Is this destiny?

Chapter 576 - Great Ocean Resort (5)

Rachel was outraged seeing her that her father is submitting to this Jeffrey White (whoever he is). Maybe her father is weak, but she will show that she can stand her ground.

"Hmph! Maybe you don't have a choice, but I will never sell my share!", Rachel raised her nose defiantly.

Jeff glanced at Steve and Steve pushed a button on the remote which was in his hand already. Large TV on the wall on Rachel's right started playing a video. It was two people in the bed, in a passionate embrace, panting and making sounds which can come only when two people are satisfying their carnal desires…"Oh, Jimmy…", woman's voice moaned.

Rachel's eyes opened so widely that it seemed like they will pop out. "Stop! Stop! Stop this!", she shrieked as she bolted out of her chair rushing toward the TV. It is one thing that he shows her a video of her being intimate with Jimmy. But her father and brother are right there! How dare he?

She looked silly while trying to obstruct the view of the screen with her skinny body.

"Where did you get this??!" Rachel glared at Jeff when Steve paused the video.

Jeff looked at the furious young woman in front of him. His indifference only fueled her rage, and his words made her shiver. "That is not important. What you should worry about is what will your fiancé say when he finds out that you are sleeping with his best friend. I hear that your wedding is in one week and Jimmy will be the best man… Do you think that happy event will happen if your fiancé sees this?"

Rachel's whole body trembled, and she went back to sit in her chair. Her expression was very ugly from anger.

Steve promptly placed documents for transfer of ownership in front of her and handed her a pen.

Rachel stared at the documents. ' I don't care about the stupid resort… but the income is sweet. What is this? For $20?!! ' She glared at Jeff.

Jeff looked at her and his finger moved, pointing toward the TV which still showed a paused video of her and Jimmy.

Rachel closed her eyes, sighed and lowered her head. She realized that she does not have a choice. She started signing the documents.

Jeff was pleased to see that Rachel stopped putting up a resistance, so he turned to Spencer. "At this point you are probably wondering what I have on you."

Spencer didn't respond. He wanted to say yes, but he knows that he has skeletons in his closet. How much does Jeffrey White know? Spencer stared at Jeff without giving any visible or audible response. The only obvious thing was that Spencer is afraid.

Without a word, Steve placed an envelope in front of Spencer. It was similar to the one that his father got.

"Take a look." Jeff encouraged him. "It will motivate you to sign the transfer of ownership."

Spencer glanced inside and saw that envelope has photos of him and his party-buddies in several different locations. They were drinking and doing drugs. Spencer paled. These were all taken while he was in VIP rooms or during private parties. He was confident that no one is watching.

Jeff gave him a minute to think about the photos in the envelope before speaking: "For a budding athlete like you… if public knows that you are doing these things… it might end your career."

At this point, Dorian completed signing paperwork. Steve took it, checked that all is in order and gave a nod to Jeff.

They watched in silence while Rachel and Spencer signed documents in front of them.

Dorian's gaze drifted under the table at his trembling hands. He was not sure why he is trembling. Is it fear, anxiety, anger, helplessness, or maybe all of it combined? But he knows that he is afraid of Jeffrey White. What he heard about him and his ruthlessness is true. But he didn't understand something... Why would Jeff do this to him? And it's not only him, it's to his children as well… Did they provoke him somehow? He was not sure. Should he ask? He was afraid to ask.

Rachel and Spencer finished signing paperwork, and Steve examined it. He placed all documents in front of Jeff and stood next to him.

Jeff and Steve didn't talk between each other. This type of hostile meeting was not new for them. The way two of them communicated without a word put additional pressure on people who are on the other side of the table.

More than once, Steve saw how ruthless Jeff can be when dealing with people. That is why he respects him and fears him at the same time.

"You can leave now.", Jeff's cold voice rang in the conference room.

Dorian stood up to leave, but he didn't move. He gathered his courage to ask. "Why?"

Jeff thought for a second and then decided to let them know how they offended him. The more people know that he will not allow anyone to bully JoAnna, the better. He opened his laptop and projected on the large TV screen video from that morning, of JoAnna and Bridgette waiting for Mr. Luck. He paused the video and stood up.

"These two ladies…" Jeff gestured toward JoAnna and Bridgette. "…had an appointment at your resort this morning. They waited for almost an hour, and they didn't get any explanation or an apology. And then your staff disrespected them, probably assuming that they are not worthy of your resort."

"Is that it?", Spencer asked in disbelief. It's two women who waited for an appointment, and possibly faced rude staff. How can that be worth his family losing the resort which they painstakingly built from ground up?

Jeff's face darkened. "One of those two ladies is my fiancée."

Spencer wanted to say something else, but Dorian stopped him.

"Does this answer your question?", Jeff looked at Dorian.

Dorian responded with a series of rapid nods while clutching envelope with photos which are incriminating him. He also thought that Jeff is unreasonable, but he didn't dare say anything. He understood that they offended fiancée of Jeffrey White, and this is their punishment. They should leave while they can.

Dorian pulled Rachel and Spencer up and ushered them toward the exit and after few steps he stopped in his tracks and turned to face Jeff.

"Uhm, CEO White…", his voice was trembling. "Do we get the originals?" He was referring to the photos.

"No." Jeff glanced at their outraged expressions before continuing: "I want you to know that I have them, so that you don't even think of retaliating. And if anything happens to my fiancée, I will find out about it."

Dorian and Spencer clenched their teeth while Rachel stared at Jeff with her mouth half open.

Rachel was still processing what happened. When she realized that this cold and handsome CEO did all this for the sake of his fiancée, she started thinking how that is… romantic.

Seeing that they are not moving, Jeff gestured with his hand and four bodyguards escorted three members of Halley family out of the White corp. HQ building.

Jeff exhaled with a satisfied smirk on his face. He handed paperwork that Dorian, Spencer and Rachel signed to Steve. "How much time you need to transfer these to Anna?"

"I have everything ready. It should not take more than five minutes." Steve took papers and exited conference room.

Jeff got his phone and texted JoAnna: "Done with work, see you soon."

He smiled when he saw that she responded within few seconds saying that she is waiting for him, and there was an emoji sending a kiss.

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