Is this destiny?

Chapter 521 - Perfect date - day 3 (realization)

Sarah was sitting in a daze, staring at the door. She wanted to go after Aiden, but… 'What is the point of going after him if I don't understand what got him upset? What is the point of going if I don't have a solution?' Solution is not important. She needs to understand what caused this outburst.

Sarah went to take a shower and clear her mind. Shower helps her think. And she needs that… she needs to reset and think about what he said.

Everything he said is the truth. Since they got together, it was always him waiting for her. Waiting that she gets comfortable, waiting that she does not reject him, waiting that she accepts him… he showed so much patience from the beginning, he always tiptoed around her preferences, around what she wants. And on those few rare occasions when he showed his displeasure, she would continue pushing her agenda, and he would give in to whatever she wanted. She was never at a loss, never… and he suffered under burden for both of them.

Sarah's mind was a mess… Her thoughts were scattered, reflecting her state of mind.

Sarah remembered that when they started spending time together at the University, he dismissed his entourage, just because it bothered her. He would go with her to the class and wait for her after the class is over even when it was not his class to take. He pushed away all people who were around him, so that he makes space for her, because she said that it's inconvenient, she does not like crowds. Even before anything began between them, he was changing his life, changed his habits… and what did she change? She didn't change anything, because he always indulged her. Sarah's heart ached while thinking about this.

'Of course, he will be frustrated if he is doing so much for me, and I'm not doing anything in return…'

Everyone has a limit, and it seems that Aiden reached his.

She remembered how even on their recent trip to Las Vegas, he mostly accompanied her, and took care of her. He barely played any games, he was there in the role of her escort, without complaining. When talking with Mr. Patel, he let her take the lead and he only supported her if needed… And she called him her boy-toy.

She remembered how he went out of his way to accompany her for her birthday, no questions asked… and those presents... He got her an island! And a power boat! And he got her 'Sigma army' to join them on the island because he knew that she does not want to miss a party with them… and when she wanted to save those girls (and boys) in Central Africa, he said 'no', but with only few words she convinced him otherwise, he put himself in danger so that she is not facing it alone, she put him in danger… and Ed, and Philip, and her training to control her temper, so many other occasions… He lowered himself to a role of a sidekick so that he can be by her side while she does what she wants.

And when he took her to Paris, he didn't even request a single kiss, because she was not ready… and trip to Greece… and promise rings… it was always him doing things for her. Letting her know how much she means to him, that she is special.

She knows that he always cared about his image of a man who is in charge, but he pushed that to the side and moved in with her in Fairfield without mentioning even once that she comes to his place instead of him staying with her. And then the LA apartment… and he accepted her conditions for house in California… and followed her to Vivian's place, and to the Cabin, and to the Adriatic Sea, without asking for anything in return… He did so much just so that he stays by her side… and how did she respond? What did she do in return? Nothing… she didn't even realize how kind he is. From the beginning.

Sarah sobbed and her tears mixed with the water coming from the shower above her as more scattered memories flashed in her mind.

She remembered how he came to her house for Christmas and warned her that if anyone asks him if they are dating, he will not lie. How come she didn't get the message then? She just brushed it off… And when they went to Jeff's birthday, he introduced her as his girlfriend. How would she feel if he told his friends and family that they are only friends, classmates? And during Jeff's birthday, they stayed in a hotel, just because it might be inconvenient for her to stay in his family home; and how does that compare with her calling him to spend Christmas at her family home without considering any other option? But she didn't see it, because she took all that for granted. She took him for granted. From the beginning.

He gave up so much to be with her, he lost himself, he gave up on his lifestyle, habits, just so that he can be with her. She does not even know what his favorite beverage is, because he always gets what she likes! And he never said a word of complaint. And what did she do? She didn't give up anything, she got a boyfriend, and that was only when it was convenient… because when it was not convenient, he was reduced to a friend, a classmate, a coworker… and he accepted that so that she is not uncomfortable. She never gave him the right to choose.

And this date… he put so much time and effort to impress her, to make her happy… to show her, to tell her how much he loves her… and what did she do?

'What did I do? What did I do?'

At that moment, she could not remember a single thing she did for him that was pushing her outside her comfort zone.

During this whole time they are together, she can remember that he showed displeasure only when she was putting herself in danger or hiding their relationship. The only thing he wanted was for her to acknowledge him as her boyfriend… to acknowledge them as a couple… and not to hide it.

She always knew that Aiden does not like to talk about his feelings. But him not talking about them does not mean he does not have them. And she hurt him so many times… this was just a drop in the cup that caused it to overfill.

Sarah felt her body shaking uncontrollably. She knows that water in the shower is warm, but she could not stop the trembles. This realization, how selfish she is, how self-centered is, hit her hard. What right she has to say that she loves him? What did she do for this love? What did she do for him?

Aiden stormed out of the bedroom and decided to go for a run. He has this built up anger-energy that he needs to burn out. He didn't want to think about what happened… he needs to calm down first. Aiden grabbed running shoes from the closet near entrance and started running. He took the paved path and ran to the strip where their plane landed. And then he made few rounds back-forth on the strip itself before running back to the villa.

Aiden felt that it helped relieve some stress, and he took a shower in one of the guest bedrooms. He didn't have change of clothes there, so he only had a towel around his waist when he plopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His anger reduced to almost nothing, but he was still not sure if he is ready to face Sarah. He felt guilt for losing his temper and raising his voice. 'Why do I care if she tells her sisters or not? This is something between us, there is no rule that says it needs to be shared with others.'

With corner of his eye, he saw one book on the bookshelf blink with small red light. That is one of the emergency intercoms between staff and main villa. Such intercoms exist in each room. Staff is allowed to initiate this only in case of emergency, as the name implies: 'Emergency intercom'.

Aiden stood up and pulled that book from the bookcase, opened it and there was a 7" LCD screen inside. After a second, screen flickered, a face of a staffer showed up, and he spoke: "Master Aiden, sorry to disturb you, but we thought you might want to know that shower in the master bathroom is running for two hours and seven minutes without stopping."

"Thank you for letting me know. Is Sarah still in the room?"

"Miss Sarah didn't leave the room.", staffer confirmed.

Aiden gave a small nod before he closed the 'book' and kept it back in its original place.

'Did she let the shower run and forgot about it?' He frowned.

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