Is this destiny?

Chapter 550 - Wedding day (S&F) (4)

Aiden spotted Sarah on the side of the villa, talking with three people from security. She was holding a tablet and showing something; probably their positions on the map of the property.

He waited for her to notice him.

"You are heading out?" She smiled when their eyes met.

He nodded and walked toward her. "When I get back, I will help you."

Sarah met him halfway and gave him a hug. "See you when you get back."

They kissed and Aiden went to the black limousine. Jeff and Felix were inside already. They were going to pick up Gustav and then head to the salon which specializes to groom men for events such as this.

Sarah was on the rooftop terrace, double-checking that drones are set up and Eve can control them.

Felix created drones which are almost noiseless and added components so that Eve can use them. They have cameras which serve as eyes for Eve, and Felix equipped them with his latest prototype components for defense. Part of Sarah hopes that someone causes trouble so they can try that feature out.

JoAnna called her to come to room which they transformed into styling area for girl. The stylists arrived.

Leah was also there, ready to be dolled up. She arrived on time with Isabella. Isabella was got her dress on a hanger, and her hair and makeup will be done by the stylists when they finish with Leah, JoAnna and Sarah.

Leah, JoAnna and Sarah had matching hair and makeup, as well as dresses. All that was Sophia's choice. Three of them will be standing next to Sophia during ceremony, and Felix will be accompanied by Gustav, Jeff and Aiden.

Makeup for the girls was minimalistic, and it was done in few minutes. What took time was the hair. Three of them had matching hairstyles: hair was parted in several braids and wrapped around the head to form a high bun and a braid-headband. Ribbons and flowers were braided into the hair. When done, they looked like flowery fairies.

While getting their hair braided, three of them tried to sneak a glance at Sophia, but they were not successful because she was surrounded with two hairstylists and makeup artist. Stella and Isabella were also there, helping out to hold things for the hairstylists who seemed like they don't have enough hands. Sophia's hairstyle was more complex, and it took a long time.

When hair and makeup were done, JoAnna and Sarah put spare dresses on and headed with their tasks, to make sure everything is in order outside. Leah wrapped a robe around herself and stayed to help with Sophia's hair. They will put their event-dresses (which Sophia picked) just before two o'clock. Dresses are made of silk in pastel colors: JoAnna's is blue, Sarah's green and Leah's teal.

(12:53 PM)

Guests started trickling in.

First layer of security check was further down the driveway, making sure that only people with invitations can come close to villa. Second layer of security check was placed close to the main entry to the villa, and they verified identities of guests before letting them inside.

Guests could use lounging areas in the house or proceed forward to the backyard where seating, snacks and beverages were offered.

As you walk out to the back garden, on both left and right, tables are arranged with seating and white and purple flower arrangements. Between the tables, straight ahead, is a flower tunnel made of dangling white and light purple blooms. Tunnel leads to the small podium where wedding ceremony will be performed. It looks like something that came out of a fairytale.

Playhouse and pool are also open and available for guests to use. It is a warm summer day, so it's expected that later in the afternoon some guests might decide to enjoy in the pool. Towels and swimsuits were available.

Damien arrived with his family.

Sarah and JoAnna welcomed them. Their pre-wedding duties are done, so now they can welcome guests until 1:30 PM when they will go up to join Sophia and change into dresses for the event.

Smita, Rishi and Shibu are very excited. They praised house and decorations wholeheartedly.

Sarah and JoAnna wanted to introduce them to Stella and Edward, but they were not able to find them.

Damien assured them that it's not a problem. "They must be busy. We will meet them later."

JoAnna offered to lead them up to the room where Felix is, but Damien politely refused.

Damien and Felix got back in touch, but he is still not confident to take role as Felix's father. He is father of the groom, however he does not believe that he has the right to step into the spotlight, out of fear that Felix will think that he is overstepping the boundaries. That is why Damien chose to stay on the side, like any regular guest. He is happy that he got invited to see his son get married.

Bridgette and Steve found Sarah and JoAnna in the back garden.

"Do you need help with anything?", Bridgette offered her help, after admiring the flower tunnel.

David, Felix's assistant, also arrived and greeted them.

"We got everything covered, thanks.", JoAnna responded to Bridgette.

"You can go and check on Sophia and Felix if you want." Sarah suggested. "Take the stairs and she is on the right, fifth door on the right. Isabella and Leah are with her. Felix is upstairs, on the left, second door on the right. Aiden, Jeff and Gustav are with him."

David heard where Felix is, and was already heading in large strides inside villa while chanting: 'left, second door on the right…' He was eager to see his boss.

Just when Bridgette and Steve turned to go into the villa, Sarah got notification from Eve that Sylvie arrived. Sarah looked at the live feed on tablet and saw that Sylvie's +1 is a young female.

"Bridgette…" Sarah called Bridgette who was few steps away from reaching inside villa.

"Sorry to call you back. Do you know who this is?"

Sarah and Bridgette met halfway, and Sarah showed a photo on her tablet. It is a still captured from video feed of a young lady who came with Sylvie.

Bridgette looked at the tablet and her expression dropped.

"It seems you know who she is.", Sarah noticed change in Bridgette's expression.

JoAnna also came closer to take a look.

It took a second for Bridgette to recover. "Yes. That is Charlotte."

"Is she a relative? Neighbor?", JoAnna guessed.

Bridgette shook her head indicating that is not a relative nor neighbor. She took a deep breath before speaking: "She is the woman who maman tried to set up with my brother."

"You are kidding, right?", JoAnna could not believe what she just heard.

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