Is this destiny?

Chapter 537 - One week before wedding (S&F)

~ Seattle, Sophia's and Felix's apartment ~

Sophia, Felix, Sarah and Aiden are having breakfast.

"OK. I need you to stop avoiding the topic and tell me what is the status with your wedding.", Sarah was losing her patience. She asked Sophia about the wedding several times, but Sophia always avoided to talk about it.

"Everything is fine." Sophia shrugged.

"Fine? What does that mean? Is there a list of things that needs to be done? Can I help with something?", Sarah didn't believe that everything is fine if Sophia is avoiding to talk about it.

Sophia sighed. "Invitations are sent. Almost everyone RSVP'd. Stella is handling the decorations, seating, food, guests, music. My dress is almost done, so is Felix's suit. Dresses for bridesmaids and outfits for groomsmen are on track, and they will be ready for final fitting in four days. Our honeymoon is booked. If you want to help with something, ask mom, she has the most things on her plate."

They confirmed that Leah will be maid of honor, and best man will be Felix's friend, Gaston, who will come from Montreal two days before the wedding.

Hearing all this, Sarah didn't understand what the reason is behind Sophia's behavior. "It seems that everything is under control. Why are you so tense then?"

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Mom added guests, so my intimate wedding with family and few friends became an event for more than a hundred people!"

"You should have expected that when you said you want to have it in our family home, and you even let her be involved in preparations. You know Stella. She always finds more people who should be invited." Sarah knows their mom best.

"Yes.", Sophia acknowledged. "I just hoped that it will be different. I told her that she can do decorations and that's it. But before I knew it, she took over everything."

"You know that mom does that. And her need to take over is probably amplified because you are pregnant. She believes that if she does more, you can rest. Besides, no matter how many guests attend, even if there is one thousand people, it is a day for you two and you have the right to focus on those few that you want and ignore everyone else." Sarah saw that Sophia relaxed.

Sarah turned to Felix. "Brother-in-law, and why are you so tense and avoiding the topic?"

Sophia sighed and responded instead of him. "He is like that since we invited his mom and she RSVP'd for herself and +1."

"Oh… she is coming?", Sarah could not hide her surprise. She remembers that when Sophia went to meet Felix's mom, things didn't go well.

"I don't think it's a good idea.", Felix shook his head while talking. He was not happy. Not happy at all. He was warning Sophia that his mom might go crazy, throw a fit and ruin the whole wedding, but Sophia was stubborn. Felix suspected that Sophia talked with Bridgette, but he was not sure when.

Sarah saw Felix's concerned look and thought of comforting him. "She already RSVP'd, can you take it back? You focus on getting yourself ready and on your bride-to-be. Don't worry about anything else. No matter what, we will be there. It will all be perfect."

Felix was grateful to hear confirmation that Sarah and Aiden will be there to help if needed.

Sophia smiled while looking at newly engaged couple. "How about you two? Did you talk about getting married?"

Sarah glanced at Aiden whose eyes didn't leave her from the beginning of conversation. "We didn't."

Sophia laughed seeing that Sarah got uncomfortable. "It's OK. I just asked. You just got engaged, there is no rush."

Sarah held Aiden's hand under the table. "I'm sure we will talk about it… soon.", she smiled while looking at her plate.

Aiden was pleasantly surprised with this. He never expected for Sarah to take initiative.

"How come you are not home, but staying with big sis?", JoAnna asked as soon as she logged into video conference and observed that Sarah and Aiden are at Sophia's apartment.

"That is one of the reasons we are having this talk." Sarah started telling JoAnna about that photo from 2002 with a man called King.

They told JoAnna and Jeff everything they found out and what happened previous evening with Stella.

"Jeff, I sent you photos we found of that man. Give them to your security so that they can be aware of him.", Aiden told Jeff.

Jeff confirmed that he received the photos earlier. It was obvious that he was concerned. "I reviewed the information you sent of the locations and dates when that man was noticed. You need to improve your security."

"We are hiring people.", Sophia confirmed. "Anna, when you come, I will be relying on your help to assess their skills with weapons."

"Good." Jeff praised Sophia and Felix and then addressed Aiden and Sarah. "You two are traveling light. I know that you believe that you can't find people who are more capable than you, but having security is more than just having fighting power. You should be aware of your identities and take care of yourself. Find capable people. Train them if needed."

Only when Aiden and Sarah promised they will look into it did Jeff drop the topic. "Until you hire your own people, you can use few from my security. We will be back in two days. Then we can meet and talk more about this. Stay safe until then. Don't go anywhere alone." Jeff wanted to make sure they take this seriously.

JoAnna and Sarah talked about the pre-wedding day for Sophia and Sarah took note of few last minute things she needs to take care of. Usually maid of honor would handle this, but Leah was very busy at Orion Enterprise so that Sophia can rest and take care of things at the new house.

After the call, Sophia and Felix headed to Orion Enterprise, and Sarah and Aiden went to Hill family villa.

~ Hill family villa ~

Stella was not able to hide her surprise to see Sarah and Aiden come back.

"We came to see what the status on wedding preparations is and if we can help somehow.", Sarah explained and added in low voice: "What happened last night does not affect us as a family. I am still your daughter."

Stella took a minute to understand. "You are not angry?"

"Disappointed.", Sarah corrected her. "But if at any point you change your mind and decide to cooperate with us, we will not reject you. Until then, we will not share what is happening on our side either."

"Your side?"

"Sophia and Anna agree with me on this. Aiden, Jeff and Felix are onboard.", Sarah explained. She didn't wait for her mother to react before continuing. "Now back to the topic. Wedding. How can we help?"

Stella took a minute to respond. "There is nothing really. I have it all under control. Let me know if you want to invite more people."

"OK. Send me your current list and we will look at it. We will be downstairs, text me if you change your mind about help with the wedding." Sarah and Aiden headed down the hall.

Sarah and Aiden are in the basement, in the PC room, accessing code for the facial recognition software that Eve is using. Two of them decided to work from here, because computers are more powerful, and they have access to additional hardware as well. It will make their work faster.

"Where do we start?", Aiden asked.

"I will return that question to you. We need to do performance improvements. That is your expertise. I will rely on you to guide me."

Aiden's smile showed that he is happy she acknowledged his skills.

"This PC room is handy.", he commented while waiting for the results of performance benchmark.

"Yes. I hope we have something like this in our future home. If we get a large enough basement, I would get the VR room there as well. And few more secure rooms…" Sarah was drifting off while imagining a high-security basement for her work and gadgets.

Aiden smiled and nodded. "Let's make sure our house has a big basement, so you can do whatever you want there."

Sarah reminded herself to share. She should not take over. "I want us to do it together."

Aiden was happy that she included him. But he has something else on his mind. "How about I leave basement to you, and you leave outside landscaping to me?"

Sarah thought about the island where they spent five days and remembered the part which left a big impression on her. "Will there be a lake with a gazebo?"

Aiden flashed a mischievous smile.

"Boat will be optional...", he whispered and pulled her in for a kiss.

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