Is this destiny?

Chapter 5 - Hill family (1)

Wednesday evening, Aiden is taking a walk before dinner. It helps him think.

Last few days his mind is going back to the girl with a pretty smile, which seems to be immune to his charms.

Many times, he replayed their conversation in his mind, as if he is trying to find some missing piece of the puzzle.

Without realizing, his legs brought him in front of the women's dorm.

Aiden knows where Sarah's room is, because he checked her student's record. He looked up to the third floor where Sarah's room is and noticed that light is on. He smiled. Somehow, knowing that she is there, gave him comfort. He thought of calling her but stopped himself. 'What will I say? I'm right under your window, staring at it?' He shook his head and dismissed that idea. He will just look like a stalker.

He wondered why he is not able to get her out of his mind.

Aiden got startled when light in her room went off. 'It's early to sleep, isn't it?'

He stared at the window, expecting the light to come back on. After a minute, he saw a familiar figure come out of the door, and without thinking he walked toward Sarah.

By the time Sarah noticed Aiden, he was only few steps away. She got startled and looked at him with her eyes open wide, caught off guard, like a deer in front of headlights.

Without realizing, she held her breath. 'Was he always this handsome?'

Sarah shook her head lightly while scolding herself silently: ' Why am I thinking how handsome he is? Shouldn't I be concerned that he is here, in front of me? … But maybe it's a coincidence… ' She decided not to jump into conclusions.

Aiden stopped two steps away from Sarah while wondering what possessed him to approach her. He could have stayed in the shadow, watching her from the distance. But there is no going back now…

"Hi", he smiled.

Sarah blinked few times before responding: "Hi." She exhaled breath she was holding.

Aiden looked at the suitcase she was holding. "Going home?" He frowned lightly.

Sarah nodded. "Yes. I'm done with exams."

He was observing her without a word, and it made her uncomfortable.

"Hmm… I have a cab waiting for me." Sarah took a step back, away from him.

He stepped toward her, not allowing her to increase distance between them. "Where is the cab taking you?"

"Train station." Sarah wondered why is he asking her this. And why did she answer his question?

"I can drop you off." He offered without thinking.

"Hmm… no, thank you." Sarah shook her head. She already has a cab waiting. "Maybe next time." 

Aiden was not happy that she rejected, but there was some hope when she said: ' next time '. He will remember that.

"Let me help with your bag." He reached out and took the handle of the suitcase. Their hands touched lightly, and he smiled. His eyes followed Sarah's hand which hid in her pocket.

"Entrance to the campus?" He was asking where the cab is waiting for her.

Sarah was confused. Their hands touched, and she didn't dislike it. She never liked others touching her, how come she didn't flinch when his hand touched hers? Maybe because they shook hands already, so technically, this is not first touch, and it's not like he did it on purpose. She found an explanation that works.

"Yes." Sarah confirmed where to go.

He walked with a suitcase behind him, and Sarah followed.

She wished to touch him again, to confirm if she really does not mind touching him. But she didn't dare to reach out. 'Maybe when he gives me the suitcase back…' She thought that will be a good opportunity to touch him again ' by accident '.

The entrance to campus was very close. They reached it after few short minutes.

Sarah was disappointed to see that Aiden put her suitcase in the trunk of the cab. Like this, she didn't have a chance to touch him again.

Sarah shook her head and scolded herself, 'What am I thinking?'

Still thinking how her thoughts are silly, Sarah was smiling when she looked up and their eyes met. "Thank you."

He held his breath and thought how her smile is much prettier than the one he saw on Saturday. "You are welcome. I will see you on Monday?" He had difficulty to remove his gaze from her eyes.

"Yes." She lightly nodded and paused for a second before entering the cab. "Bye."

Aiden watched the cab depart down the street.

He hoped to get answers to some of his questions, but his mind was a mess.

Sarah is happy to go home and see her family. They get along well.

She has two older sisters, and the tradition is that all of them come home for the weekend if possible.

