Is this destiny?

Chapter 554 - Wedding day (S&F) (8)

The major finished his introductory speech on marriage and announced that Felix and Sophia have their own vows.

Gustav handed the wedding bands.

Wedding bands are designed by Felix. They are made out of white gold with edges of yellow gold. Felix's band has small diamonds lining the edges between white and yellow gold, and infinity symbols are engraved into the middle section of the ring, through the part made of white gold. Sophia's wedding band has infinity symbols within middle made out of small diamonds. On the inside of the bands, engraved is date of their wedding day, as well as their names. The bands are very sophisticated.

It was first time for Sophia to see them, and her expression showed that she likes them very much.

Of course, Felix added GPS tracking and messaging features to the bands as well. So, they are not only pleasing to the eye, but functional as well. He will explain features to Sophia later.

Sophia wanted to go first. She took the wedding band for Felix and slowly slid it on his left ring finger without breaking eye contact while saying her vows: "My dearest Felix, I love you because of who you are and because of who I am when we are together. With you by my side I am stronger, bolder, braver than I ever was because I know you have my back. I promise to put you ahead of all others, and that you can always count on me. I promise that we will conquer all obstacles and enjoy the results of our labor, together, as equals. Let us join our hearts and souls for eternity."

While Sophia said her vows, Leah and Gustav were looking at the happy couple.

Sarah and Aiden were gazing at each other, and so did JoAnna and Jeff. Four of them were smiling and looked so smitten with one another that you could easily think that they are standing there as next in line to get married.

Felix had a big smile on his face while listening to Sophia. When she finished, he could not stop himself and he kissed her. For a moment everything was silent.

Mayor cleared his throat and mumbled: "That goes later…"

Then everyone burst into laughter. Guests further away didn't hear what mayor said, but they saw that Felix went for the kiss before the famous 'you may kiss the bride' part.

Now it was Felix's turn to clear his throat. He mumbled to the mayor: "Sorry…"

But Felix was not sorry. He was just being polite. He felt like kissing Sophia and he did it. If he can rewind time and repeat, he would kiss her again.

Felix took the wedding band for Sophia from Gustav. He looked Sophia in the eyes while slowly putting the band on her left ring finger and said his vows: "My dearest Sophia, I promise you my love and everything I own. I promise to dream with you; both great and small dreams… until the end of our lives. And when we are reborn, I will find you. Our souls will meet and remember. And we will love each other again. I promise to cherish you in this life and in the next one."

Sophia was very touched. Her chin was quivering while tears pooled in her eyes. Her emotions overflowed, boosted with pregnancy hormones, and she got on her toes and kissed him.

Mayor shook his head in disbelief. 'Young people... You are supposed to wait for me to pronounce you married and then goes the kissing part…'

Everyone thought how this is very romantic. Two of them were so in love that everyone felt it. Some ladies let out a snivel because they became too emotional, wishing to find a connection which Sophia and Felix have. Some older ladies gave scolding look to their husbands which was asking why can't they be so romantic?

Everyone admired and appreciated two young people who were getting married. Well, everyone except the mother of the groom. Sylvie thought that she will burst of anger.

'What eternity? What next life?' Sylvie scowled. 'I will not let this charade go beyond end of today…'

Sylvie looked at Charlotte and her anger flared even more when she saw that Charlotte is smiling and enjoying the wedding while sipping her chilled wine.

Sylvie thought that she is about to faint when she heard mayor's words. "It is my pleasure and honor to pronounce you…"

Burning with fury, Sylvie bolted out of her chair and shouted: "What about asking if anyone objects to this…", her voice trailed off and she plopped back in her seat.

Damien and Bridgette almost bolted out of their chairs with intent to pounce on that crazy woman. But they saw that she sat down, so they stayed in their place. Smita held her breath while her gaze didn't leave Sylvie.

All eyes were on Sylvie. People wondered why is that woman attracting attention at such a moment? And who is she? No one knew. Those few that did know, kept quiet. Even Charlotte looked at Sylvie with an exaggerated expression of shock, pretending that she does not know who Sylvie is.

Sophia glanced at her sisters and saw that two of them exchanged glances while smirking. She exhaled, grateful that her sisters got it under control.

Aiden and Jeff didn't miss Sarah's and JoAnna's little smirky exchange and could guess that two of them are on top of it. They admired their fiancées even more.

Less than a minute ago, as soon as Sylvie stood up, there was a prick in her neck, but because of adrenaline, she didn't feel it. She is not sure what happened, but right now, her body is not responsive. Besides reflex actions such as breathing and blinking, she can move only her eyes. She tried speaking, but her voice was gone, and she could not even open her mouth. She was extremely panicked, but because her whole body was not responsive (other than eyes), she looked like she is calmly sitting and looking at the people.

Mayor looked at Sylvie and frowned for a second before composing himself. "Madam, that part is optional. Who would object to these two young people getting married? Do you have something else to say?"

Seeing that Sylvie is not responding, he assumed that she either joked or maybe she was really curious why that part was missing. In any case, woman looked uninterested to talk about it further.

Mayor turned to Sophia and Felix and proceeded. "As I was saying… It is my pleasure and honor to pronounce you husband and wife." He looked at Felix. "You may kiss your bride. Again."

Felix embraced Sophia and leaned her backward while placing a kiss on her lips. She wrapped her hands around his neck and returned his kiss. It was one of those movie-style kisses, with no tongue involved. They didn't want to risk getting carried away in front of everyone.

All people present stood up and clapped. Everyone except Sylvie. She can't stand up. Or clap.

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