Is this destiny?

Chapter 502 - Handing out punishments

Isabella reached Orion Enterprise HQ building and headed to Sophia's office.

Sophia just finished listening to the recording. Leah and Felix were there as well. They all greeted Isabella. Leah was obviously embarrassed.

Isabella tried to ignore Leah's odd behavior. She already spent evening and most of the night in low spirits because of her. Just looking at Leah made her feel heartache again. And she still didn't decide if she will have lunch with Leah or not.

"I must say that you did a great job in securing this recording." Sophia praised Isabella. "Thank you very much."

"You are welcome.", Isabella shyly responded. No matter how much her confidence grew in last few months, in Isabella's eyes, Sophia was someone great who she will never be able to match with.

"Tell me, how did you come to the idea to record this?" It is part of Sophia's tasks as a mentor to analyze Isabella's actions and provide feedback.

Isabella understood Sophia's intention behind that question and started explaining. "I knew that team Venus cheated, and that you will plan some action against them. Whatever you plan to do, having more evidence can only be beneficial. I observed that fourth member of the team was isolated and obviously not pleased. When he took his reward and left, I decided to follow him and see if I can take advantage of his obviously drunken state."

"Really, great analysis and results. I believe that I would do the same in your place.", Sophia praised Isabella again.

Felix frowned.

Sophia noticed Felix's reaction. "You don't approve?"

"I don't think that it's safe to follow drunk men around." Felix explained his reaction.

Sophia faced Isabella. "Your thoughts on that?"

Isabella thought for a second before responding. "It is an event with a lot of people. We talked in a crowded area where he can't do anything inappropriate. And I had no intention of going with him to a place where we can't be seen by others."

"Good. Just as we talked… your safety should always come first." Sophia gave her a thumbs up.

Isabella smiled and nodded. She was happy to get Sophia's approval.

David got in, carrying coffees for Sophia, Felix and Leah.

"Thank you, David. Please get one for Miss Dillen as well."

"Sure, Boss!", David energetically responded and left. On the inside, David was complaining that he needs to get coffee for Isabella, but he didn't let that be visible to others.

Later that morning, Sophia was in her office, facing six people who were confirmed as involved in the cheating for scavenger hunt: four members of team Venus, developer who helped cheat with scores and a lady from marketing who gave to the announcer information that dance with Director Martin is included in first prize.

Isabella, and Leah were standing on the side, observing. Felix was right behind Sophia. He didn't want to stay further away, just in case if any of those people thinks of becoming violent. When people's misdeeds are revealed, you never know how they will react. Felix wanted to be sure he is close and can protect her if needed.

Behind Sophia and Felix were four men from security.

David was not there. Felix sent him on an errand. As much as Felix found David useful, David was distracting when he didn't have anything to do.

"Do you know why I summoned you here?", Sophia asked six people who were standing in front of her.

They didn't respond. Seeing that six of them are facing her, and Director Martin is behind Sophia giving them icy treatment, they could guess that they were caught for their actions of cheating. But none of them dared to admit.

Bryan looked on the side and spotted Isabella. Fragments of previous night came back to him and he paled, remembering that he told her… things… he was not sure how much he told her. And he hoped that it was not much.

Sophia didn't delay. It was an unpleasant thing for everyone involved, and she wanted it to be finished as soon as possible. She told them that they are found out, and that what they did undermines work of many people as well as values of the company.

Samantha didn't like the position she was in. And she didn't like that Sophia was scolding her. 'Who does she think she is?'

Sophia noticed that everyone is afraid, except for Samantha who is glaring at her.

"Do you have something to say, Miss Fleming?", Sophia addressed Samantha.

"You are doing this only because Director Martin is your fiancé.", Samantha said through her teeth. "You are abusing your position."

Sophia gave her an icy look. "As a woman, I am enjoying the fact that you got caught, because he is my fiancé. As a CEO, I need to tell you that my actions would be the same no matter if reason behind your cheating is my fiancé or not. You will be punished because you broke the rules. You schemed and altered results in an event where many employees participated. You understand that, right?"

"Punished?", Samantha was outraged. "How can you punish us without evidence?"

Sophia started the recording from the part where Bryan spoke: "… that bitch Samantha it behind everything… she persuaded Denise and Nea to join her thinking that they have a chance for a dance with Director Martin… Ha! Suckers! … and the biggest sucker was me… for thinking that I have a chance with any of them…"

Sophia stopped the recording. "Do I need to say more? Or do you want to listen to the rest of it?"

"What is the punishment?", Denise weakly asked.

Sophia gave a small nod of appreciation that Denise didn't complain and delay the inevitable. "All six of you will be on probation, your actions will be carefully monitored for next six months. Consider this as your final warning. Slightest mishap will cause your termination from the company. While on probation, you will get 50% of your salary. For any of you who have direct reports, they will be reassigned to other managers. In upcoming performance review, you will not be eligible for a promotion, raise or any other bonus."

"Not acceptable!", Samantha raged. "Just because of a game?!"

Sophia's eyes flashed with impatience. She was on the verge to fire that rude woman. "You are forgetting with whom you are speaking, Miss Fleming. We have evidence of your misconduct. If you cause any further problems related to this, I will not hesitate to take you to court. If you don't like it, you can always submit your resignation. That is all." Sophia gestured toward the door.

Six people didn't move. Some dazed, some desperate and Samantha outraged. Security escorted them out.

When door closed behind them, Sophia turned to Felix. "How was that?"

"Magnificent." He embraced and kissed her.

Isabella looked away from the steamy scene. As she looked away, she met Leah's eyes.

"You didn't answer… lunch?", Leah asked in a weak voice.

Isabella slightly frowned. She wanted to give a chance to Leah to explain herself, but she was not sure if Leah deserved it. She was afraid of being hurt even more, and the only way to prevent a heartbreak is to prevent anyone from coming close.

"Please?", Leah persisted seeing that Isabella is about to reject her.

Isabella caved in. "OK."

Leah exhaled in relief and smiled. "I will make reservation.", she headed out to her office.

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