashed onto Leah. Isabella enjoyed feeling of Leah's chest pressing onto hers, and the sweet taste from her mouth, and she wanted more. She shivered when she felt Leah's hands tugging onto her shirt and finding their way under it, feeling her skin.

Leah's hand moved behind Isabella's head. Her fingers laced into soft red hair, pulling Isabella closer while her tongue explored her mouth hungrily. 'More… closer… don't think… feel…', Leah repeated to herself.

The door opened and lights came on.

Isabella broke the kiss, but she didn't move away.

They gazed into each other's eyes without blinking.

Leah's fingers were in Isabella's hair, and her other hand was on Isabella's back, feeling her velvety skin.

Both of them were suppressing sounds of heir heavy breathing while doing their best not to be noticed by two people who just came in.

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