Sarah reached home late in the night. She was not able to sleep in the train during 3-hour long ride. Maybe because she was excited to see her family, or maybe because passengers on the train were noisy, or maybe because she was thinking of that accidental touch of Aiden's hand…

Sarah exited the cab and observed villa which she calls home. It is a great European style villa with a circular drive entry and a fountain in the middle. All lights are out except for lights at the main entrance. She got inside and noticed a friendly face, old butler who was carrying some clothes, probably for washing.

He noticed her and greeted with a pleasant expression on his aged face, "Good evening Miss Sarah, we were not expecting you until tomorrow. I hope you had a good trip home."

Sarah smiled back. "Good evening, Mr. Joe. I decided to come a bit earlier. The trip was fine, but I'm tired".

"No problem, your room is ready", he responded with a friendly smile. Mr. Joe is with Hill family for more than 20 years. He is managing the household very well, and he knows Sarah since she was born.

Sarah nodded and headed upstairs to her room. Her room is quite spacious, with a large bed, built in bookshelves filled with books, and a large work desk with her PC. Sarah freshened up, and after a hot shower she laid down in her bed, enjoying the familiar smell of freshly washed bed sheets.

Just as she was getting sleepy, her phone buzzed notifying her that she got an email. She checked it and saw that it was from Aiden, it had an attachment and short message:

" Attached are initial requirements for you to review. Let me know any gaps you find.

Thanks, Aiden "

Sarah glanced at the message and responded to his email:

" Got it. Tired now, will get back to you tomorrow.

Sarah "

She tapped "send" and slept off quickly.

Sarah slept well in her bed. When she woke up it was late morning. She looked through the window and observed familiar garden in the back of the villa. Weather is sunny without any clouds in the light blue sky. Observing from the warmth of the home, it seems like it's a pleasant weather, however, it is a cold winter day.

Sarah freshened up and went downstairs. She noticed few maids busying themselves with dusting and cleaning. They greeted her. Sarah asked them about whereabouts of her family members, and she found out that her sisters and father are at work, while her mom is still away on the trip.

Sarah went to the dining room and saw that there was breakfast waiting for her. She took few pastries, poured herself a glass of juice and started munching on a pastry filled with ham and cheese while typing on her phone number of messages ...

To Sophia: "Hey, big sis, I'm back home. Are you doing well? Can we meet for lunch?"

To JoAnna: "Hey, Anna, I'm back home. Are you doing well? Can we meet for lunch?"

To Edward: "Hey, dad, I'm back home. Can we meet for lunch?"

Sarah was hoping to get out of the house a bit and spend some extra time with her busy family.

Within a minute she got a ping on the phone. Message received was from JoAnna: "Hey, little sis. Sorry I can't meet for lunch today."

Sarah just responded with "OK". She was expecting this, everyone in her family is busy.

JoAnna is second of three sisters in Hill family. She is currently 22 years old. JoAnna is studying medicine with focus on surgery. She is also an intern in Franciscan Medical Center. FMC is largest medical center in the state and getting an internship there is already halfway to be a famous expert in area of medicine.

Another ping came from Sarah's phone. This time was from dad: "Sorry sweetheart. I got a lunch meeting that can't be postponed. See you for dinner home." Again, Sarah responded with "OK".

Few minutes later she got another ping, this time from her oldest sister, Sophia. Message was: "Sure, I can make lunch today. 1PM? I will send a car for you, be ready @12:30." Sarah was pleasantly surprised and responded with "YES". Sarah didn't expect that Sophia will have free time for lunch.

Sophia is the oldest of three sisters, currently 26 years old.

Sophia graduated from Harvard with a law degree, and at the same time she obtained a degree in business management. 3 years ago, she took over CEO position in their family company Orion Enterprise from their father who was happy that he found someone capable and trustworthy to take over.

Edward moved to a role of director of software engineering in Orion Enterprise. His passion is software, and he was very excited to be able to focus on what he wants to do.

Sarah was looking forward to the lunch with her oldest sister, so she headed upstairs to get ready and wait for 12:30 PM.


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