Is this destiny?

Chapter 562 - House hunting (1)

~ White family villa ~

Later in the evening, Sarah and Aiden are in his room.

Two of them spend few hours in the morning working on tasks related to White corp. During the day, they are training security personnel, and after dinner Sarah and Aiden are digging up information about the 'King' person.

They could not find anything related to King, because fake name was used to purchase that unit 12B across the hall of Sarah's and Aiden's apartment in Fairfield. But they did track the account which was used to pay the apartment. The same account was used for purchase of 12A unit several years back, and then it was sold to Stella last year.

Owner of the account was non-existent. It was a fake name. However, they still found some leads, because that account was also used for purchase of several other properties. One of them is a warehouse in Chicago suburbs, while others are residential.

Sarah was looking at information about properties purchased with that bank account and was thinking aloud: "We can watch these apartments, but I doubt we will find anything useful. All of them are similar to the 12B unit from Fairfield. Apartments are in buildings without video surveillance. If it's not for Eve, we would not capture King at all. But the warehouse might have some clues…"

"You think that we should go and check it out?", Aiden guessed her thoughts.

Sarah nodded. "These photos from street show that there is a video surveillance. But whatever they have set up, it's closed circuit, so unless we go there, we can't see what is going on. We should go and check it out. We might find some other clues."

She saw that he is not enthusiastic about this, probably because he does not want to put her in danger, and she was right. However, Aiden understands that it's important to find out about King and organization behind him, and this warehouse is currently their only clue.

They agreed to go together and investigate that warehouse in Chicago area. When Jeff and JoAnna come back to Reno, they will discuss this and come up with a plan. They want to do this, but they want to keep their safety as priority. So, they need a plan. A detailed plan which will ensure that they don't rush into danger recklessly.

~ Los Angeles ~

At the 22nd floor of White corp. large mirror panels are being installed on the walls in one of the offices which is close to CEO's office.

Mirrors are in place, and few people are cleaning them, making sure they are spotless.

Jeff is observing installed mirrors with a smile on his face. Why is he smiling? Because he will use this office as a dance studio. Dance instructor will come here secretly and teach him moves which he will use on his wedding day to swoop JoAnna off her feet. For a dramatic effect he is going for, this needs to be kept a secret from JoAnna.

He was all giddy while imagining her expression when he asks: 'Mrs. White, can I have this dance?'... and she will be like 'Sure...' but she will think it will be just slow left-right thing they usually do... but then he will twirl her and do stuff... and she will be all like: 'Ahh! My fabulous husband!'… and he will be: 'Yes, yes... that is me!'

Jeff was not aware that now he had a goofy smile on his face, and he was shaking his head slightly.

Steve was reluctant to interrupt whatever daydream his Boss was having, but they had a tight schedule, and he needed to ask him something. He cleared his throat few times to get Jeff's attention. It took a while for Jeff to notice him.

"Boss, I narrowed down list highly recommended dance instructors to four.", Steve showed his tablet to Jeff.

"Hire them.", Jeff didn't even look at the tablet. He was enjoying his daydream, and Steve interrupted it.

"Which ones?"

"All of them." Jeff looked at Steve like he is not understanding something obvious. "I want one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. Every day, whenever I'm in. Make sure that at least one of those instructors is available. And follow up if I need any special clothes or shoes for my lessons. But I don't want to wear those tight fitting pants. Also… you will be responsible that they come here with my private elevator. I don't want to risk Anna to find out about this in advance."

Jeff saw Steve nod and then added. "Did you send those house listings to Anna?"

"Yes, Boss! To Miss Hill and to Bridgette." Steve paused for a second and added: "And those three to Aiden as well."

Jeff gave a small nod and focused back on the mirrors.

He was getting impatient with slow progress on house hunting, so he looked at available listings and saw that really there is nothing satisfactory. Jeff decided to call few people, and within an hour he got dozen addresses with photos and property descriptions. He is not sure (and does not care) how come those homes suddenly became available, but he confirmed that they are not publicly available for sale.

Since Aiden told him that he and Sarah are looking for a house, he also checked if some might be interesting for them and decided to send them three listings. If they end up getting any of it, that means that he will be in the same city with his brother. Jeff likes that idea. It's been a long time since he and Aiden lived in the same city. And he is confident that JoAnna would love to have Sarah close by.

Smile crept back on Jeff's face while he thought how he will twirl JoAnna on the dance floor, and how she will be surprised and happy.

~ Downtown Los Angeles, coffee shop ~

JoAnna and Bridgette are having coffee and chatting. There is number of bodyguards around them. JoAnna is used to them now.

They got message from Steve with links to information on dozen of houses which Jeff selected.

"Wow! They are all great!", Bridgette exclaimed as they went through information on the properties and photos available. "Do you want to check them out now?"

"There are too many…", JoAnna frowned. She already checked so many houses in last few weeks and is tired. "How about we look them up on the map? All of them are on large lots and spacious. The smallest house has eight bedrooms and ten bathrooms. So size is not a problem. If we are not happy with finishes, we can always redecorate. Let's see which ones are good in terms of location and use that to narrow down choices. Location is most important."

They found one house which is in the city limits, relatively close to White corp. and LA Medical Center.

"When can we see it? We should call the realtor.", JoAnna ended with a mumble. She does not like that realtor lady very much.

"Steve said in email that we don't need realtor. We just need to go there and say that Mrs. White came to see the property…", Bridgette laughed. "Your future husband is something."

"Yes, he is.", JoAnna grinned. "He is the best."

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